Seriously? Chipotle.
when xbone twitch streaming supposed to go live?
Polygon's video review is really good and hits all the high points of why I enjoy the game so much. I especially like the part about vulnerability. If anyone wonders why the game is getting hype or thinks it's just "CoD with mechs", this is the video to show them.
How does that work? If you lose, you go all the way back?The way it does the campaign is so shit. Go from mission 4-5 back to 1.
And smooth 60 for me on my 6950 for whatever reason. No stuttering or whatever.
Midnight release question.
I haven't picked up a game at midnight in YEARS and never from GameStop. The GS by my apartment is doing a Titanfall midnight release and I have a few questions for Gaf.
1. Do I need a pre-order to buy the game from GS at midnight?
2. Do I have to be there right at midnight or can I come at 12:15ish after the rush of people has happened?
1. Is it okay to talk about the .exe thing here?
2. If yes, are there any reports of people getting banned from doing it?
Haven't seen people talking about turrets much. Are they on every map or only some? Just in campaign or in classic as well?
The way it does the campaign is so shit. Go from mission 4-5 back to 1.
And smooth 60 for me on my 6950 for whatever reason. No stuttering or whatever.
OK. So I used the VPNgate VPN program (quick to download, easy to use and setup) to allow me to download Titanfall. I tried to run a speed test and yeah, showed the ip etc as coming from South Korea. All good. I then shut down Origin and the program and uninstalled the VPN. I run Origin again and it won't let me download the game (speedtest shows me back in the UK).
I do it again, this time leaving origin running before removing the VPN. It's now downloading at the proper speed for me in the UK, showing I'm in the UK and the game is still coming down the pipes.
Would I need to run the VPN every time I start Origin this week?
Oh, so rather than the campaign putting you into the matches for mission 1 and then 2 and then 3 etc it just puts you into a random mission? That's kinda stupid. Unless the missions are not related at all so playing mission 5 first wouldn't affect anything.
My optimization is shit, too. GTX 660 1.5 GB here and can't find good settings to keep up with the action.
On Jeff Gerstmann's stream, he said there are no private matches?!
On Jeff Gerstmann's stream, he said there are no private matches?!
That is indeed how a VPN works
Supposed to be live tomorrow
Not yet, they're getting patched in soon.
Patched later iirc
That looks pretty cool! I'd wear it.Ok, my tee is votable on
I'd love to get a little push from my fellow Gaffers, c'mon guys!
If you want to wear this
just go here and leave me a vote, thanks!!
I wasn't banned, and I'm still generation 2.1. Is it okay to talk about the .exe thing here?
2. If yes, are there any reports of people getting banned from doing it?
Midnight release question.
I haven't picked up a game at midnight in YEARS and never from GameStop. The GS by my apartment is doing a Titanfall midnight release and I have a few questions for Gaf.
1. Do I need a pre-order to buy the game from GS at midnight?
2. Do I have to be there right at midnight or can I come at 12:15ish after the rush of people has happened?
Rise dah best.Man these new maps looks awesome, looking at Outpost 204 atm.
They will be assigning MOS's based on Call of Duty K/D. 2 and higher gets Infantry, lower gets Intel.And expect the military recruiters to be there too.