Since the visuals are a deliberate copy of the show, which is pretty ugly (but charming!), I've been wondering how much of a difference there will be between the PC and console versions.
Since the visuals are a deliberate copy of the show, which is pretty ugly (but charming!), I've been wondering how much of a difference there will be between the PC and console versions.
Does anybody know if you can pick between a girl or a boy (when creating the playable avatar), or can you not be a girl in this? Or is the character you play as going to be gender neutral, and will otherwise be a tag along that will be more of a witness to the boys typical antics?
Since the visuals are a deliberate copy of the show, which is pretty ugly (but charming!), I've been wondering how much of a difference there will be between the PC and console versions.
Lol, was about to post thisBoo, boo Wendy Testaburger. Boo.
PC version seems to have the standard xbox controller button prompts so I tend to say yes.Was controller support confirmed for the PC version? I figured it would be but just making sure...
I would watch the video and see if yo can stand it, if you really hate the humour you may struggle.I have always hated South Park, but I love Obsidian RPG's. Do you guys think I would still like this?
I have always hated South Park, but I love Obsidian RPG's. Do you guys think I would still like this?
Wait, there's difference between jew and jewish?
even if you have no idea what South Park is, the RPG elements in this game look really fuckin well-put together. So I'd side with yes, if you like RPGs, you'll like this game
I have always hated South Park, but I love Obsidian RPG's. Do you guys think I would still like this?
The THQ product? You mean when THQ was still around and they were publishing this game? Had THQ released this when they intended to release this, this game would have been a rushed mess with a fuckton of cut content. Ubisoft just let Obsidian take their time and finish it & put a layer of polish they would otherwise not have had time to do.There are times I wish I knew what the THQ product was going to be vs what we're actually going to get.
I suspect I'd have been less anxious about the wait were that the case.
Quite aside from South Park's sensationalist public image built on fart jokes and garish insensitivity, it's this brand of humour that we've come to expect from its writers - where nothing is taboo, and we're served-up a degree of perverse but coherent perceptiveness through the use of extreme parody.
It's this unique flavour of humour that is largely missing from the opening hour of South Park: The Stick of Truth. There's less near-the-knuckle-social-commentary than there is a safer brand of humour, as standard video game tropes receive a gentle ribbing and the likes of Skyrim, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and current TV sensation Game of Thrones receive shout-outs. In fact, aside from some crass toilet humour and an eye-opening rummage through Cartman's mum's bedroom drawers, there's little that elicits that familiar combination of a simultaneous wince and guilty chuckle that South Park viewers know so well.
Eh, the whole "A white thief? I've never heard of one" line Cartman says is certainly not a safe joke, but a blatantly racist one.The only thing I'm worried about is this quote from the Eurogamer preview
Sure, South Park was always big on light hearted, if vulgar, humour, but it's always been known for its bold social satire and commentary as well, tackling themes such as euthanasia, censorship, religion, and so on. The impression I get from the videos is that they might have wanted to play it safe in that regard since, well, it's a videogame.
I would imagine that social co entry in the style of South Park ie referencing current events and trends is a nightmare when making a video-game because of how long they take to make. Hope this turns out good.The only thing I'm worried about is this quote from the Eurogamer preview
Sure, South Park was always big on light hearted, if vulgar, humour, but it's always been known for its bold social satire and commentary as well, tackling themes such as euthanasia, censorship, religion, and so on. The impression I get from the videos is that they might have wanted to play it safe in that regard since, well, it's a videogame.
It is, but that's just Cartman being Cartman and it's safe to say we'll be getting a lot of that out of this game.Eh, the whole "A white thief? I've never heard of one" line Cartman says is certainly not a safe joke, but a blatantly racist one.
It is, but that's just Cartman being Cartman and it's safe to say we'll be getting a lot of that out of this game.
What I meant is that South Park is at its best when it deals with social themes, of course in its own way but providing insightful commentary in the process, like in pisodes such as Best Friends Forever, Cartoon Wars, Super Best Friends and many others, rather than when it's just being silly, racist and gross for the sake of it. Of course I realize it's too early to say that that's missing from the SOT from the limited amount of game time we've seen, but I'll honestly be surprised if that side of SP's humour, which is really what sets it apart from and makes it better than all other comedy cartoon series out there imo, is properly represented in the game.
It is, but that's just Cartman being Cartman and it's safe to say we'll be getting a lot of that out of this game.
before i watch it, are there any spoilers( even small ones)?
It is, but that's just Cartman being Cartman and it's safe to say we'll be getting a lot of that out of this game.
What I meant is that South Park is at its best when it deals with social themes, of course in its own way but providing insightful commentary in the process, like in pisodes such as Best Friends Forever, Cartoon Wars, Super Best Friends and many others, rather than when it's just being silly, racist and gross for the sake of it. Of course I realize it's too early to say that that's missing from the SOT from the limited amount of game time we've seen, but I'll honestly be surprised if that side of SP's humour, which is really what sets it apart from and makes it better than all other comedy cartoon series out there imo, is properly represented in the game.
Since the visuals are a deliberate copy of the show, which is pretty ugly (but charming!), I've been wondering how much of a difference there will be between the PC and console versions.
That 84/85 thing is just unbelievable. Talk about getting royally screwed...