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Doctor Who |OT| Pre-Series 8 Discussion - He's A-Coming

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I've been listening to a lot of Eighth Doctor Big Finish lately and it's made me realise how great Clara would be with him.

She's kinda got that 'austere yet spunky' attitude like Charley. I know everyone's pining for an 8th Doctor miniseries, but I'd love maybe an Edwardian incarnation of Clara to be his companion.
I've been listening to a lot of Eighth Doctor Big Finish lately and it's made me realise how great Clara would be with him.

She's kinda got that 'austere yet spunky' attitude like Charley. I know everyone's pining for an 8th Doctor miniseries, but I'd love maybe an Edwardian incarnation of Clara to be his companion.

Like, we pick up in the middle of the multiple Claras repairing the Doctor's timeline, and the miniseries is basically the story of how she became Eight's companion for about a week, ending with her saving him, and then him going on to have some other adventure (or maybe he picks up Cass' distress signal or something - although that'd be a bit of a letdown - Clara saving him only to have him immediate go off and actually get killed)
Like, we pick up in the middle of the multiple Claras repairing the Doctor's timeline, and the miniseries is basically the story of how she became Eight's companion for about a week, ending with her saving him, and then him going on to have some other adventure (or maybe he picks up Cass' distress signal or something - although that'd be a bit of a letdown - Clara saving him only to have him immediate go off and actually get killed)


I think the thing they need to play up is the fact that the Doctor doesn't actually remember her, as far as we know. It wasn't until Victorian Clara that he started noticing her.

It's the perfect opportunity to both not have to cast an extra actor, but also have the companion die a fairly tragic death with no repercussions, since its kind of expected and all.
The Tick of It is pretty good you guys.

But now I have a feeling they will swerve us and Peters doctor is going to be incredibly polite and soft spoken and meek.
The Tick of It is pretty good you guys.

But now I have a feeling they will swerve us and Peters doctor is going to be incredibly polite and soft spoken and meek.

He's not going to be Tucker, but Moffat & Capaldi have indicated he's going to be a darker, more manipulative sort of take. I imagine he probably will be mostly softly spoken, though, ala McCoy, who was also dark/manipulative.
I think Capaldi will definitely work quiet a lot of the time. Pair that with his stare, and what I imagine he'll be like when he's angry, and a picture of a Doctor exhibiting traits of the 1st, 4th and 7th comes into view. I don't think he has the physical presence to really own a space the way the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th and 11th could.


TheMarySue posted an interesting video about Does Age Matterplaying The Doctor ?

Also, if tumblr gifsets are to be trusted, Agents of Shield had a Dr Who reference these days

I was going to argue that it matters for what kind of Doctor they are going to play, but I think Smith kind of blew that idea out of the water by managing to have ageless gravity and childlike wonder at the same time.

And yeah, one of the Agents of Shield
was being asked what would be in a box with her if she were trapped on a desert island. Her response: "The TARDIS."
Am I the only one who thinks McCoy was the worst doctor?

Nah, you're not the only one. Lots of people agree with you. I disagree completely, so long as we're sticking to onscreen performances. Because the worst Doctor that's ever been onscreen is Colin Baker. I know it's not his fault, everyone does at this point - but that doesn't change that his Doctor has maybe 1.5 total episodes that were okay, and he's still not a great Doctor in those episodes.

McCoy at least got multiple arcs where the story was good and he was good in it.


I think McCoy's early stuff is extremely hard to watch and if he didn't get the Ace run I think Colin's (joking) assertion that no Doctor after him counted would have probably gained a lot of traction in fandom during the 80s and 90s.

But that run with Ace is top tier Doctor Who so Colin is stuck.

I like Vengeance on Varos a lot, but he barely had a chance. Even if the head of the BBC wasn't trying to get rid of the show, the production staff still hired Pip and Jane Baker to write multiple episodes of his run.


Am I the only one who wishes that Barrowman should come back to Doctor Who, now that there is a new doctor in the house? So many potentially great conversations. "New face?", "yeah, you just missed out one that you would have probably liked" or something :D

Also, Clara+Captain Jack - we all know that the charm would work on Clara as well, no matter how confident she is in S7 :D


Am I the only one who thinks McCoy was the worst doctor?

