yep just dont watch season 16 nothing good there AT ALL
No love for A Nightmare on Face Time? I thought that was a darn good Randy episode.
yep just dont watch season 16 nothing good there AT ALL
That, the ziplining one and Raising the Bar (worth watching solely for the James Cameron song) are pretty good, still far from being anything close to the best the show has to offer though.No love for A Nightmare on Face Time? I thought that was a darn good Randy episode.
That, the ziplining one and Raising the Bar (worth watching solely for the James Cameron song) are pretty good, still far from being anything close to the best the show has to offer though.
Some pretty terrible episodes in seasons 15-16 (especially the first half of season 16, ugh), I'm glad that, while not a real return to form, season 17 managed to keep some consistency throughout.
That, the ziplining one and Raising the Bar (worth watching solely for the James Cameron song) are pretty good, still far from being anything close to the best the show has to offer though.
Some pretty terrible episodes in seasons 15-16 (especially the first half of season 16, ugh), I'm glad that, while not a real return to form, season 17 managed to keep some consistency throughout.
I know it gets a lot of hate, maybe my opinion is influenced by the fact the preceding episodes were just so unbelievably bad that it felt like a breath of fresh air in comparison, but I thought it was pretty funny overall.The ziplining episode was terrible, in my opinion. Definitely one of my least favourite South Park episodes. That live action sequence was just...ugh.
The best episode of season 17 wasn't actually in the black friday trilogy imo. My favourite episode of the season was the final episode. The Wendy focused episode. That episode took me completely by surprise. I don't think it was the funniest episode ever or anything, but it's the strongest emotional connection I've had with a South Park episode in some time.
The best episode of season 17 wasn't actually in the black friday trilogy imo. My favourite episode of the season was the final episode. The Wendy focused episode. That episode took me completely by surprise. I don't think it was the funniest episode ever or anything, but it's the strongest emotional connection I've had with a South Park episode in some time.
The ziplining episode was terrible, in my opinion. Definitely one of my least favourite South Park episodes. That live action sequence was just...ugh.
yep just dont watch season 16 nothing good there AT ALL
Turn-based combat: "I know it's lame but that's how we're fucking doing it"
Still sad there's no next gen version of south park though!
And that right there is what is going to make this game great. The comedy. We all grew up on turn based combat and sure, gaming has evolved since then but with South Parks humor it will be awesome to relive it. The presentation is identical to the show. Plus, as with any rpg, the first fight is usually lame (pun intended). I cannot wait to see what happens as you hit level 20, 30 and up. Will we fight a Mr Slave who's power hit involves him doing that jump up and land on you by sliding you up his rectum thing like in that one episode? Jesus, the possibilities are endless.
Day Fucking One.
OH GOD YES! Make him do that at the start of a fight and then you have to make your way out of his ass like Lemmiwinks, only having some small battles on your journey. Then when you're out you fight him for real.
ouch the game is 70 bucks here in canada.
This looks amazing but I wonder how linear it will be. I'm starting to think that super linear games like The Walking Dead, while awesome gaming experiences, can just be as satisfying if you just sit and watch someone else play it on YouTube or something.
This looks amazing but I wonder how linear it will be. I'm starting to think that super linear games like The Walking Dead, while awesome gaming experiences, can just be as satisfying if you just sit and watch someone else play it on YouTube or something.
People that played the full demo have mentioned there seems to be a ton of content to discover. The city is huge and you are free to roam the entire thing after the tutorial.
This looks amazing but I wonder how linear it will be. I'm starting to think that super linear games like The Walking Dead, while awesome gaming experiences, can just be as satisfying if you just sit and watch someone else play it on YouTube or something.
People that played the full demo have mentioned there seems to be a ton of content to discover. The city is huge and you are free to roam the entire thing after the tutorial.
good god almightyI can't provide a source, but I've seen multiple places where people have said they confirmed 50 hours worth of content.
I haven't watched SP in over 10 years but I'm so excited about playing this game it looks amazing!
If this is not a boss theme, I'll be very upset.
Weird that none of them seemed to like the 13 minute demo, was a really great demo I thought
I can't provide a source, but I've seen multiple places where people have said they confirmed 50 hours worth of content.
ouch the game is 70 bucks here in canada.
ouch the game is 70 bucks here in canada.
The only dilemma I'm having is whether to get this on PC or PS3. I'd like to play it on my couch, but if the PC version runs a lot better....guess I'll wait to see how the console version runs. Or is that even an issue with a game like this?
This right here represents what's best about videogames. Just pure fun and entertainment without trying to take itself too seriously, and not being afraid to be silly. I know this is based on a very popular and quite loved TV show, which no doubt helps in those areas, but I would love to see the possible major success of this game inspire other developers to tackle more games outside of the always ultra serious.
Pre ordered it for 39.99 at FS
This game is like super cinematic. Its like playing a show. Everything that is wrong with modern games.
ouch the game is 70 bucks here in canada.
Wow. Haha. I'm trying to budget for March.
South Park: SoT
Infamous: Second Son
MGS: Ground Zeroes
Final Fantasy X/X-2 remake
seems like I'm missing something? Either way those are some pretty big titles.
Mentioning a sale from E3 doesn't help now does it?