Git Gud.
Ooh, really? That gives me a little more hopeDark Souls 2 was medicore both before and after playing.
Dark Souls 3 is way better thankfully.
I know this is a joke but the world design of the other souls games is one of the things that makes the series is great. When you don't put any effort into it you're left with a mediocre game.
Youre doing it wrong. Bloodborne has ruined this genre IMO - Souls games are God.
Ooh, really? That gives me a little more hope![]()
How are the expectations arbitrary when this is the third game in a series?
You haven't seen anything yet. DS2, unlike DS1, peaks with its second half and especially the DLC, which is much, much better than the base game.
no no rapier for the win
It's the best game in the souls series. You're just a peasant who doesn't understand the mechanics. You can't play this game like Bloodborne, this game is more strategic and more challenging. You have to manage all of your resources. This is a much deeper and much more rewarding game, because of this Bloodborne felt like a step in the wrong direction.
No it's not haha. Demon's Souls didn't have glaring inconsistencies between areas that are supposed to be right next to each other. The problem is that the world doesn't seem like a real place because areas don't make sense, ie you can go from sea level to thousands of feet in the air by just going up some stairs. Check out that YouTube link on the last page that shows that a lot of these places just don't fit together.Eh. Different design philosophy. It's Demons Souls level design (Hub with spokes, that is) without shortcuts because you can warp from the start. I agree that exploring and finding your own shortcuts is much more rewarding though.
I take an elevator up to a volcanic crater? Deal breaker.
This. I quit the game when the logistics of that elevator showed me how little the B-team trash developers respected my intelligence. It's like they were high when they made the game.I take an elevator up to a volcanic crater? Deal breaker.
I absolutely love bloodborne, I love it so much, its probably one of my favourite games ever by now. But I started Dark Souls 2 on PS4 the other day after getting it cheap from gamestop, played about 10 hours, and man its not good, I think I'm gonna quit. I mean, I don't know if sucks is exactly the right word for it, but its so fucking obtuse, frustrating, the combat is so dull and bullshit, drives me mad. Am I a peasant who doesn't understand good mechanics or what?
Here's 10 enemies to try and dodge that you could kill in two hits but you can't get them all before they get you isn't fun. Horde enemies just aren't fun like this.
Dark Souls 3 has a lot of the Bloodborne upgrades in it
At least mechanically
Eh. Different design philosophy. It's Demons Souls level design (Hub with spokes, that is) without shortcuts because you can warp from the start. I agree that exploring and finding your own shortcuts is much more rewarding though.
These hitboxes were a crime.
Good hitboxes are absolutely integral to this series. Good enemy placement as well.
There's nothing like those gifs in Bloodborne or Dark Souls.Bad hitboxes are a series staple. I've had more in Bloodborne than DS2 honestly.
These hitboxes were a crime.
Good hitboxes are absolutely integral to this series. Good enemy placement as well.
I know this is a joke but the world design of the other souls games is one of the things that makes the series is great. When you don't put any effort into it you're left with a mediocre game.
This is an arguement that took place near the launch of Bloodborne. Depending on what you like souls games for, BB was either a step in the right direction or wrong one. I loved souls for the deep stats, customization, combat variety, world exploration, and diverse loot and enemies. Bloodborne was a step in the wrong direction for me. It was too dumbed down.yeah dont agree with this at all
While I agree DS2 has plenty to offer it doesnt make Bloodborne any less amazing
I've had stuff happen like that to me offline in SotFS. Those troll enemies attack you like that almost exclusively.Oh look those cherrypicked hitbox gifs again. I never experienced anything like that in my hundreds of hours with the game. Stuff can get weird when you're online, but offline the hitboxes pretty much behave how you'd expect.
I think it's pretty laughable to say that the world was designed to be this way.I just find it ludicrous when it's used as a linchpin for the argument against Dark Souls 2's world design. It all comes down to whether the particular player enjoys the game's primary motif of a disconnect in time and space.
These hitboxes were a crime.
Good hitboxes are absolutely integral to this series. Good enemy placement as and good bonfire design are incredibly important as well. Not to mention absolutely baffling design decisions like adaptability. Your character drinks estus like a person perpetually stuck in slow motion unless you invest in ADP.
There's nothing like those gifs in Bloodborne or Dark Souls.
I don't believe you hahaThat's nice, but I've played them all and I'm pretty confident in what I said.
I take an elevator up to a volcanic crater? Deal breaker.