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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Somebody else with greyscale touched the toy first?

Then everything Jorah touches would be at risk. If it's only the greyscale bit that's contagious, then just touching the wrapping around it with his hands would leave the bacteria on his hands, especially if a stuffed toy infected Shireen after she placed it against her cheek.


I like how they made you think Reek was going to light the candles with the music and the camera shots of a tower but then he ratted Sansa out. I'm going to keep on holding hope that he snaps out of it and rescues Sansa though, but knowing GoT it's probably never going to happen

I really don't think Sansa needs to be 'rescued' at this point. She is capable of surviving herself. The bastard scene with Ramsay was a great testament to that. If Theon helps her, it will be because she breaks him, not his own sense of loyalty or anything
But then how do you explain Shireen getting it from a toy.

Someone rubbed the toy against some stone man on purpose? Might still count as direct-contact-transmitted disease-only.

The info dumps have been a bit weird.
On the one hand, it's than incurable disease that basically turns you into a zombie-equivalent that attacks other people on sight and you get it via touch.

While at the same time it doesn't seem hard to keep the cases isolated. They even said they continue to live with the infected until the get aggressive and have to get exiled.
Instead of you know, killing them on the spot before the whole city is infected.

Maybe only fully turned stone men can transmit the disease by touching you? Either way, as long as he keeps that skin part covered and no one touches the cloth, it should be fine for now.


I really don't think Sansa needs to be 'rescued' at this point. She is capable of surviving herself. The bastard scene with Ramsay was a great testament to that. If Theon helps her, it will be because she breaks him, not his own sense of loyalty or anything

I'll agree she's a way stronger person than she was even though she's trying be broken down by Ramsay, but she definitely needs rescue, evidenced by the fact that she asked Reek to light the candles to be rescued
Maybe only fully turned stone men can transmit the disease by touching you? Either way, as long as he keeps that skin part covered and no one touches the cloth, it should be fine for now.

That definitely sounds reasonable. Unless you've been fully infected and gone mad you aren't contagious.


I'll agree she's a way stronger person than she was even though she's trying be broken down by Ramsay, but she definitely needs rescue, evidenced by the fact that she asked Reek to light the candles to be rescued

Yes, but even before learning the outcome of that, she took matters into her own hands by nabbing the weapon off that cask


Really Really Exciting Member!
Wait, that was it for the fighting pits?!? Since they went full Gladiator I expected an actual arena with actual people attending. What we got was some dude's backyard wrestling version.

You see a short glimpse (pre-release trailer stuff)
of the real fighting pit during one of the pre-release trailers. It's actually bigger.
It sounds like their goal is a popular rebellion and restoring the faith to the pre-targaryen ways

mh yeah, now that I think about it, the dialogue with Olenna and especially the altar scene foreshadow this.

Then it's easy to see how the king can get killed in the chaos while Cersei is "safe" in prison. The prophecy will become true and fuck her up.


Unconfirmed Member
I realize it was totally gratuitous but holy shit that was one of the nicest pair of baps I have ever seen. Bronn could've died happy.


God this season just could not be worse. Hoping everyone dies when they come around now, just to liven the place up.

Was that tit show not the most gratuitous of the entire series as well? The lingering shots, the tight closeups on the perfectly erect nips...I...uh...
What do you think is going to happen to Tyrion?
And do you think the dragon queen ( I forget her name) is going to go through with the gladiator pits?

Ideally I would like King Tommen to take this opportunity and grow as a king. This is the first time he's alone and a great chance to dig deep and get out of this mess.
There are a little foreshadowing about how he's willing to start a war for love.
He would probably need to enlist the aid of Littlefingers to get out this mess though.

What about Stannis? What do you think is going to happen in that story arc?


Meh, you thought that was it for the
fighting pit
? It's nothing major for a spoiler, oh well. People go crazy over the tiniest spoiler anyway.

Trailer/preview discussion must be spoiler-tagged, regardless of how non-spoilery you think it is.

The Cowboy

Thought it was a great episode, but I'm enjoying the season anyways (sure its not as good as other seasons, but its still better than a lot of things on TV).

Loved, and i mean loved seeing Tyrion prove he's a fighter by kicking that dudes ass - brilliant.
the wife and i were watching that episode then that dorne jail scene came on, and she got distracted and we ended up not finishing lol

thank you, Game of Thrones


Sand Snakes redeemed!

