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Batman AK PC Perf Thread of DARKNESS, NO SETTINGS [30fps cap / intro removal in OP]


For you.
Älg;169496809 said:
Yeah, I could be wrong about the PhysX stuff; it's been a while since I played it. But I do remember that performance was excellent in general.

I'm not defending DRM (nor am I condemning it), but I don't think that people should go around spreading false information. Clearly none of us truly knows whether or not Denuvo affects performance, and so we shouldn't speak on it with such confidence.
Denuvo was developed by the Securom guys. Not giving them a single ounce of trust after that shitshow.


I'm actually just talking about how bad this game. Not arguing with you. When it comes to PC gaming if something doesn't run well on a setup that cost thousands you know something is wrong.

OK, but ha! That's a different discussion my man. You're all over the place ;-)

Yeah we agree on your point.

You never responded to my assertion that PC gaming is typically NOT like this Batman scenario.


We're all speculating based on experience so it could very well be the Denuvo crap. Just because you think it hasn't affected you doesn't mean it's the same for everyone. I know for a fact DRM can cause a drop in performance.

How exactly do you know for a fact that DRM can affect performance? And more specifically, how do you know that this knowledge is applicable to Denuvo.

Denuvo was developed by the Securom guys. Not giving them a single ounce of trust after that shitshow.

This is not a matter of trust.


Man everyone in here is a bunch of babies... Look, every game released now is going to have problems the day of launch. If you can't troubleshoot or can't deal with having a few issues here or there, you should probably just wait until about a week from now and a few patches will be out and all these little problems will be fixed.
So this is a legit response from WB?
It's too bad this runs as it does. I mean with my rig/GTX 970 it is decent but the slowdown is really annoying, and the game doesn't really look as impressive as I had previously thought. I only got it for $28 bucks, so I'm considering just getting the PS4 version and calling it a day. I mean, the gameplay is fucking fun as hell.

Hope that this at least gets patched a bit, but we'll see...
Anyone with a Dualshock 4 using DS4Windows having issues getting their controller to work? I've never had a single issue with any game but I can't get Arkham Knight to work. It seems to detect that I have a Dualshock 4 connected, but it doesn't detect any of my input.

Yeah I had that issue, seems I was the only one using Bluetooth instead of wired so it didn't work. Someone suggested it didn't work because it was in shared mode or something, but by then I'd given up.

On the performance side I was kinda hoping to wake up to some magical .ini tweaking fix. No such luck :(


never left the stone age
Someone should rush to the nearest cracked exe file and report back with some performance charts and shit.


Man everyone in here is a bunch of babies... Look, every game released now is going to have problems the day of launch. If you can't troubleshoot or can't deal with having a few issues here or there, you should probably just wait until about a week from now and a few patches will be out and all these little problems will be fixed.

Um, no. Games should be working day 1. Stop defending this bullshit.
OK, but ha! That's a different discussion my man. You're all over the place ;-)

Yeah we agree on your point.

You never responded to my assertion that PC gaming is typically NOT like this Batman scenario.

Its not Typically like that I agree , there are Assassin Creed Unity/ Watch Dogs , there are also Launches like Grand Theft Auto V. This game falls under the Do not buy its Ubishit Territory.

You can't Generalise , it depends on the development team and the specific game.


An blind dancing ho
So... This is a shit port?


Usually the Arkham games are better on PC right? I remember Asylum and City being great on PC. Origins had some weird bugs and wasn't as good a game as the others but that was by other devs or something right?

I should just give up on buying any WB published game on PC. Nothing but shitty ports lately.

Yes. even Origins got issues on release but then fixed later. (it's a good game some think it's better than City)

and even at release Origin port at least got tons of options/settings and wasn't like this.

I should just give up on buying any WB published game on PC. Nothing but shitty ports lately

Shadow of Mordor port (made in-house) was pretty good but Mortal Kombat port (outsourced) was just awful.


It happened to me last night, my installation got to 80% and then it started again from 0% after like 4 hours or something.
I'm not sure, but i started the download yesterday and got to 30gb. Today i tried to resume the download and it started all over again :(.
Goddamn, that really sucks. If it happens to me, it may actually take long enough for fixes to start coming out lol.
Just reading this now. I have a PC and PS4. PC is capable of running this well. Should I get PS4 then? jesus that would be weird b/c I would think PC would look and run better....

i think it probably WILL run better........... eventually. Just not right now.
If you are like me and cannot wait to play it then PS4 might be best option, but i repeat MIGHT be the best option for the moment.


Man everyone in here is a bunch of babies... Look, every game released now is going to have problems the day of launch. If you can't troubleshoot or can't deal with having a few issues here or there, you should probably just wait until about a week from now and a few patches will be out and all these little problems will be fixed.

Why are you defending this? What possible reason could you have to be on the side of the developer that releases a horrible port of a $60 game?


hide your water-based mammals
Wouldn't it be something if the DRM was part of the perf hit.

Unbelievably bad port by major AAA standards. I can't get a refund since I got it via 3rd party but this stinks so far.


It is a bummer that this is having issues right now. Had perfect perf on much weaker hardware than I do I now with the last games. On my TriOC290 I just did locked (not a single dip) on AO...it was wonderful.

Cmon Rocksteady get to fixing this!

