This crap should be ban worthy.
No please you go away with this overreaction.
This crap should be ban worthy.
Is there any way to turn the Lost Patrol mission into Danse after he's on theThe quest marker still points to him.airship and a possible companion?
Well, I started the quest from Danse before the Prydwen. Maybe I fucked it up by initiating the Prydwen stuff before finishing the quest.
ban him/her for role playing in a make believe world??? ....................ok
Yeah he's MIA in my game as well. Not sure if it's a bug or not.
Apparently I have to finish Show No Mercy first.
I can't find any more women settlers near the Tenpines shack. Only found 2 so far near the shack and one took me 20 minutes to drag back. Will try again tomorrow.
How do you pull pull the camera back and rotate it to get full body pictures of your character or base or whatever?
How do you pull pull the camera back and rotate it to get full body pictures of your character or base or whatever?
How do you pull pull the camera back and rotate it to get full body pictures of your character or base or whatever?
This crap should be ban worthy.
Yeah, a thread about gaming not about some dude sharing his video game sexual fantasies.
Loving the game, but biggest disappointment so far is all the women in the game have the same color panties and bras. I have a shack full of dead settler women and they all have the same white panties and bras on. If they do release a spinoff, I hope the devs change it up. Imagine disrobing a woman in the game and she could be wearing a purple thong or the next one could have pink panties. It would make hunting people down and dragging them to your hideout more fun.
That's a perfect Pearl response. Easily read in her voice.
Fallout 4 |OT 2| Excuse me miss, would you like to visit my shack?
No way I can move the bonuses like "does bonus damage if target is full hp" to another weapon can I?
Fallout 4 IOTI I got shot in the ass
I could swear a guard told me that once
LMAO. And than that happned:
I have now 250/265 Defense without Power Armor. WTF?! I mean I didn't received much damage before, but now, I don't think I will ever lose any health lol. How can they hide such an essential upgrade function behind some repeatable quest?!
How to unlock:
You need to join the Railroad and do two of the DIA missions from PAM. Then you unlock the function to upgrade it, after you speak with Tom.
F4 makes me want to buy an SSD.
check your armor modding table for newsboy hat and military fatiguesWth, I did two of the missions you said and I just got two covert vests...
F4 makes me wish I installed it on my SSD >_>
😂😂😂😂😂😂Fallout 4 |OT| Previous thread over-encumbered
My Piper disappeared.and sent her to sanctuary hill, but she hasn't arrived. Also, she was in a set of Power Armor.I got to the Prydwen and switched out for Danse to do the BoS starting BoS vertibird missions,
Is there any way to track her down? Her suit doesn't show up on the map.
I'm on PS4 so no command line.
Fallout 4 IOTI [SARCASM]
Fallout 4 IOTI Reloads QuicksaveFallout 4 IOTI Persuasion Failed
Fallout 4 |OT| Nan ni shimasuka?
Fallout 4 IOTI I got shot in the ass
I could swear a guard told me that once
Fallout 4 |OT| Previous thread over-encumbered
Yes if you kill him he drops it.Can we get Elder Maxens outfit?
Are you guys addicted to this game? What's the concensus