"Aren't you tired of centrist Democrats?"
Aren't YOU fucking tired of being in Iraq because of assholes who voted for a third party instead of Gore, leading to 8 years of the disastrous Bush administration?

"Aren't you tired of centrist Democrats?"
Aren't YOU fucking tired of being in Iraq because of assholes who voted for a third party instead of Gore, leading to 8 years of the disastrous Bush administration?
Gore was one of the very earliest opponents of the Iraq War let's not forget.Agreed, but I think it's still useful to remember that Gore was more conservative than President Clinton and more of a hawk, but still would have avoided the costliest military blunder in most of our lifetimes.
There is more going on than just Wall Street and the Middle East. Vote how you want, but the fact of the matter is is that there will only be two viable candidates on the ballot.It is yeah, it's hopelessly entrenched as such. However I don't think that those who have moral objections to voting for a politician who will continue to suck up to Wall Street and will continue drone strikes in the Middle East and Pakistan among other things should be demonised or called a "fucking idiot". Voting for Jill Stein is better than not voting at all. A slavish devotion towards pragmatism and the lesser of two evils is why you have such mediocre politicians and massive voter apathy.
There are only (to my knowledge) about half a dozen marginal states. Most progressives in the US can vote for who they want to instead of compromising on their ideals and voting for someone who would be right at home in the UK Conservative party. The minority who live in marginal states have a different dilemma granted.
Gore was one of the very earliest opponents of the Iraq War let's not forget.
Gore was one of the very earliest opponents of the Iraq War let's not forget.
You should feel free to disagree with prochoice women who don't vote for Hillary. But I don't think you should call them "fucking idiots," like backslashbunny.Because if she's pro choice, if we're going to make this a single issue, why would she vote for someone who has no chance of winning?
Hilary seems like it would make more sense considering she's pro choice as well AND can win AND she can secure seats on the SCOTUS to make sure that women will ALWAYS have the choice in this country.
With the reality of this two party system, which I assume this woman understands, the choice, to me, would be obvious - even if you have to grit your teeth while doing it.
He was a good enough candidate. Holier than thou Nader voters in Florida fucked things up.Too bad he was too poor a candidate to win election.
lol @ the irony of Gore losing 7 or 8 states that Clinton won by being centrist, putting Lieberman on the ticket, and telling Bill to sit on the sidelines.
Nader didn't lose us 2000. Gore did.
He was a good enough candidate. Holier than thou Nader voters fucked things up.
You should feel free to disagree with prochoice women who don't vote for Hillary. But I don't think you should call them "fucking idiots," like backslashbunny.
lol @ the irony of Gore losing 7 or 8 states that Clinton won by being centrist, putting Lieberman on the ticket, and telling Bill to sit on the sidelines.
Nader didn't lose us 2000. Gore did.
That article claims a Republican wouldn't have pushed Reaganism anymore than Clinton.
Bill Clinton picked one of the most liberal SC justices in history with Ginsburg. That one decision alone had a domino effect that has advanced countless liberal causes to this day. Her vote on gay marriage. Or Obamacare for example.
Anyone such as that fool who tries to claim Bill Clinton did nothing to advance liberalism or progressivism is a bold faced liar.
Gore lost those states. Nader cost him Florida which was a leans red state.
We all know what went down in Florida.
Jesus, guys. Please go read some stuff. Please?He was a good enough candidate. Holier than thou Nader voters in Florida fucked things up.
Most Bernie supporters are millennials, they are too young too understand how politics works in my experience.I can't tell you how I fucking love people blaming Clinton for Iraq or Lybia.
Iraq? Surely if Clinton alone voted against it Bush Administration would have looked at future Queen Clinton and recanted on the foolish behavior!
Lybia was purely Clinton coaxing France, United Kingdom and Italy into pushing an intervention to oust the dictator!
Thanks Obama!
Jesus, guys. Please go read some stuff. Please?
Most Bernie supporters are millennials, they are too young too understand how politics works in my experience.
it was political suicide to do otherwise. HIllary would have been targeted as unpatriotic. Now she is targeted as a warhawk as a result.
damned if you do, damned if you dont.
the only thing you show is a lack of context for the times.
Jesus, guys. Please go read some stuff. Please?
Think about how insane that sounds.
Did people call Inouye unpatriotic because of his no vote?
Did people call Inouye unpatriotic because of his no vote?
