I'm a minority (Latino) in a non swing red state and honestly Its crossed my mind that maybe we (as a country) do have to hit rock bottom before we truly have meaningful progress. Get upset if you will but I really dislike this feeble mealy mouthed drip fed progress.
This is a fair point, although one I disagree with.
My counter to it is that I think we have been fed lies about voting not being important. I'm no exception, I always had a somewhat fatalist attitude about it. But now I think that those in office are benefiting from the status quo of America not voting. Everyone staying home and waiting to hit rock bottom so a revolution will start... maybe they know what they're doing. Maybe a bloody revolution is the only answer, and they just haven't waited long enough.
But maybe they're not. Only 36.4% of eligible voters turned out in 2014.
36.4%. 40.9% voted in 2010.
If Trump and Bernie can get this much support, why exactly is voting useless? Explain that to me. Bernie might not win this time. But you have 65% of the country staying home on election day. Almost 2/3 aren't voting. And the government is happy about that; it is the status quo.
Let's restrict ourselves to just the presidency for a moment. Don't Trump and Bernie suggest that it is
possible to get a candidate other than the one the party wants? And if the 2/3 of people who didn't vote in 2014 got engaged, couldn't that make a big difference?