Wow, are SNSD fans really that blind?
I've been saying this since Hoot. Their love is religious, man.Wow, are SNSD fans really that blind?
All the comments on reddit are talking about how great this is and some even calling it their best album yet already. I feel like I downloaded the wrong album.
That Apple has been through a lot over the years.
Cute little doo-wop! I like the little couple dance but the sudden squat made me lol.
lol the MV is nice and they all look fab.. but song is only ok.. not really good for repeated listens...I kinda actually like lion heart. It's much better than party imo.
i hope we get at least 2 more japanese albums before the are done...Guys, it's because SNSD is being killed off slowly.
They're just throwing all the crappy tracks at SNSD to use because they know they'll sell well regardless, so whats the point in giving them the best, when they can use the best for their newer groups and get them more well known.
This is why SM is the best. Sucking out every last penny they can get out of a group that is closing in on its last days.
Brilliant really.
Superior WG bros/sistars must stick together.Thanks for the help man!
Not sure what you mean by trying to find something that isn't there. Check out the album thread on Reddit - plenty of blind praising of what is a really lazy effort (So far, who knows, maybe the second half will blow me away - at this point I doubt it). And there are people calling it their best album yet.I think you're trying to find something in it that simply isn't there, you already said it, SNSD has never released a consistent album in Korea and probably never will. Both TTS minis are better than most SNSD Korean albums lol.
The same thing happened to me with the Wonder Girls album, i almost fell asleep listening to it, it's not bad, i just don't feel it at all.
Of the tracks released so far, i like Fire Alarm, Lion Heart and Bump It, the others are boring, i don't dislike Party but i already got bored of it.
LOL Tae.
IGAB > Pink Tape
yup IGAB>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pink Tape...Not sure what you mean by trying to find something that isn't there. Check out the album thread on Reddit - plenty of blind praising of what is a really lazy effort (So far, who knows, maybe the second half will blow me away - at this point I doubt it). And there are people calling it their best album yet.
Their first self titled album/Baby Baby repackage were pretty good for the time - but at this point I just can't let them go for phoning in albums like this just because they've already reached peak popularity. They're part of SM, who is giving interesting and frankly better music to just about all of their other groups at this point. There's NO reason why SNSD shouldn't be held to the same standards as their peers.
IGAB as a song is great - the album though? Not sure what you're on. Pink Tape is one of the best albums released by a girl group in Korea in years. I can count the number of times I've gone back to listen to IGAB front to back on one hand.
Not sure what you mean by trying to find something that isn't there. Check out the album thread on Reddit - plenty of blind praising of what is a really lazy effort (So far, who knows, maybe the second half will blow me away - at this point I doubt it). And there are people calling it their best album yet.
Their first self titled album/Baby Baby repackage were pretty good for the time - but at this point I just can't let them go for phoning in albums like this just because they've already reached peak popularity. They're part of SM, who is giving interesting and frankly better music to just about all of their other groups at this point. There's NO reason why SNSD shouldn't be held to the same standards as their peers.
I'm still not understanding what the last two sentences here are saying.Peers? None of F(x) singles has reached the same quality/success than the best SNSD's singles, or even their average ones, you're asking them things that SM knows they don't need. That's why i was saying you're trying to find something that simply is not there.
Nothing classic SNSD about this release my friend.Lazy effort? Maybe, i disagree that SNSD needed to reinvent itself after what happened l
ast year, in fact they had to do the opossite, use their most classic guns and prove that last year was a bump in the road.
Shots fired. And ramyeon, pls, for your mental health, stay away from reddit.Also, I'm definitely taking it easy don't worry. There is nothing wrong with actually discussing the quality of music released as opposed to just posting gifs of the video all day.
Yeah man, it's pretty dark over there.Shots fired. And ramyeon, pls, for your mental health, stay away from reddit.
Dal Shabet is headlining a Pride concert in Seoul together with Gain, when will your faves be this progressive?
Guys, it's because SNSD is being killed off slowly.
They're just throwing all the crappy tracks at SNSD to use because they know they'll sell well regardless, so whats the point in giving them the best, when they can use the best for their newer groups and get them more well known.
This is why SM is the best. Sucking out every last penny they can get out of a group that is closing in on its last days.
Brilliant really.
I really don't get Kisum hype.Still salty of Tymee getting the axe in UR 1 instead of Kisum and Jimin.
Even though the lineup is, at first glance, weak, I'm still looking forward to it because Kasper can do no wrong. Although I'm already seeing the shitty edit she is going to get after how she was portrayed in SMTM4.
I really hope that they all get the same treatment and we get minimal Jimin levels of bullshit.