I wish more people were like me, I don't have a "worst" Doctor, at the end of the day they're a character's many personalities and all are unique. That's why I kind of hate the fanbase (sorry guys) because of this.

And I love McCoy, have you watched his episodes when the seventh Doctor gets Ace, and also the eps after he switches to the brown coat (signifying a change)? Because that's when he becomes a manipulative schemer with the dark side the Doctor always has. It's incredibly amazing to see how he orchestrates things. Really, they could have done even better things with higher productive values, since the writing was improving.


I think this might change a lot by the day, but right now I feel like the third doctor was the worst. His run just makes me think of the 60s Batman more than anything. I enjoy that kind of kung fu campiness, actually, but I've never enjoyed Who's take on it.

And now I'm gonna get lynched, because I know that people love the cape.
I think this might change a lot by the day, but right now I feel like the third doctor was the worst. His run just makes me think of the 60s Batman more than anything. I enjoy that kind of kung fu campiness, actually, but I've never enjoyed Who's take on it.

And now I'm gonna get lynched, because I know that people love the cape.

I've always felt uncomfortable with the way the 3rd Doctor treats Jo Grant. Obviously a product of the times but boy is he a dick to her on occasion.

I can see why people have problems with McCoy but I think a lot of that is due to pretty much everyone giving up on the show at that point. In a lot of ways he reminds me, retroactively, of Smith. They both have that boyish, impish nature, but under the surface are actually very manipulative and conniving.
I think this might change a lot by the day, but right now I feel like the third doctor was the worst. His run just makes me think of the 60s Batman more than anything. I enjoy that kind of kung fu campiness, actually, but I've never enjoyed Who's take on it.

And now I'm gonna get lynched, because I know that people love the cape.

Pertwee's Doctor is far and away the worst. It's not even a contest.

I've always loathed his smug, faux-sophisticated Tory-boy ways.
I thought I'd hate Pertwee's Doctor too, but I was rather fond of the era. I love his aesthetic and his swagger. And he does some ridiculously awesome face acting.



You know what's kind of sad?

Capaldi was only 9 years younger than Elizabeth Sladen, though he looks older than that and she looked younger than she was.

Had she not died, I think it would have been cool to have one last scene where he admitted he had a thing for her back in his 4th incarnation, as was suspected.
Looking back, yes McCoy's era was the worst. On balance.

McCoy was too goofy in his first season, too out of his depth as a Machiavellian schemer in the later seasons. Mel was an awful companion, possibly the worst written and acted (yes worse than Adric) as if she were playing Nancy Drew for pre-teens.

The McCoy years also have what I consider the two of the worst stories of the entire series, Paradise Towers and Happiness Patrol. They're on Fear Her and Love & Monsters level ineptitude.

Ace on the other hand was the most human character we ever saw in the original series. Her character actually developed and her backstory was explored after her introduction. We even met her mum

Also, Remembrance of the Daleks is easily a GOAT contender. The thing is, nothing else from the McCoy years is remotely competitive (you can keep your bloated Curse of Fenric).
No. Lots of McCoy haters out there. Personally I love him. Especially season 26 chessmaster McCoy.

Davison is my least favorite, but I don't think any of them are bad. Just different.

Agreed. McCoy is silly and dark and everything that the Doctor should be in my opinion. Peter Davison sort of bored me, he was the white knight of all the Doctors, but that sort of made him bland, that's not to say that he's not a good actor, or had good stories, he was just sort of boring to me.
The Doctors Wife was a fun episode. I almost wish it was the 2 parter instead of The Almost People episode that followed. Seems like they could have done more with it.

Doctor - "Shes the tardis, And shes a woman"
Amy - "Did you wish really, REALLY hard?"

Also I think this was the first episode in ages they mentioned the timelords and the whole killing them all thing. Gosh. Seems like you couldnt go 3 scenes without that popping up with Davids doctor the last year or so.


