Is this 30 or 60 on console?
Is this 30 or 60 on console?
This thing isn't capped at 60 is it? If its as well performing as people are indicating, 144 would be sweet for the arcadey car combat. Im dl'ing atm, curious to get a look at the .ini as well.
GTX 980ti
i7-2600k @4.3
Windows 10
Only in the opening area right now but the game is running between about 110 and 145 FPS with everything maxed.
Good question.
Can anyone confirm if the game can run at higher than 60 fps?
It does.
If the PC version has that embarrassingly bad pop-in, I'm not buying it. It is so distracting to see the scenery constantly pop-in as you drive.
I believe it still does. someone correct me if mistaken.
I believe it still does. someone correct me if mistaken.
i5, 970, 16GB, SSD
Runs at a locked 60 @ 1080p for me with everything on Max.
Also good to hear! Port sounds awesome.i7 4790k
GTX 970
Windows 10
Downsampled from 1440p, maximum settings, and not a single drop under 60fps.
Downsampled from 4k, maximum settings, and I'm getting 35-40fps.
How do people already have this? Still locked over on the West Coast
Huh. Getting great performance but twice now I've been hit with a bug where the sound cuts out for the most part (engine sounds, dialog) and then the world seems to stop loading and I can fall through the ground. Restarting the game seems to fix it for a short while. Hopefully I can figure out what is causing the issue.
How do people already have this? Still locked over on the West Coast
This is one of those games I'd like but not enough at full price, I'm glad to hear it works properly though.
Living in the UK?
They should have called ultra settings "Mad"
I've got the game running Mad (Max)
It's been 40-50% off on GMG the last few weeks
Any word on 21:9 support?
Some of what you are experiencing was mentioned in the Polygon review I think.
yeah this runs like butter. I've only played to just after the part when they obtain a body for the car. I was downsampling from 4K, and I think I saw drops from the perfectly locked 60 when all the explosions happen, but it could've been all the craziness going on. Driving around in the world there aren't any, but I can't read afterburner when I go to 4K, so I couldn't tell during the explosions after getting the frame. I sit about 5 feet from my 50" plasma but the downsampling makes the OSD text too small to read. I also have this problem where it reads out the entire long ass number for VRAM, and it says it's using like 4.3 iirc, of course that can't be right.
2x 970's, [email protected]
Why it can't be right? If game uses 4.3, but only 3.5-4 is available it just means that data will be swapped in and out of VRAM as needed because not everything can be loaded into memory at once.
Driving around in the world there aren't any, but I can't read afterburner when I go to 4K, so I couldn't tell during the explosions after getting the frame. I sit about 5 feet from my 50" plasma but the downsampling makes the OSD text too small to read
Congratulations to WB for their decently competent PC game.
Really? Damn already 8 hours in on ps4 but I'm really wanting to start over on PC. Reading some good impressions hereyeah this runs real fucking good on a 970, everything maxed at 1440p, running flawlessly.
PC port was do by Avalanche,what did WB have to do with it?Congratulations to WB for their decently competent PC game.
Got this game on ps4 as I was able to get it this past Friday instead. I'm not really a PC guy but recently had someone build me an I7 4790 4.5 GHz (I believe) with 16 gb ram and a GTX 970. I've already put a good 8 hours on console, but will it be that big of a difference playing on the PC noted above? Again, keep in mind I'm new to PC gaming, but reading that they did a really good job with PC port. Can anyone give me some recommendations? Or what would u Guys do? Start over to play on PC? Or keep going with ps4?
Runs great on my Titan X. Everything maxed at 1620p and no drop below 60. Haven't tried 4k yet, but I'm optimistic.
Can anyone give me some recommendations? Or what would u Guys do? Start over to play on PC? Or keep going with ps4?
My living situation is Alrite. Just I don't know if it will really be that much of a difference? Which is why I was wondering what u PC guys think? I've always played on console and kind of got used to it, but for example like GTA V was so much more beautiful on PC @ 60fps. Really enjoyed that.Depends on if you care about 60+ FPS and your living situation. Don't know if I'd get a different version 8 hours in. Maybe double dip on sale later on.
Runs great on my Titan X.