Oct. 26 marks the release of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, eleven years ago in 2004.
Welcome to the jungle. Literally. Is there anything more to say about GTA San Andreas? SA was the game that catapulted the entire franchise into stratospheric levels of faith (and notoriety).
GTA SA's story takes place in Los Santos, a city within the state of San Andreas which includes a couple of other major cities, San Fierro and Las Venturas. The timeline is set in early '90s, when gangs were at their peak criminal activity and cops were running amok in the streets. The story revolves around Carl Johnson, a young hustler from Grove St. who moved to Liberty City in order to pursuit a better life. But he has to return home.. and face his own haunted past.
A huge journey is unfolded across the state, including over 100 main missions and literally hundreds of other side-missions, activities, vehicles, and some pretty good character customisation (eating, going to gym, learning martial arts etc). This is surely the most diverse GTA game ever and the first GTA to introduce some basic RPG elements (along with the above attributes manipulation).
You first start grinding and try to reclaim your gang's lost territories, when a handful of missions after you find yourself robbing entire casinos, steal military jets.. and literally taking down everyone and everything standing in your own way. The structure of the game is enormous and i could be talking hours about it, but almost everyone has played SA up to this point, so I'd like to keep it as short as possible.
Another notable mention is the amazing soundtrack of the game. Vice City was the game with the obligatory '80s synthpop/rock tunes that blew everyone away, but SA did it even better imho. Focused on early '90s hip-hop-r&b/alternative metal tracks, it featured an even more diverse selection of music, with House, Country and Classic Rock stations. The quality and quantity of the soundtrack is simply epic and will not replicated anytime soon on another game.
Since then, GTA SA went to become a cultural phenomenon, received universal acclaim, became PS2's best selling game and was ported to almost any platform available, including mobile.
Happy Birthday GTA SA!