Why play The Order when Yoshi's Woolly World exists?
Come on, people.
Come on, people.
Maybe because both are exclusive to their respective consoles and I only have one of those. Besides, The Order looks far more impressive visually.Why play The Order when Yoshi's Woolly World exists?
Come on, people.
Why play The Order when Yoshi's Woolly World exists?
Come on, people.
I'm not even saying that Mass Effect Andromeda will sell more on XBO, I'm saying that ME has more appeal with Xbox One audience.
Nobody has a Wii U?Why play The Order when Yoshi's Woolly World exists?
Come on, people.
So how much will the Fire Emblem New 3DS XL impact the 3DS sales in February?
nah but for real 3DS is obviously gonna take a massive hit YoY in Q1
Fire Emblem is going to sell DAYM well
Wonder if it will appear in top 10. It has a chance not that many releases.Probably not.
So is it true what Im hearing is that Sony will have Mass Effect marketing?
Of course it will
And i am saying because the numbers are so close this gen the appeal is even.
X1 does not have the huge user base advantage 360 has.
And from software sales there is nothing to show the X1 user base likes WRPG more .
Or titles that used to be association with them having more appeal on there system .
Eh I'm not so sure Awakening didn't do it and there's also a two different editions which won't be counted as one game would.
Awakening sold 180,000 in NA opening month. It sold a whopping 63,000 of those digitally opening month due to Nintendo massively underestimating demand and the game selling out.
This game will launch bigger than Awakening. Its charting, and rather easily.
Of course it will
I didn't said likes WRPG more, they like Mass Effect more, but Fallout 4 sold more on Xbox One despite 1.3 million less consoles, and Fallout never had the same connection with Xbox that ME has.
NPD will not track FE:Conquest and Birthright as one game right?
Fire Emblem should be over 200,000 combined, splitting the SKU may have it not chart.
The game itself will be top 10 combined though for the month
They don't combine Pokemon versions, so FE will be split as well.
Heh wonder how there going to track the special edition. As a 3rd SKU no?
There are 3?!
Probably. Is it its own separate thing?
There are 3?!
Probably. Is it its own separate thing?
There are 3?!
Probably. Is it its own separate thing?
You know what's even better?all 3 trackers in Japan counted it differently:I mean more confusing
Media Create combined Birthright/Conquest but separated the special edition
Famitsu combined Birthright/Conquest and counted the special edition as 2x sales and threw it all together
Dengeki separated them all
Yup popularity is actually growing pretty rapidly now. Lots of minor league teams showing up and MLS is expanding rapidly. I wouldn't be surprised to see Fifa selling even more in the next 5 years
The new Fire Emblem is so f'ing confusing. So what's the difference between them all? And I guess I should only buy one physical to get the other digitally at a discount or something?? What??
God damn it.![]()
NPD will either do what Dengeki or Media Create did. Leaning a bit more towards Dengeki.
Yeah if the sku's are tracked separately that no doubt throws a wrench into my 100% confidence it charts. I was so used to seeing them as 1 SKU in Japanese charts I forgot NPD will likely split them.
Besides that though I guess the other 2 major releases are SFV and Far Cry Primal? These should both be decent / big launches but likely very little overlap in fanbase. FE has Nintendo fans pretty much all to itself that month.
There is a potential 4th option which I would laugh so hard if NPD actually did it:
have Birthright and Conquest separated, but count the SE as 1 copy of each
that way literally nobody is doing it the same way!ignore Europe after all those plebs don't even have a release date
being serious though it's probably going to be like Dengeki
Major releases in February NPD
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
Street Fighter V
Fire Emblem Fates
Far Cry Primal
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
Awakening sold 180,000 in NA opening month. It sold a whopping 63,000 of those digitally opening month due to Nintendo massively underestimating demand and the game selling out.
This game will launch bigger than Awakening. Its charting, and rather easily. Only thing that MIGHT impact that is it being two different SKU's, though its entirely possible both SKU's will chart. Combined SKU's will be top 10 easily.
Its, more or less, two different games of the size of Awakening (Birthright is more like Awakening in design, Conquest is more elaborate and difficult in its designs), and a third DLC-only path that is a bit more recycled but this largely unique. All of the games share the first six chapters, and otherwise have 27/26 (Birthright/Conquest) unique chapters to them (though there aren't 52 unique maps total, some are recycled but changed in mechanics or objectives).
If you buy one version, the other is half the price.
Thanks for trying to explain. But holy crap. What.
So, I start with Birthright and then move to Conquest? and a DLC campaign that is recycled but unique?
I played both. The Order had better blowing people up with arc guns.Why play The Order when Yoshi's Woolly World exists?
Come on, people.
How the fuck does this even make it past the drawing board?You can start with whatever you want, Birthright is a game that's more in the Awakening vein of design while Conquest goes back to more OG Fire Emblem by removing the map and adding in different objectives (also generally harder).
The third path is a blend of the two in terms of its maps (hence recycled but some are I believe unique to it) but the objectives and story are unique. Its a middle-of-the-road path in terms of difficulty.
Its basically trying to release (and market/explain) two and a half games at the same time, lol. I think its largely done in an attempt to appeal to both sides of the fanbase, ie. pre and post Awakening to a degree since that did introduce a schism... though for more than just gameplay mechanics which is what FE:Fates attempts to fix.
I played both. The Order had better blowing people up with arc guns.
How the fuck does this even make it past the drawing board?
How the fuck does this even make it past the drawing board?
Thanks for trying to explain. But holy crap. What.
So, I start with Birthright and then move to Conquest? and a DLC campaign that is recycled but unique?
I concur. Lower price will drive sales!
Lower pay will drive productivity!The analyst who came to this conclusion deserves a raise.
Off-topic [I don't have other place open to post that].
Started to play The Order 1886.
You know I consider TW3 combat bad... so bad the breaks a little all the good points the game have.
I can say now The Order shooting mechanics are even worst... I wish to stop to play a lot of times... it breaker anything good in the game.
Why they are launch so bad gameplay games this gen?
I will finish the campaign one time but man I need to stop and have a break to play it again after some shooting part.
How the fuck does this even make it past the drawing board?
If they shipped 1 million LEGO bundles, and no one bought them so retailers sent them back, that is -1 million shipped. This happened with the Wii U in Europe one quarter.
If they repurpose those into another bundle and shipped those, it would be +1 million.
It would equal out.
Fates is the second best selling game in the series in Japan, so it clearly worked out there. Only time will tell how it compares in the west of course. But it's really not that complicated. It's essentially just one very big game with 3 different campaigns that each have their own unique quirks.