Jace is fine as a studio rapper. She's just awkward as fuck on stage and has no charisma or presence at all.Speaking of Unpretty Rapstar, here's a teaser for Jace's new song featuring Kisum. It sounds...pretty good actually.
Them not recording their instrumentals in the studio was super lame. And I saw one of their lives where for 5 seconds they each did a stupidly simple solo. The rest was very boring. Yubin was rocking the drums tho. Everyone else bringing her down.
Jace is fine as a studio rapper. She's just awkward as fuck on stage and has no charisma or presence at all.
Can you guys point me to good SNSD? I feel bad not liking them cuz Gee was the first Kpop song I ever heard and ultimately what got me into the genre.
The original 4D girl <3Watching the WG on Weekly Idol and man, Sunmi looks like she downed 20 Red Bulls and 40 cups of coffee before getting on there. Or did a few lines of coke. Girl can't stop moving. It's hilarious.
I'm still not understanding what the last two sentences here are saying.
As for comparing f(x) singles and SNSD singles. Of course they haven't had the same kind of chart success. SNSD sell on their name alone. They could record a track with their farts as the only backing track and it would sell just as well. Quality however? f(x) has had a string of quality title tracks in the past few years - not only that but for two years in a row they released solid, cohesive albums where pretty much every track was of the same or similar quality to the title track.
If you're okay with SNSD releasing boring stuff like this and getting praise for it, then fine. But I think it's just lazy.
Nothing classic SNSD about this release my friend.
Also, I'm definitely taking it easy don't worry. There is nothing wrong with actually discussing the quality of music released as opposed to just posting gifs of the video all day.
My post on Reddit's thread about the album got downvoted into obscurity because I made a decent criticism of the album.
I know they don't need that to sell - but it's really stupid to accept that as the status quo simply "because it's always been that way".You're still not understanding that SNSD does'nt need the same kind of ideas that made an F(x) album so great, they don't need that full cohesive album to get the public attention neither sales, put some good songs, make a good single, fill the rest with whatever you have in the table and that's it.
Am i ok with this? Specially in Korea? No, not at all, but i get it, it's not surprising at all if you go back and see every Korean release since their debut. Go back to their previous album, IGAB was to the majority a fantastic single, the album is random songs which mostly are boring crap.
I stopped wanting that kind of album you look for in SNSD since The Boys, it won't happen, ever. Japanese releases tho, are a whole different thing.
How did I miss this woman all these years?! She's adorbs and funny as hell.
I know they don't need that to sell - but it's really stupid to accept that as the status quo simply "because it's always been that way".
You don't need to tell me about their past albums, I've been following SNSD since their pre-debut days. Literally the only Korean album of theirs I can listen from start to finish without getting bored is their self titled/Baby Baby repackage. And that's mostly due to nostalgia.
But that doesn't mean I'm not going to criticise them for continuing to release lazy stuff. You're basically saying to just shut up and not say anything because that's the way it's always been. That's such a silly way to think.
OG Wonder Girls was seriously something special. Finding those videos to post has led me down the rabbit hole on a nostalgia filled YouTube session and reliving all the memories. So good to have them back, although it'll never be quite the same.How did I miss this woman all these years?! She's adorbs and funny as hell.
Sunmi army shall grow!
This is not what I'm saying at all.No, what i'm basically saying is that, this is SNSD we're talking about, remember?.
What you're basically saying is, why can't i ask F(x) to release a song/single like Genie?, they could, but they won't, they are not that group or musical concept.
This is not what I'm saying at all.
I don't want them to release the same music that f(x) does. I want them to release good quality music instead of phoning in releases with B-sides that all sound the same every couple of years.
Well, now we wait for "you think" MV to drop in a few hours. Hopefully it will deliver.
They won't, why do you think Eldren's list a couple posts back is made of 14 singles or promoted songs? The rest are from their 1st japanese album and some random good song of another one LMAO. That's SNSD, that works for SM, so why even bother changing it?
Don't get me wrong, we're on the same side if we're going to critize this, but, i'm not blind to the facts and already got to this conclucion years ago, this is their formula, they won't change it unless they have to.
holy sh!t this haircut is worse than seohyun's.
Yo those bangs were all the rage back then.holy sh!t this haircut is worse than seohyun's.
Sunmi, the original Taeyeon stan. God bless her.
I've skimped out on WG material from way back when (call it Nine Muses syndrome... Not the members I know? Don't care lol). But I really need to fix this. All of these videos are hilarious.OG Wonder Girls was seriously something special. Finding those videos to post has led me down the rabbit hole on a nostalgia filled YouTube session and reliving all the memories. So good to have them back, although it'll never be quite the same. </3