I did some of the Diamond City Blues quest tonight, and I really don't understand what's going on... [bitching about quest details]so, Paul asked me to tell the bartender to stop banging his wife. Ok, sure. I passed a charisma check to persuade Paul not to come along when I talked to Henry Cooke. So, I talked to Henry passed a check to convince him that Paul's wife wasn't worth killing or being killed over. ...And then he brings up this shit about a chems deal? What does that have to do with this—you already agreed to stop fucking her—and why couldn't I say no to getting involved in this bullshit? So, I go to the deal, have to watch him kill a really clever ghoul lady, and he finally fucks off, but my quest tracker is now saying that I convinced Paul that I should get the entire take?... when I haven't said anything about the chems to him? I don't get why there'd even be an option of splitting this with someone who wasn't there and, as far as I know, who knew nothing of this deal. And, according to a wiki page, not splitting the take leads to the (mildly) undesirable outcome of the Colonial Taphouse being empty? blaaah Bethesda games
Amazing dialog choices, C&C...
It makes a shitty first impression but people are treating this game like it's a big misstep on Bethesda's part when they haven't really done anything differently (which is bad in its own right but not unexpected).
It gets better as you play, true. They showed us with 3 in what direction they are going with this series but Fallout 3 at least had decent dialogue options, expanded character progression, at least some meaningful choices etc.
I'm ok with the fact that "old Fallout" is gone. I've accepted this already and I'm having fun with F4 as it is. But it doesnt change the fact that the game is even more simplified that you could expect from "Bethesda RPG".
Except the part where the game still has two of those three things and the other was never in Fallout 3 to begin with. I don't know what game you're playing but Fallout 4 still has as many "meaningful choices" as 3 did (or any Bethesda RPG for that matter).
Again, any perceived "dumbing down" was always there. You're just being reminded that is, in fact, there every time you play another Bethesda RPG. The dialogue choices and the way they branch are pretty much as shallow as they've ever been post-Oblivion, they're just in an even more transparent coat of paint.
This game as as many "meaningful choices" as any of their other games. Fallout 4 is just more back-loaded than Fallout 3. This goes exactly the same for character progression.
I will repeat myself because I feel like saying it three times already isn't somehow enough: This game is just another run-of-the-mill Bethesda RPG post-Oblivion (e.g. everything but Morrowind). It's a shadow of the really bold variety that you get from Black Isle/Obsidian's work but that's not my point. I have only been talking about it in the scope of their other games, and in that regard it is still nearly the same.
South Boston Military Checkpoint behind an expert terminal.
This game is just so good.
Back in the day I used to wake up really early to get some game time in the morning before work. I havent done that in a long time. Until now of course.
I just cant get enough of it. Its SO good.
It actually drains?The only two changes that felt significant so far me is thatquarry actually being drained of water and Travis not being a wuss.
I did some of the Diamond City Blues quest tonight, and I really don't understand what's going on... [bitching about quest details]so, Paul asked me to tell the bartender to stop banging his wife. Ok, sure. I passed a charisma check to persuade Paul not to come along when I talked to Henry Cooke. So, I talked to Henry passed a check to convince him that Paul's wife wasn't worth killing or being killed over. ...And then he brings up this shit about a chems deal? What does that have to do with this—you already agreed to stop fucking her—and why couldn't I say no to getting involved in this bullshit? So, I go to the deal, have to watch him kill a really clever ghoul lady, and he finally fucks off, but my quest tracker is now saying that I convinced Paul that I should get the entire take?... when I haven't said anything about the chems to him? I don't get why there'd even be an option of splitting this with someone who wasn't there and, as far as I know, who knew nothing of this deal. And, according to a wiki page, not splitting the take leads to the (mildly) undesirable outcome of the Colonial Taphouse being empty? blaaah Bethesda games
That's a hell of a bug; sorry. 60 hours was when I started getting bugs, too. Nothing major, but I'm sure that will change.