Queen Cersei nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Dany needs to lighten the fuck up and forgive my man Jorah already.
the wife and i were watching that episode then that dorne jail scene came on, and she got distracted and we ended up not finishing lol

thank you, Game of Thrones

I watched it with a uhm... friend and afterwards usually ...stuff ensures and this time she "forced" me to say that she's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen -.- :lol
Theon, I would call you a fucking wanker but you can't even do that right.

I've been cheering for Theon this entire time and hoping for him to snap out of it, but after last week and last night it's getting to a point that I can't imagine Reek being anything but Reek.
They really went full Gladiator. I expected Jorah to yell out "are you not entertained?"

lolCersei. So short sighted. That smirk disappearing was fantastic.


Who knew Jorah was so OP?

I loved how his fighting history got exaggerated to include killing Khal Dorogo in single combat. Tyrion is a great hype man.

psst..after this Sand Snake's scene, Dany could had been completely topless singing "I'm an Reggae Targaryan", and it still pales in comparison.

I don't mind that Emilia Clarke refuses to do nudity anymore, that's her right, but the way she has to keep making sure the sheets are covering her boobs make those scenes seem like they're out of a PG-13 movie.


I'm really interested to see what happens with Tyrion and Dany. I feel like she has no reason at all to trust him until Varys vouches for him. Wonder when he'll show up. It would be cool if they were building him up to be her advisor.

Really too bad Barriston had to go. Dany would be looking pretty badass if she actually got the dragons under control, had her unsullied, and had Barriston and Tyrion advising. Oh, and I guess Dario.

Also interested in what happens with Stannis' story. I really hope he actually wins something. It would be such a let down of his arc if he lost to the Boltons... Two big losses. It would be less a let down to his arc if the battle with the wildlings was a bit more fleshed out last season. Then at least he could be a badass for a bit.

Jorah and Tyrion's arc is kind of cool now I suppose, but I do wish there had been some sort of zig-zagging in the story. It's totally weird that Tyrion was going to Mereen only to be captured... to go to Mereen... and instead gets captured... to go to Mereen. If they would have cut out one of those somehow and had some build up to the fighting, that would have been cooler, I think.

I don't mind that Emilia Clarke refuses to do nudity anymore, that's her right, but the way she has to keep making sure the sheets are covering her boobs make those scenes seem like they're out of a PG-13 movie.

It's not even the PG-13 that makes it odd for me. It's the inconsistency. They do the most gratuitous "Look TITS!" scene right after two lovers are in bed and one seems hellbent on covering her boobs from.... someone? It just seems odd.

Probably kind of how women feel sometimes when they flaunt boobs so much and then have to camera work around the dongs.


Can't blame the folks focusing on the tits, because this was another mostly empty episode, especially by GoT standards.
That scene was ridiculous, in how contrived the whole poison/antidote shit worked out.

Infact, it's quicker to list what i did like, i kind of enjoyed the Fighting pit scene, i enjoyed seeing Stannis' moment, but again, just a tease of something that will hopefully maybe happen later on.
Sort of enjoyed Reek's betrayal, has now Sansa figured out that she has o get out of this one by herself (though they'll probably have Brienne pull some bullshit).

Everything else was either boring or absurd; this whole high septon plotline is so weird and out of nowhere, bah.
And Adebisi already out of the show? Bollocks.

And where the fuck is VARYS? And that Ghost Dog out of nowhere and then puff, disappears into nothing again.

It's like one weird plot device after the other.


I don't mind that Emilia Clarke refuses to do nudity anymore, that's her right, but the way she has to keep making sure the sheets are covering her boobs make those scenes seem like they're out of a PG-13 movie.

Agree. Why even have that scene take place in bed? It's just distracting.

