Aren;t a lot of Bernie supporters simply anti-establisment? After he's gone Trump is the next best thing
If you were to believe that Trump is actually anti-establishment, maybe. But if you believe that, please PM me for some exciting investment opportunities.
Trump says it himself all the time: "I know [politicians] better than anyone." Of course he does, because he socializes with them and fucking donates to them. Like the Clintons, for example.
This notion that Trump wouldn't immediately fall in with the GOP establishment after election is hilarious. I see both Bernie supporters and Freepers talking about how money and power have corrupted their parties and how mad they are at the politicians. And then some of those people turn around and claim we should elect Donald Trump, the guy who constantly talks (and exaggerates) about how rich he is, who once tried to trademark the phrase, "You're fired", and who parties with and donates to the corrupt politicians? That's not serious.
After election, Trump would quickly settle in with the GOP. Many of their political and legislative goals are the same, and Trump loves money and power. He'd be right at home and they'd quickly forget the sparring during the campaign.
Even if he was anti-establishment, he has promised to do things like grow the military, expand libel laws to sue the press, use torture and commit war crimes, cut taxes for the rich, repeal Obamacare, ban Muslims, deport all illegals, who openly encourages violence against protesters, etc. For a Bernie supporter to vote for that can in no way be done in good conscience. No way. Or it means you care more about whether a candidate is (seemingly) anti-establishment than who the fuck they actually are, and what they think about stuff and what they plan on doing when they're in what is probably the most powerful political position in the world.
Trump isn't anti-establishment. If you believe that, you have fallen for the Trumpster's antics just like the conservatives who think he is a humble Christian whose favorite book is the bible.