I hope that video makes people go listen to the soundtracks for the Mortal Kombat movies.
Peter Dinklage really gave it his all. I'm gonna miss him.
Because his character is fucked.
Hopefully I'm wrong though.
Good! Peter Dinklage is kind of a dick in real life.
Tell me more.
My vote is for Samwell Tarley. There's no way in hell that chump should be alive.
I'm not sure if I understand Cersei = Shiva
Sindel would be better
He does. Here's a few of his godly achievements:Sam, however, has themost plot armor everluck of the gods.
He was rolling his eyes at fans (including me) at San Diego Comic Con. I made the mistake in saying, "I hope you win the emmy this year." and he frowned and rolled his eyes at me. It did kind of hurt my feelings. The rest of season 1 cast was super nice and friendly. I had a full conversation with Emilia Clarke. She's a real down to earth sweet person. I was the last person in line, and was shown on their youtube video, geeking out talking to her on their old Game of Thrones sizzle reel from "The Buzz"
here are the blurry pics I took with my old blackberry 9700 cell phone:
He does. Here's a few of his godly achievements:
- He was literally in the middle of the advancing WW army.
- He encountered and killed a wight.
- He survived a mutiny without know knowing how to properly wield a sword.
- He spoke and gave something to Craster's daughter
This guy is unstoppable.
Send him to stop all the Wildlings and White Walkers. He'll find a way to stop them.
I don't hate him, I like him as a character. I just think he should do a bit better job is all. I think the issue is that the large cast is the best out there in terms of acting, that the ones that aren't amazing stand out. I like Jon Snow though.I really don't understand the hate for Kit around GAF.Always liked the dude. I like Jon Snow a lot..he's probably my favorite character. Today was the first time I met someone who agreed with me actually. haha
Ahahahaha, pure gold.
A human being can only hear the same thing said to them so many times before it makes them roll their eyes.
I would pay money to have the Hound call me a cunt.
sounds like a website idea.
I lost it at Jax and then Cyrax
He does. Here's a few of his godly achievements:
- He was literally in the middle of the advancing WW army.
- He encountered and killed awightWhitewalker.
- He survived a mutiny without know knowing how to properly wield a sword.
- He spoke and gave something to Craster's daughter
This guy is unstoppable.
This fact has been taking a bit of the oomph out of her plotline of late, too. I revel in the fact that these characters can kick the bucket at any time, but of all of them, Dany seems utterly immortal until she makes her way to Westeros or otherwise meaningfully interacts with another main character.It is absolutely Dany. She's the only important character in her area of the world, and if she dies that would be 4+ seasons of material made utterly pointless. She would've had no impact on anything in Westeros.
A human being can only hear the same thing said to them so many times before it makes them roll their eyes.
He was rolling his eyes at fans (including me) at San Diego Comic Con. I made the mistake in saying, "I hope you win the emmy this year." and he frowned and rolled his eyes at me. It did kind of hurt my feelings. The rest of season 1 cast was super nice and friendly. I had a full conversation with Emilia Clarke. She's a real down to earth sweet person. I was the last person in line, and was shown on their youtube video, geeking out talking to her on their old Game of Thrones sizzle reel from "The Buzz"
here are the blurry pics I took with my old blackberry 9700 cell phone:
Ending of the last episode got me so pumped for the next one. Bring it on.
Real men don't watch no previews
Maybe he just doesn't like getting his ass kissed. Some people find flattery from people who aren't peers or employers to be disingenuous.
I don't see how that's condescending. It's a complement.I don't know about the rest of you but "A very GOOD actor" sounds sort of condescending to me, like the guy thinks the dwarf has low self-esteem and needs to be reminded of how talented he is. I can understand the eye-roll if that's how it came across.
I just finished the xbox 360 game, and GODAMN that's an awesome story. Massively underrated game in my opinion.
The Atlus RPG? I have it sitting here, unplayed.
I just finished the xbox 360 game, and GODAMN that's an awesome story. Massively underrated game in my opinion.
As a Bulls fan I feel shitty laughing at the D. Rose part.