Patchnotes for the January update
Below are the patch notes specific to PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One for the January update.
Additional Content/Functionality:
Multiplayer modes added to the Tatooine Survival map. (Blast, Droid Run, Hero Hunt, Heroes vs Villains, Drop Zone)
Hoth Luke Skywalker skin added
Hoth Han Solo skin added
Private match functionality added
Daily challenges added
Setting for actively choosing server site added
Weapon and Star Card changes:
EE-3 Explosive shot damage decreased from 10 to 4 per shot
SE-14C Explosive shot damage decreased from 10 to 5 per shot
Homing Shot lock on time increased from 0.4 to 1.5
Homing Shot lock on distance decreased by 10 meters
Homing Shot projectile speed decreased slightly (30 -> 23)
RTC-97 overheat value is increased
Bowcaster replenish time tweaked (Normal 18 -> 25 and Upgrade 15 -> 20)
Flash Grenade replenish time tweaked (Normal 16 -> 20 and Upgrade 12 -> 15)
ION Torpedo replenish time tweaked (Normal 15 -> 25 and Upgrade 12 -> 20)
Thermal Detonator replenish time tweaked (Normal 15 -> 20 and Upgrade 10 -> 15)
Impact Grenade replenish time tweaked (Normal 16 -> 25 and Upgrade 12 -> 20)
Explosive Shot active time tweaked (Normal 7 -> 5 and Upgrade 10 -> 7)
Scan Ping recharge time tweaked (Normal 8 -> 10 and Upgrade 5 -> 8)
Cycler Rifle bullet dropoff reduced
Cycler Rifle damage increased from 90 to 100 at close range (10 meters)
DL-44 overheat tweaked and fire rate changed from 250 to 180.
Bounty Hunter trait card Level 2 reward percentage lowered from 100% to 85%
Bowcaster explosion damage lowered from 50 to 15 per shot
ION Torpedo lock on range decreased from 600 to 500 meters
Smart Rocket lock on range changed from 1000 to 500 meters
RTC-97 spread is increased when firing for a longer period
Scan Ping tweaked to have 50% shorter spotting time
Vehicle Changes:
Starfighters pickups have a 20 second respawn delay
T-47 Airspeeder pickups have a 10 second respawn delay
Millennium Falcon and Slave I health decreased by 30%
Game Mode Changes:
Removed a turbolaser on Sullust which could be used for spawn killing
Turbolaser respawn time has been increased with 15 seconds
New friend zones and additional spawn points for Supremacy maps
New friend zones and additional spawn points for Walker Assault maps
New friend zones and additional spawn points for Turning Point on Jakku
Bugfix for crashing instantly when spawning in a vehicle on Jakku
Fighter Squadron hero vehicle pickups have more randomized timing
Fixed a Heroes vs Villains bug where players could use their cards in pre-round that got corrected by server
Updated spawn management between big and small game modes
New game mode minimum player count thresholds:
- Walker Assault 20
- Supremacy 20
- Dropzone 4
- Blast 4
- Cargo 4
- Fighter Squadron 4
- Hero Hunt 4
- Droid Run 4
- Heroes Vs Villains 4
- Turning Point 20
Hero Changes:
Han Solo weapon damage over distance is lowered. (Damage goes from 70 to 30 between 10 and 25 meters)
Boba Fett weapon damage over distance is lowered. (Damage goes from 30 to 20 between 30 and 60 meters)
Boba Fett wristlauncher explosion radius decreased from 4 to 3, maxiumum damage tweaked from 1 to 0.8 meters
Boba Fett missile doesn't lock on anymore
Boba Fett wristlauncher explosion damage slightly increased in damage to compensate for the removing of tracking
Bug Fixes:
Stun inducing attacks now properly trigger stun animation loop
Fixing an issue where melee'ing at nothing completly stopped your movement
After the transition from the AT-AT the user screen could remain black, this is now fixed
Several instances of rocks that players could get stuck on have been fixed
Speederbike - Inconsistence between the range when you see the prompt button and when you could actually use the vehicle
Jakku - Invisible collision located on the landed rebel transport ship
Users with the most kills will now not be prevented from get the Trophy / Achievement ”Playing the objective” in Blast
Star Wars Battlefront gets new outfits, private matches, daily challenges and more modes on Tatooine in a free update that hits tomorrow, according to a lengthy post written by Sigurlina Ingvarsdottir, the game's senior producer, this afternoon.
The roadmap also unveils some of the free content landing in updates through to March as well as a more detailed look at what the game's Season Pass will deliver starting that month. Among those paid updates are maps in the Outer Rim, the Cloud City of Bespin and on the Death Star.
"As we said back in November, the release of Star Wars Battlefront was just the beginning," Ingvarsdottir writes. "Our team has been listening to your feedback and building a calendar of new content and tuning changes we will be making to the game throughout 2016."
EA kicked off the slate of free content for Battlefront last month when it released the free Battle of Jakku DLC, which added two new maps and the new mode Turning Point.
Tomorrow's free content will add support for the Blast, Droid Run, Drop Zone, Hero Hunt, and Heroes vs Villains multiplayer modes to the Tatooine Survival map, which will now be called Raider Camp.
The update will also add Hoth-themed outfits for Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, unlocked by players completing the game's Heroes' Holiday community mission last month.
