About Graces Wii, look at the bright side. At least with that game we got the definitive version, as oposed to Vesperia.
B-But Kamenin Merchant !

And in Europe Symphonia was bundled with the GC.
About Graces Wii, look at the bright side. At least with that game we got the definitive version, as oposed to Vesperia.
Dena and Gree (mobile giants) financials are out and everything is down (revenue, opt profit). Both companies stocks lost 15-20% of its value in the last couple few days. They didn't post lossess mind you (their margins are very healthy actually), investors just disappointed there are no growth.
From my irl experience I would say investors cares about revenue growth more than anything, even more than profit. If a company post loss but their revenue is up significantly, share price will actually go up than the opposite.
More releases isn't really the reason Symphonia sold so much more than any other Tales game in the west. In the US alone it sold over 400k. That's more than every PS1 and PS2 Tales game combined.Well. Tales of Symphonia was localized in Multi-5 (English, German, French, Italian and Spanish) and on a console where JRPG fans were starving. That sure helped. Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Legendia (PS2) didn't even released in Europe. So it's obvious that releasing in 3 regions will mean more sales than releasing in 2 of them.
I think Graces Wii was more a victim of timing than anything. I believe it started localization but then Namco Bandai put the entire franchise on hold. Sadly Graces Wii in 2010 probably would've well outsold what Graces f did.Unlike the sequel. Still incredibly bitter that they decided not localise Tales of Grace Wii because a mediocre sequel that was basically sent to die didn't sell according to their expectations. But hey, guess that's another debate altogether, not fit for a Media Create thread.
sörine;111752917 said:More releases isn't really the reason Symphonia sold so much more than any other Tales game in the west. In the US alone it sold over 400k. That's more than every PS1 and PS2 Tales game combined.
I think Graces Wii was more a victim of timing than anything. I believe it started localization but then Namco Bandai put the entire franchise on hold. Sadly Graces Wii in 2010 probably would've well outsold what Graces f did.
I doubt that, Namco still looks at Japanese sales only when choosing platforms.It will also possibly change where TOX and future tales goes to.
I feel DeNA and GREE got nailed hard by failing to manage the feature phone -> smartphone transition.Yeah, GREE and DeNA time have passed. It's all about LINE in Japan now.
When you get your mobile success you should actually milk it dry as much as you can because you never know how long it'll last.
sörine;111753682 said:I doubt that, Namco still looks at Japanese sales only when choosing platforms.
Xillia really is a huge success story in the west. It's behind Symphonia but it's also selling way better than any other Tales ever has here.Japanese market is whats important to Tales and neither Symphonia or Graces did well, especially the latter which sold on par with Vesperia on 360.
Tales of Xillia , from what we heard 7 months ago was 700k in Jp and 300k in the West. So clearly JP is key but theres also a sizeable audience in the West.
Namco beating around the bush and not putting Tales on PS3 was one os the stupidest things I've seen this gen. It took them 4 years to realise and two games flopping and subsequently being ported to PS3. Such incompetence.
sörine;111752917 said:More releases isn't really the reason Symphonia sold so much more than any other Tales game in the west. In the US alone it sold over 400k. That's more than every PS1 and PS2 Tales game combined.
I think Graces Wii was more a victim of timing than anything. I believe it started localization but then Namco Bandai put the entire franchise on hold. Sadly Graces Wii in 2010 probably would've well outsold what Graces f did.
sörine;111754600 said:Xillia really is a huge success story in the west. It's behind Symphonia but it's also selling way better than any other Tales ever has here.
It's not really all rosy for the west though as Graces f flopped while Abyss 3DS and Symphonia Chronicles sold mediocre at best. It'll be interesting to see how Xillia 2, Hearts R and Zestiria perform overseas and see if Xillia was a Symphonia style one off or if there's any sustained growth for the franchise.
I still maintain Symphonia Chronicles probably would've sold better on 3DS than it has PS3, both in Japan and in the west. Namco's biggest mistake though was never doing a Mothership Tales on PSP. I think that could've been huge in Japan and possibly done better than even the PS3 games. For whatever reason it just seems like Namco's hesitant on really fully embracing handhelds for the mainline games. The only time they everreally tried was with Hearts DS and it sort of tanked comparably.Yeah, it's no wonder they focused so much on the PS3 after Grace f.
Which makes the no Tales of 3DS very puzzling (but yeah, they just don't wanna hear about any platform not made by Sony), other than that Tales of the World port.
Kinda curious how this one will sell by the way. Real afraid the game will be crap, will bomb, and Baba will go 'see?! No userbase for Tales of on 3DS!!".