Nah:Most Bernie supporters are millennials, they are too young too understand how politics works in my experience.
Do you think we would be better off with a more or less conservative supreme court?
I'll hang up and listen.
I didn't know "most" was 36%
I wasnt talking about gore.I've already answered earlier in the thread. It's not relevant to the fact that Gore failed as a candidate on multiple fronts. Nader was only relevant on one of those.
I didn't know "most" was 36%
I'm talking about the Senator of New York. You know, the place that got attacked.
Reading a few comments on this thread and it makes me upset that everyone is instantly assuming that Trump will take us back culturally and whatnot. I'll be voting for him come November but I guess I won't be able to experience his racism and regressiveness due to my white privilege.
I wasnt talking about gore.
Last I heard you thought Hillary was going to put centrists on the court.
But neither answer the question I proposed.
it was political suicide to do otherwise. HIllary would have been targeted as unpatriotic. Now she is targeted as a warhawk as a result.
damned if you do, damned if you dont.
the only thing you show is a lack of context for the times.
I wasnt talking about gore.
Last I heard you thought Hillary was going to put centrists on the court.
But neither answer the question I proposed.
By Iraq?
It is yeah, it's hopelessly entrenched as such. However I don't think that those who have moral objections to voting for a politician who will continue to suck up to Wall Street and will continue drone strikes in the Middle East and Pakistan among other things should be demonised or called a "fucking idiot". Voting for Jill Stein is better than not voting at all. A slavish devotion towards pragmatism and the lesser of two evils is why you have such mediocre politicians and massive voter apathy.
There are only (to my knowledge) about half a dozen marginal states. Most progressives in the US can vote for who they want to instead of compromising on their ideals and voting for someone who would be right at home in the UK Conservative party. The minority who live in marginal states have a different dilemma granted.
Edit: Better image:
There's a skew but plenty of older voters go for Sanders too
No, I think the blame for Iraq lies squarely with the Bush administration and politicians like Hillary who voted for the invasion. And least we forget, before Bush and the war, there were thousands of Iraqi kids dying under the sanctions regime and Madeleine Albrite told us she and the rest of the Clinton admin had no moral issue with that.Anyone who voted Nader has the blood on their hands of the dead in Iraq. Without fucking question. Just like Bush voters. I felt that way in 2000, and still do 16 years later as do countless long time loyal Democrat voters.
And if Trump wins Green/non voters are just as much to blame when he rounds up Hispanics to kick out of the county to bans Muslims from entering the country.
That's how it works, we have a two party system.
There is more going on than just Wall Street and the Middle East. Vote how you want, but the fact of the matter is is that there will only be two viable candidates on the ballot.
If i were to vote, it would be for Trump. Since I'm abstaining my vote, I guess it would be considered a vote for Hilary.
I answered that earlier as well. I'm not confident she will do anything other than putting neoliberal justices on the court.
It may be better for LGBT/racial/gender issues, which is admirable, but I don't see it improving on economic issues or things like govt surveillance.
Edit: my kid is finishing soccer training up so I won't be posting for at least a few hours.
I don't think you read my post. I could make a laundry list of moral objections genuine lefties would have to voting for Hillary. Not being anti-abortion, not banning Muslims from entering the country (but is okay with bombing them abroad) and suddenly being pro equal marriage (having been vehemently against it) now that it's a done deal is a really low bar.
Also those who vote Green know that Jill Stein won't win, it's about building momentum for future elections. The more people who vote for her in this election the more viable the next Green candidate is for the next election and so more people will vote for him/her and so on. If you keep writing off third party candidates as no hopers it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
You're aware of very little, including the fact that most Nader voters wouldn't have voted for Gore, and that Gore lost a ton of states that Clinton won by margins greater than the entire Nader voting base.I'm aware a bunch of lefties try to tell themselves some of the blood from Iraq isn't partly on their hands. Here's the simple truth - if every Nader voted had but their big boy pants on and voted for Gore, Dubya wouldn't have been President. Period.
The two types I know:
1. Old misogynists
2. Young Bernie-ites who seriously don't understand what 8 years of Bush did to this country.
No shit Sherlock?
What were you even trying to get at with this post? Trump's a racist. And your voting for him. And your white.
What am I missing?
45 > 50? Is this a Kyle Orland graph?Nah:
Edit: Better image:
There's a skew but plenty of older voters go for Sanders too