The casual fans didn't know who the 2nd one was either because he looked like some generic Lannister solider and had like 2 scenes. At least this guys properly massive and has got his old gear back.
Good lord what a speciman wow :O
The casual fans didn't know who the 2nd one was either because he looked like some generic Lannister solider and had like 2 scenes. At least this guys properly massive and has got his old gear back.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Oberyn's sister was killed because she was married to the Mad King. Does this mean that she was Dany's mother and Oberyn is Dany's uncle ?
I'm pretty touchy on spoilers, even the predictions bother me a bit. I don't know if people are "fake predicting" just to beat the spoiler system, so I think I'll take my leave.
Non book reader here and that's where i am right now, after the few people 'guessing' about who the champions would be being right or the poison necklace etc. I am starting to get a bit wary about coming in here to be honest which is a shame as I love coming in and seeing how everyone else reacted to the episode in comparison to myself.
Non book reader here and that's where i am right now, after the few people 'guessing' about who the champions would be being right or the poison necklace etc. I am starting to get a bit wary about coming in here to be honest which is a shame as I love coming in and seeing how everyone else reacted to the episode in comparison to myself.
Unofficial tips and guide on how to minimize risk of book spoilers.
Agreed on Season 4. I like Season 3 the best, Jaime's revelations, Theon's comeuppance and the craziest ending to the series yet made it my favorite. 4, 3, 1, 2 in order of my no no no no.
S2 was probably the worst season, although it was still really good. The pacing of each episode was terrible, they tried to get in too many scenes per episode and the quality of the show suffered.
S4 is currently the best after season one.
Didn't Tywin say that it was the Crown vs Tyrion or something? I was under the impression that it wasn't a 'personal vendetta' from Cersei so to speak since it was regicide and something that the throne would want to get investigated anyway.
The bottom line is that this thread was created for people that haven't read the books to enjoy and discuss the television show. Keep their interests in mind and let them enjoy the show on their own terms without constantly pestering them. In general, there isn't a good reason for book readers to post in this thread.
his hand up Tommen's ass.
The King shits the hand wipes....
Without a comma, this is a really strange image
lol"yeah that girl sure takes that cock just like Robb took one in the chest by Roose Bolton."
I would love to know who Tywin thinks actually done it. Surly he would be making descrete inquiries into who, he couldn't leave that hanging.
Unless the evil bastard was somehow complicit himself. I wouldn't put it past him.
I keep thinking it will be revealed that Tywin had a part in it, but then I keep remembering that Littlefinger is involved and I don't think those two scenario's quite match up, meaning, Littlefinger's storyline would make much less sense if he had backing from Tywin and Tywin knew of his involvement.
I think it may be more likely that he either knows or is suspicious of the Tyrells involvement and is keeping that information to himself, as Joffrey's death actually is a great benefit to him.
Maybe Oberyn will win, but become disfigured during the fight.
Remember when he was talking to Varys about not having balls? And how he can't imagine having life's pleasures taken away from him? Would be interesting.
I may be the only one, but I admire Oberyn's accent. I like the way he says 'poison.' He says, poys-sun.
What happens if there is a 'double ko'? Both champions kill each other do we go back to another trial or is there arena fight round 2?
Imagine it it wasn't behind such an expensive pay wall. Would've become a legit cultural landmark.
Gregor doesn't seem quite precise enough to castrate Oberyn, haha.
My wife thought the same thing. I think she just has glorious underboob.Is it just me or did her nips seem way too high on her boobs?
In any case, Melisandre red-godly breasts were quite a sight.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Oberyn's sister was killed because she was married to the Mad King. Does this mean that she was Dany's mother and Oberyn is Dany's uncle ?
I agree with you. It's nice to know the tidbits of GoT but it's unfair to add it to this specific discussion.I don't see how that spoils things.
Just makes the show even better when you know little things like that.
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Why was this ep called 'Mockingbird'?
Baelish has a little bird brooch that he wears just below his neckline.
Always been there.
From what Bron said to Tyrion, his strategy to beat mountain is to tire him out and then land a killing blow. Obviously he also says one wrong move and he's dead. My point is that the mountain is definitely beatable and show makes it a point.
I hope the fight is a 5 minute + affair. This shows shies away from combat a little too much sometimes.
They'll just mention the fight in offhand comments.
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