This may have already been posted, but MaidigiTV just posted a video where you can hear the crowd reaction to Akuma's reveal
Man.... I love this game.
This may have already been posted, but MaidigiTV just posted a video where you can hear the crowd reaction to Akuma's reveal
Hey. Ya get any new sticks coming?Man.... I love this game.
Akuma is canon. That's crazy
New default costumes are a biiig step in the right direction
Can't wait to see what's next
This may have already been posted, but MaidigiTV just posted a video where you can hear the crowd reaction to Akuma's reveal
This may have already been posted, but MaidigiTV just posted a video where you can hear the crowd reaction to Akuma's reveal
It's from Harada's tweet linked earlier in the thread.I've been hearing y'all say this a lot, but where's the info that these are new default costumes and not custom items or Triangle costumes? I don't want to be disappointed.
Yes I am ready for new Xioyu CG render
This outfit really got old..
Shoot, messing around with stuff like that is half the reason I still playing fighting games. The more you can mess with customization, the better, IMO. Somebody linked a video that was supposed to show how bad it has gotten, where Bob, the super obese agile fighter, is dressed as a blue Power Ranger. He is fighting a giant robot man dressed in a military uniform.
The "too silly" part of those sentences is supposed to be the Power Ranger and military uniform garb and not the mordibly obese guy doing karate flips into the face of a giant robot fighter. Tekken is already the most insane mainstream fighter in existence. Adding trinkets for the giant panda to wear while fighting the robo-girl with neon pink hair doesn't even up the silly quota one iota.
It looks bad, I think that's the crux of the customization argument.
Nobody says they want costumization to be removed. Just an option to toggle them off. At least in Ranked matches or in Ghost Mode.
Nobody says they want costumization to be removed. Just an option to toggle them off. At least in Ranked matches or in Ghost Mode.
Eh. Maybe not the majority, but plenty of people want customization gone.
DEATH;189288401 said:Some people do though... I mean, just read the thread...
Eh. Maybe not the majority, but plenty of people want customization gone.
Harada please remove twin tail from xiaoyu and make her sidetail.
We don't need more twin tail after lucky chloe.
Or bring miharu back.
she's talking about kazuya falling into darkness. She immediately says afterward " kazuya don't fall into the darkness" .
there is no statement on the intent of killing kazuya.
Don't know where you are getting this from
Shoot, messing around with stuff like that is half the reason I still playing fighting games. The more you can mess with customization, the better, IMO. Somebody linked a video that was supposed to show how bad it has gotten, where Bob, the super obese agile fighter, is dressed as a blue Power Ranger. He is fighting a giant robot man dressed in a military uniform.
The "too silly" part of those sentences is supposed to be the Power Ranger and military uniform garb and not the mordibly obese guy doing karate flips into the face of a giant robot fighter. Tekken is already the most insane mainstream fighter in existence. Adding trinkets for the giant panda to wear while fighting the robo-girl with neon pink hair doesn't even up the silly quota one iota.
DEATH™;189283355 said:On the other hand, you got this...
I mean, don't blame it on the system if some people's taste are s***.
No reason to pick between these two. I'd want both.A summary of what I want:
-> The MAIN thing I'd ask for is to make the customization system as robust, well designed, and contextual to the character like Tekken 6
----> If you can't do that and insist on making 95% of the options just trolling accessories you see in TTT2/T7 (which is understandable if the budget is cut and it's easier to recycle the TTT2 selection), then please provide a toggle for it to be disabled on their screen.
-----------> If you can't even do that, I'd rather it be gone since the defaults 1P and 2P outfits are the only ones worthy of a next-gen. Like Dereck said, the customs you currently see in the T7 just looks plain bad.
But since they finally listened after 10 years and finally made some brand new defaults for the cast, maybe there could be a chance they make the customs Tekken 6's level. I could start being optimistic here.
(god why)
I'm sorry, are some of these supposed to look good?
These are all awful.
I mean, you guys can make your characters look as terrible as you want. Just let me turn that shit off. Doesn't seem like much to ask.
Need release date
I'm still a little confused at what's preventing them from bringing over customizations from Tekken 6 if they're able to bring over customizations from Tekken Tag 2 (which featured a small number of customs from Tekken 6).
If they're going to reuse customizations (and they are), instead of providing everyone with a set of these
why not bring over some of the more personalized customizations that have been missing since 6, like for Dragunov (random example 'cause I've got pictures):
We all want a release date. I take a little consolation in the fact that it means we might be getting even more content on console. I hope it means the game is still in development.
I would love if Tekken could get an in-game version of a character and story encyclopedia. If would be great if it was interactive and was read by the voice actors of the respective characters that talk. King, Armor King, Panda/Kuma , Roger/Alez and Dragonov could be the exceptions because they don't talk much. Like I've said before it would be nice if it could cover their story/lore contributions in each game.
Something similar to Street Fighter's World Warrior Encyclopedia but better.These voice entries could be nice to earn through gameplay too.
Edit: A very cool way to do this is would be Lei Wulong's interrogation room. The characters talk about their history in each tournament as they get grilled by Lei Wulong.
I skipped out in Tekken Tag 2, were the customization items that bad?
Coming to PC, with VR compatibility.
Will likely be announced in the coming days at the Vive conference in China. Harada presiding.
Need release date
I skipped out in Tekken Tag 2, were the customization items that bad?
I really like your ideas for Tekken's story although I don't always agree with you. That kind of encyclopedia would be really great.
Thanks, don't mind me so much. You must be on the pro customization side of the argument. I just want a slightly more mature product. If you aren't old enough yet, don't worry father time is undefeated.
You should watch this Sasuke if you're over 18 years of age.
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