You can come at it from any angle; level design, enemy placement, bosses, yadda, yadda and all those criticisms have merit BUT all other criticisms of the game come FAR, FAR below the problem with the core basic engine, how you control the character, how you move and react in the world, the basic combat, movement etc. I am NOT talking about something that can be solved by pumping the agility stat - it is the engine itself that has the character moving in an awkward way that, to me, is inferior to the previous two games and makes the whole game a lesser experience regardless of everything else in the game, good or bad.
If someone modded in the character movement and controls verbatim from DS1 or even DeS it would improve the experience hugely, the game would still have all the other things people note as problems, but it would be a lot more fun to play.
When people defend DS2 by saying it's bigger, there's more weapons, more fashion souls - I don't care, it's a sequel - I'd expect those things. What I don't expect is for them to take the main thing about the game that makes it so amazing (the basic gameplay) and ruin it. The game plays like another studio did a Souls-like game and got it wrong.
I can still enjoy the game and still play it (I just platinumed the PS4 version a few weeks back despite huge frustrations and swearing off it forever at one point), but the basic gameplay is the worst of the series because they fucked it up. Bloodborne plays beautifully, so attribute all that to whatever you want, B-team whatever I don't really care to get in to all that - All I know is DS2's gameplay, character controlling is inferior, frustrating and far less fun than the other 3 games in the series (and DS3 too from the network test, although I wasn't 100% sold on the gameplay there either, but it was better than DS2 at least, so I have hope).