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How Do People Think That The Order: 1886 Will Turn Out?


Junior Member
So i've been playing the PlayStation Experience Preview Build of The Order: 1886 for a month or so now and i'm extremely curious to see what the general consensus is on this game. I've been reading polarising opinions ever since the first gameplay was shown.


I've put together a video/article about why I think the game has potential and why i'm excited to see the finished product after playing the demo more than a few times. I still think that it could go either way. I think that the game could either be a highlight or be completely mediocre

I'm interested to see what excites you or makes you doubt The Order: 1886?

Also happy to answer any questions in relation to general gameplay.
When people actually play it?

They'll probably like it

Or won't.

I probably will.

My personal excitement is based on looks, RAD, and general love of single player story experiences.

Also, I enjoy a good 3rd party romp.
I don't have high hopes based on what I have seen, but it looks fun enough to rent and hope that I am wrong and its awesome and it is worth buying.


Oh is it that time of the week where everyone becomes concerned for The Order: 1886 again? Fuck, can we judge the game when it's finally out? According to Gaf the game seems like a failure before it was ever released.


I think it will be meh or disappointment because it lacks of presentation, gameplay, and demo. Feel like they do not have confident to show us their game.

Anyway, I have preordered the game because I want to play it.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Not very high hopes at all, shame because I love Victorian London and was hyped when it was first shown, will likely watch an LP. I'll be fine since we're getting at least two other Victorian London titles in 2015. :D


It's gonna be ass gameplay wise but will be hailed for its visual fidelity.

It'll be 'The Club' for current-gen
I'll enjoyed it, I dig the setting, characters, graphics and gameplay. But I think it's going to get hell from reviewers which is a shame.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Beautiful, boring as hell and short as fuck.

People will love it.

My opinion is formed from my experience with all the demos they've showed the press over the past months and from interviews with some of the devs and marketing reps.


I'd be in the dick
I think it'll be a good game with a solid shooting foundation, excellent visuals, and a wonderful setting. Anyone who dislikes cinematic style games will probably not be a fan of it, I doubt it'll win over many converts, but I hope it marks the building of a strong base for the franchise to grow from. I'm a fan of RaD and I want to see them step up to the big leagues successfully. It'll likely be divisive but I like what I've seen so far. The PSX demo put some of my worries to rest.
im guessing it will be another one of those "cinematic experience" games that some people will call a movie while others praise it as the second coming of TLoU. it will probably turn out to be somewhat decent

if it turns out to be pretty good i might try to rent or borrow a copy

if it turns out to suck then ill probably wait until DmC/Type-0
Oh is it that time of the week where everyone becomes concerned for The Order: 1886 again? Fuck, can we judge the game when it's finally out? According to Gaf the game seems like a failure before it was ever released.

Is it really that big a deal? If anything, part of me hopes the game knocks it out of the park just to see how GAF reacts. :p

Honestly, though, while I don't think it'll be as bad as GAF seems to expect, I'm not expecting anything groundbreaking. It doesn't have to be a game-changer to be fun, though.


I think it will something like what Ryse is to Xbox One. It's just to show the graphical abilities of the system but will have mediocre gameplay.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I have high hopes. Even if reviews slam it, I may pick it up depending on GAF opinion.

Ryse was great and I loved Destiny as well.
Nice to look at, mediocre gameplay, sub-par but still passable story which will lead to sequels that a lot of people will also not buy. Knowing most first party SONY games, it'll be dirt cheap in a few months and PS+ within the year if it's a bomb.
It looks very pretty, with little in the way of differentiating elements. Frankly, it has the ability to go either way at this point. If the story is solid & the gunplay is fun - it'll find an audience. If it's played too serious & the gunplay gets stale - critics will tear it to bits.

GAF will argue about it endlessly either way. We're still capable of having days-long threads about Knack for Christ's sake.


I'm expecting a solid, if not slightly forgettable, shooter. If it's an interesting enough 8-10 hour adventure, I'll be pleased. Not expecting a whole lot though so it's stuck in gamefly rental territory right now.


Some people are going to love it, game critics are going give it reviews of 6-8s and it's not going to be a financial success. Everyone will agree on that it looks really good, but it's just another 'hide behind cover shooter'. Aspect ratio will be annoying, just as in Evil Within (which I circumvented by playing on the PC).

I'm glad to be wrong.


In excited for it. Already expect middling reviews since it looks like many critics have already made up their minds.

Last few videos were pretty impressive, for me.

Will it come out on VOD?



I think critics will berate it heavily, with complaints such as it lacking innovation, being too safe, generic or run of the mill in it's gameplay, too cinematically focused and so on, but I think it will have a very different critical response from a large number of (but not all) gamers, who may recognise and judge it more for the kind of game it is trying to be, rather than the kind it isn't.


I think it will be meh at worst, Uncarted 1 at best. We know nothing about the most exciting parts of the game which are now heavily teased (the lycan gameplay, and just exactly how much horror there will be).

Game can turn from meh to absolutely excellent if the introduction of lycans changes up gameplay significantly, and if the story is as engaging as they want it to be.

I've been very excited for this game for a while now, but at the same time, I'm keeping my expectations in check. I can't help but root for RAD though. They're good people, so I wish them success.


A solid TPS with some mystery elements that makes jaws drop with how good it looks. I'm betting on a pretty decent story too.

I'm day 1 on it - so long as the basic gameplay is decent, I'll enjoy it.
I'm thinking it'll get very polarized reviews, and average out in the upper 70s. As for me, I'm expecting top-tier graphics, a dark yet beautiful soundtrack, serviceable gameplay with interesting weapons and a decent story. Anything other than that will be a much welcome surprise.


  • I think it's a game i'll enjoy that will get torn to shreds by reviewers for being too linear. A common criticism will be a variation of "you simply go from shooting/stealth sequence to QTE to cutscene throughout the game", as though that's somehow a bad thing and that all games must be open-world and filled with emergent gameplay.
  • Despite this it'll sell a lot of PS4s due to the visuals and cool setting.
  • The 'twist' will shock no-one
    The Order are vampires
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