If I'm to be honest... I think a lot of the difference in mindset comes from fear. So much fear.
Like the clinton supporters are all thinking - if you don't vote, then we're doomed.
And I'm sitting here thinking - well, if it comes down to Clinton vs Trump, there's no way that Clinton loses. So why the fuck are Clinton supporters shaming Sanders supporters for not wanting to add more votes to the tally?
Like... this shit's going to be land slide IMO. But if you think that Trump somehow has a chance in hell, then yeah, I can see why you'd be all - "MOTHERFUCKERS GET OUT THERE AND VOTE I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE CLINTON OR NOT! JUST DOOOO IITTTTT."
But fuck, the polling at this stage for Clinton v Trump is solid. If polling closer to election date proves to be closer, then that'd probably be the time to rally the small percentage of Sanders supporters that are spurning their rational beliefs. Also more effective because the primaries will be long over.
At this point in time, the whole underlying context of this thread is like Clinton supporters rubbing salt in the wound - "Our candidate is the presumptive nominee! VOTE FOR HER IF YOU'RE EVEN HALFWAY RATIONAL YOU FILTHY SANDERS SUPPORTERS!"
It really does come across as assholish as that, even if some of the points been made are solid. The heavily implied (and occasional literal) accusations of racism against Sanders supporters for not wanting to support Clinton is especially fun.
Like the clinton supporters are all thinking - if you don't vote, then we're doomed.
And I'm sitting here thinking - well, if it comes down to Clinton vs Trump, there's no way that Clinton loses. So why the fuck are Clinton supporters shaming Sanders supporters for not wanting to add more votes to the tally?
Like... this shit's going to be land slide IMO. But if you think that Trump somehow has a chance in hell, then yeah, I can see why you'd be all - "MOTHERFUCKERS GET OUT THERE AND VOTE I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE CLINTON OR NOT! JUST DOOOO IITTTTT."
But fuck, the polling at this stage for Clinton v Trump is solid. If polling closer to election date proves to be closer, then that'd probably be the time to rally the small percentage of Sanders supporters that are spurning their rational beliefs. Also more effective because the primaries will be long over.
At this point in time, the whole underlying context of this thread is like Clinton supporters rubbing salt in the wound - "Our candidate is the presumptive nominee! VOTE FOR HER IF YOU'RE EVEN HALFWAY RATIONAL YOU FILTHY SANDERS SUPPORTERS!"
It really does come across as assholish as that, even if some of the points been made are solid. The heavily implied (and occasional literal) accusations of racism against Sanders supporters for not wanting to support Clinton is especially fun.