Has Charles Dance ever done a non-villain role ? I've always seen him as villains. Always.
So why isn't there an episode next week?
Seems like a tremendous dick move to have a week delay right now, especially with how eager some people are on the internet to spoil the outcome of the fight.
Has Charles Dance ever done a non-villain role ? I've always seen him as villains. Always.
He was that doctor in Alien 3.Has Charles Dance ever done a non-villain role ? I've always seen him as villains. Always.
So why isn't there an episode next week?
Seems like a tremendous dick move to have a week delay right now, especially with how eager some people are on the internet to spoil the outcome of the fight.
I know its been said lots of times but i really don't like this new mountain. absolutely nothing menacing about him.
i suppose he's better than the even awful second one but what happened to the first one? he really was perfect.
Having worked with the original "Mountain" actor before, I am pretty sure I know why they recast him...
He had to go play some monster on the Hobbit instead. Lame.
Memorial day weekend, big holiday in the US and it's a dramatic ratings decrease to show it during that weekend.
The last episode that was aired on Memorial Day was the Blackwater episode, and it resulted in a large viewer drop-off. HBO wants to avoid that happening again.
I told my friends the same thing I always tell them when GoT is airing: avoid comments sections. If you play video games turn chat off lol.
Do you guys think Little Finger's speech about his ideal world where "love conquers all" is more double talk to get into Sansa's head or a true insight into his motivations?
Sansa: "Why did you really kill Joffrey?"
*awkward pause*
LF: "I loved your mother love triumphs all"
So his real motivation for killing Joffrey was for Cat's death? So why not poison Tywin, who was chiefly responsible?
Why does Tywin not seem to care about finding Joffrey's real killer?!!
auuggh so many questions
Baelish seeks only power and influence. He's just giving Cat lipservice.
I asked him to elaborate, but he hasn't replied yet. :S Maybe they just had lots of trouble working with the actor?
I was avoiding season promos all year long, only to have Oberyn v Mountain fight spoiled by someone posting the pics from the promo here. I was incensed. Based Cornballer removed the offending post in seconds, but the damage was done![]()
I remember searching names during Season 1 (2011) and had zero issues.
Searching GoT stuff on the Internet was safer back then.
The last episode that was aired on Memorial Day was the Blackwater episode, and it resulted in a large viewer drop-off. HBO wants to avoid that happening again.
I told my friends the same thing I always tell them when GoT is airing: avoid comments sections. If you play video games turn chat off lol.
Maybe I'm crazy, but after the episodes so far this season, I'm convinced that Baelish does care for Sansa and she would be the last person he would throw to the dogs at this point.
Not to say he isn't a greasy slimeball, but he seems to genuinely care about her wellbeing, and he seems intent on educating on her on how to manipulate the game of thrones.
Maybe I'm crazy, but after the episodes so far this season, I'm convinced that Baelish does care for Sansa and she would be the last person he would throw to the dogs at this point.
Not to say he isn't a greasy slimeball, but he seems to genuinely care about her wellbeing, and he seems intent on educating on her on how to manipulate the game of thrones.
He put her in a pretty fucking dangerous situation, basically kidnapped her and then tried to make out with her, and I'm pretty sure she's like 15.
But the age of consent in Westeros is whatever the man says it is.
But the age of consent in Westeros is whatever the man says it is.
But the age of consent in Westeros is whatever the man says it is.
It's not even an age of consent, it's a gender of consent. Are you a man? Do you consent? go for it!
I thought it was the 'first bleed'?
I'm pretty sure that if a girls gets her period she becomes a woman and it's "fine". After all, teenagers are an invention of our society.
EDIT: beaten, I'm so slow!
I think she is his prize, scarface style. He doesn't just want power he wants to exert it over the people who had physical power and used it, as he sees it, against him. Chief among those was Ned, who stole catelyn from him by being a strong warrior. His victory over Ned is now complete, he got Ned killed and is now seducing his daughter.Maybe I'm crazy, but after the episodes so far this season, I'm convinced that Baelish does care for Sansa and she would be the last person he would throw to the dogs at this point.
