I can agree with a lot of the criticism towards DSII, but OP starts terribly with the thread title, which will not attract any good discussion.
Coming from BB, of course, it will be harder to adapt to DS combat and play style. The game is way less forgiving than BB (no regain mechanics whatsoever, less chances of heal as enemies will not refill your Estus flask), and also noticeably slower. You really need to be smart about mobs, but the game offers a lot more options to deal with those than BB does. You have ranged attack and you have magic/miracle/hexes. Equip a bow and start to use from time to time and you will have a better way of dealing with the them (although I'm not dismissing this argument completely, as the game could have been smarter about enemy placement and mobs, but there are alternatives, which everyone seems to ignore).
Also, BB has a more consistent and has a better connected world, DSII world never felt as one single world, but instead it felt like a loads of interconnected levels, possibly because of the fast travel (talking about fast travel, at least it is done right in DSII, instead of that loading screen mess that is BB), and it is also an older game, and even the port doesn't look that great, although 60fps are welcomed.
There is a lot to get used to, so I'm not surprised OP isn't really enjoying their time, but DSII is far from being a bad game, and it also has the best multiplayer of the whole series, hands down. There are endless build possibilities and those actually change the way the game feels and plays and how you will need to approach enemies differently with each build (one area BB is severely lacking). Both games have their ups and down in relation to certain areas and certain bosses, and this has been a constant throughout the series, so that will be down to player preference.
But most importantly, both are great games.