By the way, I wonder what the hell was the deal with that Nihon Falcom game that was rumoured a few months (years) ago? Guess they probably didn't bother at all, even before they realised their userbased actually followed them on Vita.
sörine;111755344 said:I still maintain Symphonia Chronicles probably would've sold better on 3DS than it has PS3, both in Japan and in the west. Namco's biggest mistake though was never doing a Mothership Tales on PSP. I think that could've been huge in Japan and possibly done better than even the PS3 games. For whatever reason it just seems like Namco's hesitant on really fully embracing handhelds for the mainline games. The only time they everreally tried was with Hearts DS and it sort of tanked comparably.
As for Falcom I thought they'd said LOH series would be coming to 3DS but there was speculation as to if that meant they'd do it themselves or license it out to another publisher?
Symphonia wasn't bundled in America and I can't imagine the European bundle quantity was anything but very limited. Graces might not be the best Tales but I bet it's better than DONTW at least and that game sold okay on Wii.Well, some other guy told me there were hardware bundles + a bigger marketing budget. I didn't knew it.
Graces Wii would probably have outsold the PS3 version. But tbh, Graces is not that good. If you're a Tales fan the game is OK because the battle system is great. But presentation, art style and story aren't that good. It's a game I'd only recommend to people that have already played other entries and would be able to enjoy the battle system while ignoring most other stuff.
Well, Tales of Xillia is succesful here because Bamco is doing things right both pre and post release. They're being quite active when it comes to social media, PSN sales and all that. I want to think Xillia is the start of better times for the franchise.
Were they? That'd make more sense I guess, I can see why investors would want Falcom to do some 3DS ports.Wasn't the Falcom 3DS dealio confirmed to just be murmurings from investors?
sörine;111755344 said:I still maintain Symphonia Chronicles probably would've sold better on 3DS than it has PS3, both in Japan and in the west. Namco's biggest mistake though was never doing a Mothership Tales on PSP. I think that could've been huge in Japan and possibly done better than even the PS3 games. For whatever reason it just seems like Namco's hesitant on really fully embracing handhelds for the mainline games. The only time they everreally tried was with Hearts DS and it sort of tanked comparably.
sörine;111754600 said:Xillia really is a huge success story in the west. It's behind Symphonia but it's also selling way better than any other Tales ever has here.
It's not really all rosy for the west though as Graces f flopped while Abyss 3DS and Symphonia Chronicles sold mediocre at best. It'll be interesting to see how Xillia 2, Hearts R and Zestiria perform overseas and see if Xillia was a Symphonia style one off or if there's any sustained growth for the franchise.
The main issue there might have been because, in Japan, Graces Wii sold about the same as Symphonia 2, rather than increasing its numbers.
I still don't get why Bamco thought it was a good idea to release Graces the week before FFXIII.
Thats not what hurt it. The Tales fanbase are dedicated. Simply put, the Tales fanbase were not on the Wii. They were on the PS3.
That's simplistic. You want to build up a fanbase on a particular console, you need to keep on releasing games for it.
The Tales fanbase moved to PS3 because that's where all the Tales releases are.
That's simplistic. You want to build up a fanbase on a particular console, you need to keep on releasing games for it.
The Tales fanbase moved to PS3 because that's where all the Tales releases are.
Thats not what hurt it. The Tales fanbase are dedicated. Simply put, the Tales fanbase were not on the Wii. They were on the PS3.
Why build a fan base on one platform when the fan base you built before, (quite large) are already on a different platform.
The Tales fan base were on PS3 before it even got a Tales game since it was the expected platform and had a tested rpg fan base.
But there wasn't a single Tales game on the PS3 before ToV PS3. It still managed to outsell both ToV 360 and ToG Wii significantly. They clearly didn't "move" to the PS3. They were already there.
It's not like a Tales game hasn't been positioned close to a big Square-Enix title before though. Tales of Rebirth was only a couple of weeks after Dragon Quest VIII (!) and Tales of the Abyss -- like Graces a week before FFXIII -- was released just a week before Kingdom Hearts 2.All I'm saying is that game should've sold more than 200k and that the release date was dumb.
But there wasn't a single Tales game on the PS3 before ToV PS3. It still managed to outsell both ToV 360 and ToG Wii significantly. They clearly didn't "move" to the PS3. They were already there.
Well, to be fair, ToV PS3 released a few months before ToG Wii, that did set some kind of precedent and might have kept fans from buying Graces Wii knowing that Namco might port it to PS3 later on (which they did).
Obviously it's not the only reason and focusing on the Playstation platforms was the right choice but it might have been a factor in Graces Wii selling as badly as it did (on top of being released really close to FF XIII).