The update will also include balancing tweaks to weapons and modes, the introduction of daily challenges and community events and the ability for players to create Private Matches.
The next free update, which will hit in February, will add a new survival mission on Hoth, a new Hoth multiplayer map that will support larger game modes including Walker Assault, Supremacy, Fighter Squadron and Turning Point. The game will also expand the Turning Point game mode for play on all maps that currently support Walker Assault and Supremacy.
March adds another multiplayer map on Endor that will support Walker Assault, Supremacy, and Turning Point, and an additional Tatooine Survival map.
March is also when the paid content will start hitting as part of the game's Season Pass. Here's the run down of what we now know about paid DLC by month:
Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim (March 2016) - Fight among the factories of Sullust and battle within Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine.
Star Wars Battlefront Bespin (Summer 2016) - It's hunt or be hunted in this action-packed experience set in the Cloud City of Bespin.
Star Wars Battlefront Death Star (Fall 2016) - That's no moon! One of the most iconic locations in the Star Wars universe makes its debut in Star Wars Battlefront.
Star Wars Battlefront Expansion Pack 4 - Title TBA (Early 2017) - We will have more details to share about this exciting new expansion pack in the coming months.
Patchnotes for the January update
Below are the patch notes specific to PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One for the January update.
Additional Content/Functionality:
Multiplayer modes added to the Tatooine Survival map. (Blast, Droid Run, Hero Hunt, Heroes vs Villains, Drop Zone)
Hoth Luke Skywalker skin added
Hoth Han Solo skin added
Private match functionality added
Daily challenges added
Setting for actively choosing server site added
Weapon and Star Card changes:
EE-3 Explosive shot damage decreased from 10 to 4 per shot
SE-14C Explosive shot damage decreased from 10 to 5 per shot
Homing Shot lock on time increased from 0.4 to 1.5
Homing Shot lock on distance decreased by 10 meters
Homing Shot projectile speed decreased slightly (30 -> 23)
RTC-97 overheat value is increased
Bowcaster replenish time tweaked (Normal 18 -> 25 and Upgrade 15 -> 20)
Flash Grenade replenish time tweaked (Normal 16 -> 20 and Upgrade 12 -> 15)
ION Torpedo replenish time tweaked (Normal 15 -> 25 and Upgrade 12 -> 20)
Thermal Detonator replenish time tweaked (Normal 15 -> 20 and Upgrade 10 -> 15)
Impact Grenade replenish time tweaked (Normal 16 -> 25 and Upgrade 12 -> 20)
Explosive Shot active time tweaked (Normal 7 -> 5 and Upgrade 10 -> 7)
Scan Ping recharge time tweaked (Normal 8 -> 10 and Upgrade 5 -> 8)
Cycler Rifle bullet dropoff reduced
Cycler Rifle damage increased from 90 to 100 at close range (10 meters)
DL-44 overheat tweaked and fire rate changed from 250 to 180.
Bounty Hunter trait card Level 2 reward percentage lowered from 100% to 85%
Bowcaster explosion damage lowered from 50 to 15 per shot
ION Torpedo lock on range decreased from 600 to 500 meters
Smart Rocket lock on range changed from 1000 to 500 meters
RTC-97 spread is increased when firing for a longer period
Scan Ping tweaked to have 50% shorter spotting time
Vehicle Changes:
Starfighters pickups have a 20 second respawn delay
T-47 Airspeeder pickups have a 10 second respawn delay
Millennium Falcon and Slave I health decreased by 30%
Game Mode Changes:
Removed a turbolaser on Sullust which could be used for spawn killing
Turbolaser respawn time has been increased with 15 seconds
New friend zones and additional spawn points for Supremacy maps
New friend zones and additional spawn points for Walker Assault maps
New friend zones and additional spawn points for Turning Point on Jakku
Bugfix for crashing instantly when spawning in a vehicle on Jakku
Fighter Squadron hero vehicle pickups have more randomized timing
Fixed a Heroes vs Villains bug where players could use their cards in pre-round that got corrected by server
Updated spawn management between big and small game modes
New game mode minimum player count thresholds:
- Walker Assault 20
- Supremacy 20
- Dropzone 4
- Blast 4
- Cargo 4
- Fighter Squadron 4
- Hero Hunt 4
- Droid Run 4
- Heroes Vs Villains 4
- Turning Point 20
Hero Changes:
Han Solo weapon damage over distance is lowered. (Damage goes from 70 to 30 between 10 and 25 meters)
Boba Fett weapon damage over distance is lowered. (Damage goes from 30 to 20 between 30 and 60 meters)
Boba Fett wristlauncher explosion radius decreased from 4 to 3, maxiumum damage tweaked from 1 to 0.8 meters
Boba Fett missile doesn't lock on anymore
Boba Fett wristlauncher explosion damage slightly increased in damage to compensate for the removing of tracking
Bug Fixes:
Stun inducing attacks now properly trigger stun animation loop
Fixing an issue where melee'ing at nothing completly stopped your movement
After the transition from the AT-AT the user screen could remain black, this is now fixed
Several instances of rocks that players could get stuck on have been fixed
Speederbike - Inconsistence between the range when you see the prompt button and when you could actually use the vehicle
Jakku - Invisible collision located on the landed rebel transport ship
Users with the most kills will now not be prevented from get the Trophy / Achievement ”Playing the objective” in Blast