There's literally a mission where you as fucking Spiderman of all people have to help two gay college kids with their gay anniversary. It doesn't get more woke and out of place than that,stop being obtuse for no reason...
Spider-Man 2 has arrived for the PC Platform. Sony's newest port offers fantastic super hero gameplay, but is plagued by instability issues and crashes. Once you get it to run stable, performance is pretty decent though, and all the major technologies are supported. In our performance review...
Deaf girl side mission
Gay homecoming mission
Intentionally overpowered stunning and brave MJ
"Step aside honkey" storyline (just like the M-She-U)
Scream whining like a feminist on a college campus while you fight her
Miles chasing around a fucking sax because "the museum is for OUR PEOPLE" (this message was much more prominent in the MM game) and then you have to spend time in the museum reading about HIS PEOPLE.
Hippie dip environmental missions
Danikast is basically a redditor posting the most cringe stuff imaginable
Black Cat talking about her girlfriend, sorry how many times did Peter hit that? Left unsaid.
The big problem with all this stuff is that it is BORING. The gay homecoming side mission SUCKS. Shooting down robot bees or whatever is fucking BORING. Hailey and Ganke are HORRIBLE characters in this game, probably because like so much other woke stuff, the writers had to drain them of all nuance and turn them into cardboard cutouts. They were both much better in the Miles Morales game.
Look, in the end, if you liked SM2018, you'll probably like this, the gameplay is good, and I'm not telling anyone not to play it, but claiming that this game isn't woke is fucking wrong. It just is.
Spider-Man 2 has arrived for the PC Platform. Sony's newest port offers fantastic super hero gameplay, but is plagued by instability issues and crashes. Once you get it to run stable, performance is pretty decent though, and all the major technologies are supported. In our performance review...
well it is really easy to get vram limited on PC and their games run worse when you're VRAM limited. technically game should not be VRAM limited at ps5 pro equivalent settings with 12 GB VRAM but you never know. and for some reason it feels like nixxes ports use more VRAM then they should even at ps5 equivalent settings somehow.
i wish 4070 and 5070 had proper 16 GB VRAM so this wouldn't even be a discussion.