Also I think the first half of this season would have been better if they'd done an Arrested Development season 4 and had each episode focusing on just 1 or 2 storylines each. Every episode being 5 minutes of Sansa, 5 minutes of Arya, Jon Snow, Tyrion etc, with each existing in a vacuum and most having very little development has been excruciating. I'd rather have seen Arya's story so far, for example, unfold in just 1 or 2 episodes and then have her disappear for 2 or 3 episodes while we get to see what's going on elsewhere. As it is the season just feels kind of disparate and scatterbrained and hasn't been all that satisfying to watch until the past 2 episodes.
I think Varys is still probably on his way to Mereen. That's where he was headed with or without Tyrion to begin with. He doesn't strike me as someone who talks much to people who can't challenge him, so scenes of him by himself would probably be pretty boring to show.
Can't blame the folks focusing on the tits, because this was another mostly empty episode, especially by GoT standards.
That scene was ridiculous, in how contrived the whole poison/antidote shit worked out.

Infact, it's quicker to list what i did like, i kind of enjoyed the Fighting pit scene, i enjoyed seeing Stannis' moment, but again, just a tease of something that will hopefully maybe happen later on.
Sort of enjoyed Reek's betrayal, has now Sansa figured out that she has o get out of this one by herself (though they'll probably have Brienne pull some bullshit).

Everything else was either boring or absurd; this whole high septon plotline is so weird and out of nowhere, bah.
And Adebisi already out of the show? Bollocks.

And where the fuck is VARYS? And that Ghost Dog out of nowhere and then puff, disappears into nothing again.

It's like one weird plot device after the other.

why is the High Seption out of nowhere?

I feel in the universe it feels very in place. After the War of the Five Kings the city has basically lost all of it's food due to feeding the army. The entire upper command of Kings Landing is in shambles with Kings dying left and right.

People are hungry and growing more desperate, not shocking that they looked to a figure to "save" them or turn to mass religion.

Cerci saw a possible power play out of this and gave that group of people who have been radicalized through her sons/fathers war and actions insane power all to just keep her little boy in her grasps.

She would burn down any city for him, she just forgot to bail out of the one she decided to burn.

Tywin was right, she's an idiot who fancies herself as the smartest person in the room.

As for Varys, dude probably stopped looking for Tyrion five minutes after he relized he was probably snagged, and is on his way to see Dany


Just... it doesn't make sense since Cersei's boytoy should have already spilled the beans long ago.

I'm guessing he did, and they were just timing Cersei's arrest for strategic purposes.

I really don't think Sansa needs to be 'rescued' at this point. She is capable of surviving herself.

If you call being locked in a rape dungeon surviving, then yeah, she's doing awesome.

That's a fair point, who guides Tommen now that Cersei is locked up?

Maybe Tommen goes HAM and starts a war with the cult? Let's be honest, Joffrey would have smashed that cult by now.
I feel like Qyburn might be the one to bail Cersei out if it were to happen. I'd imagine he has no love for the Sparrow if he wanted to interfere with his experiments.

I wonder when/if we will see Balon and Walder again one of these days. Balon has yet to have anything happen to him from Melisandres leech magic and Walder still has Cats brother captive.


No Scrubs
Maybe Tommen goes HAM and starts a war with the cult? Let's be honest, Joffrey would have smashed that cult by now.

Tommen would have as well if Cersei wasn't cooling him down, dude was ready to go to war this episode. I imagine he goes HAM and busts up the cult soon enough, his mom isn't there to tug on his leash and keep him back anymore.


That slave fight thing was shit.

Good to see that bitch getting locked up and the end though... still don't understand how the king kid can't just go there and get them, but whatever....

Also, congrats to Sam, his reaction was priceless.


Perhaps Kevan comes back? He did say he would return if Tommen personally asked for him. I can't think of anyone else, Jaime is stuck down in Dorne.

Plus I doubt Kevan would be happy seeing how far Lancel has gone.


I think Varys is still probably on his way to Mereen. That's where he was headed with or without Tyrion to begin with. He doesn't strike me as someone who talks much to people who can't challenge him, so scenes of him by himself would probably be pretty boring to show.
As opposed to the other boring and useless scenes they've shown so far.
It's just weird that they didn't even show some form of reaction, or acknowledgement from him.

why is the High Seption out of nowhere?
They existence isn't that weird, as religious fanatics are everywhere, but their basically unchallenged rise in power was incredibly sudden, to an improbable degree, and felt more like a last minute idea to conjure up some drama in King's Landing.
I could've bought them as a fill for the power vacuum left by Tywin's death, if there had been some better foreshadowing, and a better build up of their ascension to absolute power.

By the way things have gone so far, i fully expect them to arrest the king next episode, and ride on the North, the one after.
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