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Batman AK PC Perf Thread of DARKNESS, NO SETTINGS [30fps cap / intro removal in OP]


i don't know why people are blaming GameWorks again. Even if you turn those options off game has issues. Turning all GameWorks options except smoke have very little impact and again smoke is volumetric and can cast shadows so of course it is demanding.

Yeah, I like having options for ridiculous graphics effects even if they kill framerates. Makes me look forward to a replay with better hardware. It's like the old days!

That's different than a shit port with awful optimization and worthless, unannounced DRM. I hope Steam's refund feature bites WB in the ass.


Not running any FPS monitors, but on a overclocked 970 and a i5-3570k the game runs like utter ass when in the Batmobile and when zipping around. Was my most anticipated game of the year, I'm absolutely devastated.


I'm really glad I don't care too much about framerate. I'm running everything maxed out (including gameworks stuff) at 1080 with the 30fps lock. Running on a i7-950 with 12 gigs of ram and a gtx970. Game runs fine for me. I'm quite happy so far. Haven't had any issues besides some minor stuttering in the first cut scene but gameplay seems smooth to me. No troubles with the batmobile yet.
Not running any FPS monitors, but on a overclocked 970 and a i5-3570k the game runs like utter ass when in the Batmobile and when zipping around. Was my most anticipated game of the year, I'm absolutely devastated.

Its time to move on to MGS V and Battlefront if this game doesn't get performance patches.

come on dawg i want to play the game :( but it's unplayable :/

Buy a PS4. I haven't heard much complaints on the Console side.


demanding refund hours after a game is out cause performance issues is a bit cray

I mean, complaints SHOULD be loud and clear, but so far they are. I cant really delve deep into the game till tomorrow night and at this rate I expect SOMETHING to get better

I dont say this defending WB, I say it as the best outcome for us
People are so quick to complain and say "so glad there's refunds" when a patch is probably on the way but they'd rather make a negative review which they probably wont correct when these issues are fixed.

I really hate the 'I told you so' mentality of some people, not here on gaf but on other forums where they're all circle jerking over how you should never pre-order and now that this happened with Arkham Knight they're all so wise and knew without a shadow of a doubt that this would happen but of course had this not happened they would have known that too.

My game is very much playable, right now the stuttering is minimal and if I could only disable motion blur I think it would be even smoother.


Just for shits and giggles, I've installed the game on my old ass HTPC. Tri-core Llano @ 3.2GHz, Radeon 5770 1GB. Not quite playable, but the minimum system requirements stated by WB have to be a joke. I get 9 to 35 FPS on a system that was low-end even back in the PS360 days. Granted, that's just 720p with everything set as low as possible, but isn't that what "minimum specs" are supposed to be all about?

I'd imagine that miniumum specs are based upon getting a minimum experience that Developers want from the. Also without benchmarking the games across every part of the game , you aren't going to get a true reflection as to whether that little PC can actually handle it. For example there could be a boss fight that is particularly intense that literally melts that computer and is unplayable as a result.


Its time to move on to MGS V and Battlefront if this game doesn't get performance patches.

I'm sure I'll love those games as well, but I'm a huge DC comic fan and I absolutely loved City and even Origins... I usually stand against pre-ordering but I had so much faith for Rocksteady that I did it. Absolutely shocking that this could happen




Stealth DRM, a 30 FPS lock by default and graphics settings that hide themselves even on mid to high end cards. Amazing.
And this is why I have alway preferred console gaming!!

Yeah, console games have a long history of performing better than PC games!
I addressed that in my post. There was outcry due to how it ran in comparison to cards with similar computational grunt.

Anyway, I think we both agreed at least Batman is a bad port job.

Yep , which is why I got a refund , honestly , I'm really mad that this entire thing killed my hype for the game.

I was so excited the night before , preloaded , waited , then one hour in . Refunded.

Yeah, console games have a long history of performing better than PC games!

I remember Preordering Uncharted 2 , God Of War 3 , Uncharted 3 back on PS3 . Good times, preordering games that worked without patches.


Holding back my stupidity of buying the game just for the off chance it might work on my PC... Knowing my specs however, that'd never happen.


never left the stone age
It would definitely be an exaggeration to say that it didn't have a rough launch in terms of performance. Horrible issues on older Nvidia, as well as AMD, cards. Lots of stuttering that people couldn't find a solution to, and crashes. Granted, many had a good experience with it and most all of those things are fixed now, but Gameworks was shown to be the source of the performance issues and who knows what else.