I'm not saying that previous Bethesda games were RPG masterpieces. They were not. They were just a little bit closer to the roots of the genre than Fallout 4 is. Some things got better in 4, some things got worst, that's it.
By the way, is anyone using the dialogue mod that replaces the vague options with what your character actually says. Is it fully functional? How did they manage to do it so fast? I'm very interested in using it if its reliable throughout the game.
By the way, is anyone using the dialogue mod that replaces the vague options with what your character actually says. Is it fully functional? How did they manage to do every line of dialogue so fast? I'm very interested in using it if its reliable throughout the game.
yeah, p much. it doesn't really change much regardless of your choice (unsurprisingly)
at the very least there are variations on followups that would be 10x more interesting if the quest were even slightly coherent, even if the followups are pretty mild themselves
see (sidequest spoilers in images):
So my settlement got attacked. I fast traveled back and saw nothing. No red dots. I made a fence around my settlement except for the bridge.
It was ghouls and the glitched (one by one) though the fence.
What is the point of a fence....?
There honestly isn't one, as nice an idea as it is.
Companions have gotten waaay better. In previous Fallouts the companions were very shallow. It honestly adds so much to the experience.
By the way, is anyone using the dialogue mod that replaces the vague options with what your character actually says. Is it fully functional? How did they manage to do every line of dialogue so fast? I'm very interested in using it if its reliable throughout the game.
So what is the best thing to do? They came in the fence on the side the vault is on.
Ive managed it by deleting exterior walls then connecting to that edge, and finally adding back the original exterior wall.
Its really awkward but does work if you mess about enough.
The only problem is doorways, the only one ive found has a mini roof attached and its impossible to attach that as an interior wall.
I'm crying. I did not expect that. Lol
I'm crying. I did not expect that. Lol
God damnit Preston.
It's like Fallout 1 all over again.
That's very inspirational. Not even being sarcastic.
Bleh. Strong is a bro, but man his perk sucks. Pain in the ass to equip the dude, too. Figures, the one companion that's cool with me eating dudes and being a dick has a "idk, melee damage?" perk.
Givinga shot. Everyone else minus Cods gets real uppity about body eating, and that's my main jam.Nick
Damn it. This quest was the first time I actually felt like I was role playing in this game. Hearing how it always funnels you down the same avenues is disappointing. In my gameIs there any quest with actual depth that adapts to your decisions?I figured everyone involved was horrible so went straight selfish profit and murdered everyone involved. Crashed the drug deal. More murder. Crashed chem lab. Murder. Murder. Murder. Basically that scene in Goodfellas where DeNiro cleans house.
I've mostly shelved Fallout 4 for now, after about 10 hours. The combination of the the clunky combat and awful UI have been enough to make the game very unenjoyable for me. I love the world Bethesda built as usual, but I really do not enjoy playing in it. After a few days hiatus, I tried again last night and concluded it's not something I'll be able to adjust to. The gunplay is just awful and it's turned me off from the game entirely. Fallout 4 is probably my biggest gaming disappointment of the past decade.
I've mostly shelved Fallout 4 for now, after about 10 hours. The combination of the the clunky combat and awful UI have been enough to make the game very unenjoyable for me. I love the world Bethesda built as usual, but I really do not enjoy playing in it. After a few days hiatus, I tried again last night and concluded it's not something I'll be able to adjust to. The gunplay is just awful and it's turned me off from the game entirely. Fallout 4 is probably my biggest gaming disappointment of the past decade.
I really wish I could reset my perks.
I've made a huge mistake.
God damnit Preston.
It's like Fallout 1 all over again.
Just have turrets or guard towers dotted around. You can put fences around the guard towers and things like that which makes them more defensible in combat, but a big wall around a settlement does not prevent attacks. The main thing that stops people attacking your settlement is a high defence rating and you get that by building turrets and guard posts.