The use of the TARDIS interior as the dress's lining and the key around the neck are very creative little touches. Top marks!
Delivering the best piece of acting in the entire series.
The official Doctor Who Facebook page used a picture of my wife from Comic-Con last week in one of their posts today. Pretty awesome, I'm proud of her. Even if like 80% of the comments are "bigger on the inside" jokes.
I can't help you with the US cinemas, but according to my local cinema the episode will also include "15 minutes of exclusive content not available through TV: 5 minutes of specially scripted content to play before the feature and 10 minutes of behind the scenes post the main feature." That might account for the longer running time: 75min episode + 15min extra + 10min ads?
I'm 100% convinced that Moffat will never bring back the Master. He's a character archetype that he's shown absolutely no interest in over the course of his career.
"It’s very interesting what’s happened to Jenna. Everyone knows Capaldi’s going to be great but I think the shocker is just how great he makes Jenna. From a Doctor she could sort of control, because he had a crush on her, she’s landed with a Doctor who barely registers that she’s a girl. They’re great friends and all that but she has to be his human interface with everybody else. She’s much funnier, more exasperated."
"In the same way we have Victorian Clara leading a double life, this Clara has a life of home, school, her domestic life, her domestic bliss, her flat in Shoreditch, and then the Doctor will bring the TARDIS and land in the bedroom or land in the stationary cupboard at school, and then she’ll go off on her adventures. But she’s very strict about him returning her at exactly the right time so she doesn’t miss anything on Earth. So in a way she is kind of having her cake and eating it, but what she really doesn’t want is the double life to collide in any way. It has to be completely separate, and that is the control freak Clara coming through."
Regarding the Master: It really wouldn't surprise me if he's going to be the last big villain Moffat brings back. He likes leaving his mark on the show, and he touched upon most of the other major landmarks in the Who-world in the last couple of years. I assume (well, hope) his Master will be a bit of a step back towards the classic Master, as the entire new series seems to be doing the same, with an older Doctor who isn't as close to his companion as Smith and Tennant were and slightly slower-paced episodes with longer dramatic scenes.
Recasting Simm as the Master is out of the question? Or that would be kept a secret?
I don't think that if the Master comes back, he would be more similar to a version from the old series. I remember that Moffat has stated that he never found the Master interesting in the old series, and felt that Davies' version was the only one that was any good.
I don't think that if the Master comes back, he would be more similar to a version from the old series. I remember that Moffat has stated that he never found the Master interesting in the old series, and felt that Davies' version was the only one that was any good.
I agree. Derek Jacobi was the best Master, bar none.
Blasphemy! You guys are insane. There is only one true Master:
A Delgado-like Master wouldn't have worked against Tennant or Smith though. He really needs an older, slightly calmer Doctor. Which is why, for the first time in years, I'm kind of hoping that the Master actually is going to return.
Is he assembling a cabinet at us?
"Hey, John Simm, how would you like to come back for a day's worth of filming and a lifetime of never being pestered by Doctor Who fans ever again? There's also a sack of money involved."
No way he wouldn't say yes.
i wouldn't be surprised if Simm regenerated off screen.
This is great. Really hope Clara gets "fixed" in the next season and becomes a more interesting character, those sound like steps in the right direction.Some quotes:
Damn, dat Jenna.
Hope the blackboard stays in the real series and is not only used or the photoshoot.
Just in case you were a bit iffy over whether Jenna was attractive or not, here's more from Empire (Also more Capaldi):
Hell, now I kinda want the show to be in black & white.