I haven't had a single crash in TW3 whatsoever. I realise now that I'm an outlier though :lol, I shouldn't have assumed my experience was true for most people.
I am beginning to wonder if the disparity in performance between posters I am reading is due to available system memory. I am noticing that some people with 12Gb + RAM are reporting 50+ FPS or otherwise a smooth experience even when using running on the same/similar configuration to me. I only have 6 Gb RAM, and this has left me wondering if it just simply isn't enough for this game for whatever reason. It's important to note that it has worked fine for both The Witcher 3, and GTA V.


So, seems like the legendary Denuvo DRM strikes again, destroying performance all over the place?

The Denuvo thing is probably a myth. DA: I ran fine and it used Denuvo. If you want to bother you can even test whether Denuvo hurts performance.


on a 980ti with all the nvidia gameworks shit off i get between 50 and 60 while gliding and fighting and all that but as soon as i get in to the batmobile, framerates start to go up and down like crazy to a low point of 35, this game reminds me of watch dogs, same shit happened on that game, as soon as you started driving everything went nuts, this game is so unoptimized that you cant even bruteforce good performance with one of the fastest graphics cards on the market, that is crazy!
This isn't common. Take it easy.

Its not like consoles had (or have) a great time with The Witcher 3 initially you know

For Multiplats its kind of random , for Exclusives , short of a Halo : Master Chief Collection , I've only had smooth launches from Console games.


I'd imagine that miniumum specs are based upon getting a minimum experience that Developers want from the. Also without benchmarking the games across every part of the game , you aren't going to get a true reflection as to whether that little PC can actually handle it. For example there could be a boss fight that is particularly intense that literally melts that computer and is unplayable as a result.
Nah, I'm pretty sure devs simply don't really test older hardware anymore. I've had games pop up warning screens telling me the hardware was too old and wouldn't work at all, with the games then happily running at acceptable framerates.

Also, completely overshooting the minimum specs probably makes support a lot easier.
Tried playing the first couple hours with that cap on, because I assumed it would be fixed sometime soon. Got home from work just now eager to see what it would play like without the cap, so I set it to 144fps, and it's sitting at around 90 most of the time.

GTX 970, i7 4770k stock

Also Windows 10
The PS4 and Bone have 8 GB RAM, this IS the "New Normal". Texture detail is really good in this game guys, we should get used to there not being a "High" and "Ultra" textures option anymore in the world of consoles that have 8 GB of RAM. Normal is what used to be High before consoles got a decent RAM pool to use.

They also only use 2-3 gigabytes for their VRAM pool on average.
on a 980ti with all the nvidia gameworks shit off i get between 50 and 60 while gliding and fighting and all that but as soon as i get in to the batmobile, framerates start to go up and down like crazy to a low point of 35, this game reminds me of watch dogs, same shit happened on that game, as soon as you started driving everything went nuts, this game is so unoptimized that you cant even bruteforce good performance with one of the fastest graphics cards on the market, that is crazy!

Try 4 way SLI-980Ti , except I heard SLI Profiles aren't working.


If you want to bother you can even test whether Denuvo hurts performance.

How? It hasn't been cracked for AK so you can't disable it.

And the way I understand it, previous "cracks" leave Denuvo running, they just try to fool it into thinking you have a legit copy.


I bought a new PC with Arkham Knight in mind (Intel Core i7 4790K @ 4.4GHz / 16gigs of Ram / SSD drive / Titan X).
And it's not running well.

I tinkered with it, but it feels highly unstable and the frame dips get to me.
I could probably either wait for fixes or spend more time on getting the settings right, but I think I'm over that now.

Witcher 3 and GTA V run with well above stable 60 FPS with everything on max. settings.

I requested a refund on steam for the game and the season pass (Shame, Shame).

I'll be getting the PS4 version from Amazon tomorrow.


There must be some kind of really weird common conflict with the game.

I played for an hour or so last night and default settings, 1080P, without making any ini tweaks and the performance was basically a rock solid 30fps on a 970 and a 4690K with 8GB of ram and VSYNV enabled.

Obviously, I would expect to hit 60fps, but I have to imagine my experience was basically the same as what on PS4. Clearly some people are having bigger issues, however with similar setups. So I'm wondering if there is some common piece of software/hardware or old driver version for something that it plays very poorly with.

It's still kind of a lackluster port, but its perfectly playable.
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