Not to say he isn't a greasy slimeball, but he seems to genuinely care about her wellbeing, and he seems intent on educating on her on how to manipulate the game of thrones.
Fair warning: In the HBO videos of this last week, GRR Martin himself explains exactly how Little Finger sees Sansa (and hence, that part of his motivation), so do not look if you want to keep that "mysticism" on him.Do you guys think Little Finger's speech about his ideal world where "love conquers all" is more double talk to get into Sansa's head or a true insight into his motivations?
She was just happy to see Selyse.Is it just me or did her nips seem way too high on her boobs?
Maybe I'm crazy, but after the episodes so far this season, I'm convinced that Baelish does care for Sansa and she would be the last person he would throw to the dogs at this point.
Not to say he isn't a greasy slimeball, but he seems to genuinely care about her wellbeing, and he seems intent on educating on her on how to manipulate the game of thrones.
I think he's sees Sansa as a more beautiful version of the girl he's been in love/obsessed with since childhood. His love for Cat is just about the only genuine thing about the guy. You could hear the passion in his voice when he Sansa asked him why he killed Joffrey. It was a power play, but he also took Catelyn's murder personally.
It is Cersei v Tyrion not "the state" v Tyrion.
Cersei was the one who chose the Mountain, not the court.
If it was the state v Tyrion, then no way can a judge, Oberyon, fight for tyrion.
Baelish seeks only power and influence. He's just giving Cat lipservice.
It was for both to me. His feelings for Cat seem genuene and I wouldn't doubt he has some attachment to Sansa in some way. Not love but lust is certainly a possibility. She looked really stunning with her red hair when it was snowing. Part revenge and the other for himself. If someone else doesn't kill Tywin, you know he's gunning for his head, Roose Bolton, and that Harry Potter cunt janitor.Yep. He's using Sansa just as he uses everyone around him to his advantage. He's telling her want she wants to hear (he assassinated Joffrey as vengeance for her mother, not power or wealth). That's not to say he didn't really have feelings for Cat, and maybe Sansa by extension, but Pete's in it for himself. He gains your trust then fucks you.
I don't think you are, or we're both crazy. If anyone is protected by Littlefinger, it's Sansa and not just for "power of the North!!1"Maybe I'm crazy, but after the episodes so far this season, I'm convinced that Baelish does care for Sansa and she would be the last person he would throw to the dogs at this point.
Not to say he isn't a greasy slimeball, but he seems to genuinely care about her wellbeing, and he seems intent on educating on her on how to manipulate the game of thrones.
Does she know for sure? I thought her aunt just said I killed for you without specifying.After rewatching the Lysa death scene again, Sansa now knows that Lysa and Baelish killed Jon Arryn too.
Yes. Several. He's just really good at being affably evil.Has Charles Dance ever done a non-villain role ? I've always seen him as villains. Always.
Jesus, Sean Bean really does die in everything.Apparently he is to be murdered by Ned as he is playing banquo to Sean beans Macbeth, and will also star as Henry Herbert Asquith (a British politician) in a movie and his daughter will be played by Emilia Clark.
Jesus, Sean Bean really does die in everything.
I actually contemplated on spoiler tagging that part of my comment lolDude, spoilers wtfl
Tyrion/Bronn scene just made me dislike Bronn immensely.
Tyrion/Bronn scene just made me dislike Bronn immensely.
Tyrion/Oberyn scene made me well up. So powerful.
- Had no interest in fighting for his so-called "friend" (though against the Mountain, that's somewhat reasonable)
- He was bought out by Cersei (i.e. not as much a friend to Tyrion as we thought)
- Hadn't come to see Tyrion at all prior to this meeting, or seemingly made no attempts to either
- Alluded to murdering his future wife's sister in the future so that he could rule a castle
- Had no interest in fighting for his so-called "friend" (though against the Mountain, that's somewhat reasonable)
- He was bought out by Cersei (i.e. not as much a friend to Tyrion as we thought)
- Hadn't come to see Tyrion at all prior to this meeting, or seemingly made no attempts to either
- Alluded to murdering his future wife's sister in the future so that he could rule a castle
- Had no interest in fighting for his so-called "friend" (though against the Mountain, that's somewhat reasonable)