Wasn't ToG Wii terribly buggy? I thought that was the reason behind most of ToG's issues... the PS3 port had those issues fixed on launch.
Fair enough. But I also feel that they basically locked into the range of 400-600K on the PS3 because the series has become a PS3 exclusive.
And I'm not sure the same can be said of the PS3 to PS4 transition 'forecasting' a couple of years ahead.
If you're suggesting they'd get more by making it multiplat, it's not going to matter much in Japan. Though maybe a Vita version of Zestiria could do a decent amount, but they seem content in just making one version of a game at a time.
With next gen consoles, the Tales fanbase will move to PS4 before anything because it's a Sony console.
A theory that has been previously mentioned in these threads is that the Tales audience follows Final Fantasy, since it's the big RPG franchise. I've heard that Tales is big on anime cliches, so I suppose the licensed anime game audience would also influence it. That line of thinking leads the franchise to the PS4 as well. Makes more sense to me that "because it's a Sony console", but what do I know about Tales.
I liked their plan of making exclusives for each console early in last gen's console generation. I realize that Baba's dev team and budget can't be stretched to do so anymore without an infusion of either man power and money, but the way things stand, they live and die on PS3 surviving as a medium.
And the Tales games are pretty much uprezzed PS2 games today, so I can't imagine Bandai-Namco would move Tales to PS4 anytime soon, or expect those fans to do so. Those games need to take a graphical leap before anything else, IMO.
Yeah, GREE and DeNA time have passed. It's all about LINE in Japan now.
When you get your mobile success you should actually milk it dry as much as you can because you never know how long it'll last.
What if the upcoming mobile FF game and whatever other rpgs they have planned for the platform end up being more successful than FFXV and KH3?
I too am interested in how Agito will play out. Perhaps they can expand on the FNC series through mobile should Agito be successful. But I don't think it will perform better than XV.
Personally speaking though, I want FNC done and over it. It had it's time in the sun.
And the Tales games are pretty much uprezzed PS2 games today, so I can't imagine Bandai-Namco would move Tales to PS4 anytime soon, or expect those fans to do so. Those games need to take a graphical leap before anything else, IMO.
You don't think releasing it a week before the most anticipated RPG of the generation ate into its sales at all?
If you're suggesting they'd get more by making it multiplat, it's not going to matter much in Japan. Though maybe a Vita version of Zestiria could do a decent amount, but they seem content in just making one version of a game at a time.
With next gen consoles, the Tales fanbase will move to PS4 before anything because it's a Sony console.
If you're suggesting they'd get more by making it multiplat, it's not going to matter much in Japan. Though maybe a Vita version of Zestiria could do a decent amount, but they seem content in just making one version of a game at a time.
With next gen consoles, the Tales fanbase will move to PS4 before anything because it's a Sony console.
And the Tales games are pretty much uprezzed PS2 games today, so I can't imagine Bandai-Namco would move Tales to PS4 anytime soon, or expect those fans to do so. Those games need to take a graphical leap before anything else, IMO.
I hope Zestiria is Bamco's last PS3 Tales. Game looks decent but if they want to expand on the idea of making a (kinda) open-world game, they'll have it easier with a more powerful console.
I suppose...but Xenoblade was done on the Wii and games like DQ VIII and FF XII were done on the PS2, so it depends on Namco's effort. I haven't played many open world games on the PS3, but I thought Dragon's Dogma had a big enough world, though the game's performance could've been better...
sörine;111760345 said:Were they? That'd make more sense I guess, I can see why investors would want Falcom to do some 3DS ports.
I'm afraid to ask, but how does Fifa sell? I have a very large feeling that this won't help PS4 at all.
I'm afraid to ask, but how does Fifa sell? I have a very large feeling that this won't help PS4 at all.
I'm afraid to ask, but how does Fifa sell? I have a very large feeling that this won't help PS4 at all.
On May 13, Japan’s Amazon page launched a new section on its site, listing free-to-play PC games like the PC version of Million Arthur. At present, there are ten different games being offered for free download:
1. Onimusha: Soul
2. Wizardry Online
3. Pro Yakyuu Next (browser version)
4. Million Arthur (PC version)
5. Hundred Years War: Euro Historia
6. Megami Engage
7. Kingdom Rising (browser version)
8. Ikkitousen (browser version)
9. MC Akujizu (browser version)
10. Shikihime Zoushi
What do you guys expect for first week sales of the Xbone considering the price drop?
What do you guys expect for first week sales of the Xbone considering the price drop?
What do you guys expect for first week sales of the Xbone considering the price drop?
September, I think.when will the X1 be released in lovely tier 2 country, Japan?