Not enough Taeyeon around
f(x) comeback hype!
<3 she hasn't had many pics lately. Man I love that white/pink skull shirtNot enough Taeyeon around
Time for Roommates episode 5! Honestly gotta say its the one thing ive been looking forward to this week. The drama... it sustains me!
T-ara's Jiyeon and Girls Day's Hyeri are the new SBS MTV The Show presenters:
Roommate...drama?... I always find myself skipping through sections of it. Though to be fair I watched ep 5 w/o subs. The show needs more content than just watching celebs occasionally see each other in the same house.
Song Gayeon and Nana bits keep me watching for now.
Tiffany and Hyoyeon are guest starring on the next episode. Can't wait to see multilingual queen of language Hyoyeon teach JungSis and Tiffany how to speak English correctly.For a moment I thought they were reading bibles
Jessica&Krystal show seems good. Basically the only idol tv worth watching - with no hosts. Same as that f(x) show. Although Jung sisters probably among the few I'd care about watching (that Hyori show years ago GOAT) Girl said:
AOA's new song is "Bob Cut"
All of AOA getting Jimin hair FTL
Not enough Taeyeon around
Too recognisable for me.Dropping this here just in case vanty needs a new avatar
Good Night, Patrasche are a band that formed after meeting in their University music club (And they're all still in university) and call themselves a "sensitive modern rock band". Their first EP recently came out and it's quite good, it's also available on iTunes.
New Perfume short MV. In magical 480p on Perfume's official channel or just lowly 4K on Panasonic's.
Yoonhye said:
Here for a Hani solo career if EXID is not going to keep their shit together.
Tiffany and Nickhun's babies are going to have the biggest eyebrows the world has ever seen.
This would probably redefine the word "meltdown" here.
Which headline would cause a bigger meltdown? "Tiffany announces pregnancy" or "Taeyeon's boyfriend revealed!"
On releasing a solo album
T.O.P: I cant concentrate on other things when Im working on something. I know that a lot of of people are waiting for me to release an album, but I think I missed the timing/chance. As time passes and while thinking about the people who are waiting, I become more greedy to make the album perfect, which is why I think releasing an album isnt easy. I have confidence that someday, when I come up with some interesting music, Ill release an album that has a variety of colors.