I already have the Ps4 version too but i would of course rather play this on PC. Especially as I have the premium edition on PC.
The AA is garbage in this game. It seems like all it does is blur the rain.
Edit: I'm also having a hard time seeing the difference between Normal and High LOD, even after zooming in. I think I'm going to go with Normal just for the FPS gain
Rocksteady won't give a flying fuck. They've got their 90+ Metacritic and they're on track to sell millions of copies of the game. They're probably drowning in champagne somewhere right now.

Dude, fire up The Witcher 3 on your PC and be blown away by how amazing it looks and runs.

And again for many other games both from the past and in the future.

Yeah i got witcher 3, and yes it looks incredible, and performs great.
But this is the OTHER title that is a dissapointment, just dont find it fun, but thats down to my tastes, not the quality of the game


Wait a sec... I have 2 970's in SLI. Is the highest texture resolution really normal that I can pick? Game actually looks pretty ugly all around. Lots of jaggies everywhere and muddy textures. Looks like a big mess...


never left the stone age
You'd think publishers would stop treating PC gamers as second rate citizens by this point. Fucking hell, and I thought Jim Sterling's video was bad with the constant freezes. The RPS video is just atrocious.


Not seen performance anywhere near that bad yet... currently seem to have a locked 30 with everything on, had a couple of crashed to 10fps but they were very brief.

The sad part is I'm hoping it stays at this quality...


Holy shit.

What hardware was this on?

Did they even QA test this game?

OK, I don't know who's 486 they borrowed for that video but it doesn't run as badly as that on mine and my PC is mid-range at best (FX-8350, GTX 970, and 16GB RAM with a 1440p monitor). I was running it at max settings as well.
Man everyone in here is a bunch of babies... Look, every game released now is going to have problems the day of launch. If you can't troubleshoot or can't deal with having a few issues here or there, you should probably just wait until about a week from now and a few patches will be out and all these little problems will be fixed.

Users shouldn't wait to buy a game until it's fixed, devs and publishers should launch the games when they are ready to be sold.

You ask users to wait one week, when you should ask devs and publishers to delay the game one week.


I'm not hopeful on the game becoming much better after seeing MKX but at least there is a little hope for the Linux version:


Wow. I thought my stuttering was bad, but compared to that I have an amazing experience. Perhaps it's because I haven't bothered removing the 30 fps limit.

I don't mind 30 fps as long as there is no stuttering, but it's basically unplayable for me as it is now. The game completely freezes at times while driving. I still have plenty left in Witcher 3, so I'll finish that up and hope they patch this game before I'm done.

Also, don't even bother with the interactive smoke. It takes off a good 15 fps on my GTX970, so I doubt it will be worth it on any card.


This game is messing with my memory overclocks. Keeps going between 3900mhz and 3300mhz, even after quitting out of the game. Screen glitches out for a second every time it happens.

Anyone else notice it?

Yeah, MSI Afterburner was reporting my vram usage as 4,194,304 MB...lol.

I just ran it with the fps unlocked with one of my 980 Ti's @ 1440p on my G-Sync monitor, and the framerate was anywhere from the mid-30's to 110fps. The biggest drop was from 75 to 35fps in the batmobile, and even G-Sync couldn't help this games sorry arse. It's like the game engine just shat itself, it was jerky as hell. I guess it's a streaming issue like Maldo said.
Mind you, it will run at a rock-solid 30fps @ 4K on a single 980 Ti. Too bad it's the year 2015 and a 30fps lock on a PC game is a fucking joke. It still crashes everytime I exit as well. I'm just glad I didn't pay for the fucking thing.

Hope most of this gets fixed by the time the GOTY edition is out next spring.

Wait a sec... I have 2 970's in SLI. Is the highest texture resolution really normal that I can pick? Game actually looks pretty ugly all around. Lots of jaggies everywhere and muddy textures. Looks like a big mess...

YES, its the only Option beside Low.

The Jaggies cannot be fixed , I tried running the game at 4K and AA on. Doesn't work.
Yeah I had that issue, seems I was the only one using Bluetooth instead of wired so it didn't work. Someone suggested it didn't work because it was in shared mode or something, but by then I'd given up.

On the performance side I was kinda hoping to wake up to some magical .ini tweaking fix. No such luck :(

DS4 Windows atm. Working fine.

Hmm... I'm using bluetooth. Zakalwe, are you using wired? I'd hate to have to plug this damn thing in all the way across the living room just to be able to use my controller.


Gotta give the developer credit, at least those GameWorks options are disabled by default for us AMD users. Most developers leave them on only for you to find out the hard way when the game runs at 15 FPS.

What does "Enhanced Rain" even do? I don't notice a difference.

As far as I could tell, it seems like there is more rain and the drops are longer. :p


bought a gpu for this game?

I built a whole PC with this game in mind!! :(
I saw the trailers last year and thought, "no way in hell my PS4 will run this game at the quality i am seeing, and i NEED this quality in my life, time to jump into PC gaming"

The two games I had in mind when i built my rig have both been dissapointing.
Over £1000 in total for my pc and im using it to play prison architect and winnie the pooh home run derby.

When my lass used to ask "why do you need a pc when you have all the other consoles" i would say "Batman". She is going to have a field day with this awful port.
Wow sounds familiar he he.
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