Knows the Score
You know, if Craig Ferguson is now free then maybe he'd be interested in playing a role opposite his good friend Peter Capaldi.


You know, if Craig Ferguson is now free then maybe he'd be interested in playing a role opposite his good friend Peter Capaldi.

That ought to be in the "cheap" episode spot for Series 9. They can just have Peter & Craig ad-lib like crazy around a barebones plot.


Does anyone know if the BBC are planning to release series 1-4 on blue ray? I would love to have all the series in blue ray but I'm not paying for the big box set.

You can buy them separately here in Australia.

They are upscales though, as the series only went HD with the year of the specials.
You can buy them separately here in Australia.

They are upscales though, as the series only went HD with the year of the specials.

Oh I know they're upscale but I just would like all my cases to be blu rays for my collection. I'd seen they are available in Australia. Anyone heard anything about the UK?
I personally love McCoy, who happens to be one of the favourite Doctors of the classic series. I feel that some of the issues with pacing that the classic series had (due to simply being a product of its time) were fixed somewhat during his and Colin Baker's run. To put it simply, as much as I love the classic series, the episodes are not meant to be watched in a marathon. For example, as much as I love Talons of Weng-Chiang, I need to take breaks in between episodes to prevent me from getting bored. I feel McCoy's era is the easiest to watch episodes back to back, as I was able to finish episodes like Remembrance of the Daleks and The Curse of Fenric (my personal favourite 7th Doctor story) in one sitting. And unlike a person above me, I am a huge fan of the Happiness Patrol. The story is so dark, yet the darkness is hidden under a saccharine exterior, much like the government of Terra Alpha in the story itself. And who can hate the sniper scene, which was very well done.

As much as disliked Mel in the classic series, her role in Big Finish redeemed her for me. I find her character much more bearable on rewatch after listening to the audios. Her first audio, The Fires of Pompeii, remains a great story and is one of the best historical audios.

Speaking of which, although it probably won't happen, I really want to see a historical episode in the Series 8. I mean pure historical, as in; no monsters, no sci-fi (with the exception of the Doctor and the TARDIS), and just having the characters get caught up in history. Dang you, BBC, with your rule that there must be a monster every episode. It hurt Father's Day, and Love and Monsters (which IMO is a great episode until the monster shows up, where it then heads into "meh" territory.) So yeah, here's hoping for a pure historical.

Ser Goje

Wow, I thought I'd have more pple on my side xD. Seriously I don't know what you see in him. I tried a lot to like him, but it just didn't happen. If it wasn't for Ace I would have dropped his era after the first few episodes.

Anyways, Now that we're going with our favorite Doctors, I guess Baker and Matt really got to me. Especially Matt.

For me it goes something like this :

Tom Baker
Matt Smith
Jon Pertwee
David Tennant
Christopher Eccelton
Colin Baker
Patrick Throughton
Will Hartnell
Peter Davison
Sylvester McCoy


Am I the only one who wishes that Barrowman should come back to Doctor Who, now that there is a new doctor in the house? So many potentially great conversations. "New face?", "yeah, you just missed out one that you would have probably liked" or something :D

Also, Clara+Captain Jack - we all know that the charm would work on Clara as well, no matter how confident she is in S7 :D

Yeah Barrowman really needs to come back, and from what I've seen of interviews with him he wants to come back.

I would really like to see him and River Song together in an episode.
More writers have been added to the roster for Doctor Who Series 8 and it's two new names to the show - Peter Harness and Jamie Mathieson. The former's previous work includes Wallander, Frankie Howerd: Rather You Than Me and Case Histories. Speaking on Twitter this morning Harness said he was, "Extremely excited and privileged" to be writing for Doctor Who adding, "This is the fulfilment of a lifelong ambition which I have held all my life."

Doctor Who Magazine has today also confirmed that Jamie Mathieson (Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel) is also writing for Doctor Who Series 8.

Peter and Jamie, both lifelong Who fans, join Steven Moffat, Gareth Roberts, Phil Ford, Mark Gatiss and Steve Thompson as writers announced so far for Peter Capaldi's first series in the TARDIS.
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