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Tarantino on Kill Bill Vol 3: "There definitely is a possibility."

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Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
What The Flick?! via Entertainment Weekly

Speaking on What the Flick!?, Tarantino discussed the chance of Kill Bill Vol. 3 becoming a reality.

“There definitely is a possibility. Stop short of seeing a probability,” Tarantino said to Ben Mankiewicz in the interview, viewable below at about the 57-minute mark.

“I put the character of Beatrix Kiddo through a lot, and so I wanted her to have this much time for peace,” Tarantino said, explaining that he wanted to give the character some downtime to spend with her daughter.

“The whole idea [behind waiting so long between films] was everybody would be as old as they are,”

Quentin Tarantino says 'Kill Bill Vol. 3' is 'probably not happening'
Quentin finishes answering a question about a sequel to Pulp Fiction ("It'll never happen.") when he tells the host that she didn't ask him about Kill Bill and if he'd do a third volume. So she asks him. And he says "Yes."

Kinda, sorta want this, but then, what is there be done that wasn't done in 1 and 2? Admittedly, "There definitely is a possibility" isn't really news, but it contrasts against his statements in 2012.


Maybe Uma's Character is the new "Bill" and that little girl she tells to come back for her... actually does...

Edit: Late... See above.


Kill Bill is Tarantino's best movie, this needs to happen.

I wonder who would play the young girl though. I don't think there's any Tarantino regular who would work for the role.


Yeah, this is the only way we could have some sort of follow up movie. Otherwise, no reason at all to make another one unless Tarantino needs more Uma foot time.

He said after the first two came out that this was what he would want to do for a third.
The real world aging thing adds to my belief that Kill Bill is Tarantino's Star Wars.

If only the Firefly clan didn't die in Devil's Rejects.


I need this.

Schattenjäger;188326175 said:
Tarentino's worst movie!

We don't want another
My favorite Tarantino movie by far, and I love Tarantino movies. Cinematic perfection IMO.

Ein Bear

I genuinely thought this had already been confirmed to be Tarantino's next movie. Disappointing to hear it's still only a maybe.

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
Blind Samurai Elle training Young Copperhead would be awesome! Micheal Jai White can be Dr. Bell's brother, since his part was cut out of the original film.

No idea, but it doesn't have to be the same actress.

It kinda does, that was the whole point of him waiting all these years. So B.B and Young Copper could grow up. He always said he wanted to use the same actors in the role.


It kinda does, that was the whole point of him waiting all these years. So B.B and Young Copper could grow up. He always said he wanted to use the same actors in the role.

For me, the most important part of it is that Uma Thurman doesn't have to be artificially aged for the whole movie.

Also, can anyone else think of a movie series where the main protagonist later becomes the main antagonist of a later film? I guess...Star Wars technically? That seems pretty novel in general though and I like the idea that in this case it's not even a face heel turn. It's just a change in perspective thanks to how shades of gray the characters are.

Glass Joe

Tarantino doesn't put out enough movies to retread the same ground again. Although I'm sure Kill Bill Vol 3 would be entertaining.
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