This should've been a homerun
Get synder off these films, ffs
Can we get rid of Snyder now please
When did Trump start reviewing movies
Why is that the real test? Who cares what if makes
My exact reaction![]()
Holy Shit.
Well fuck. How to you screw up something this important up? Well hopefully WB rethinks Snyder for Justice League.
Now comes the real test: How much (if at all) this effects the film's box office.
That's a wrap for Zack Snyder.
Pretty sad about this.
I remember when Snyder made a good film.
That was back in 2004 though.
Uproxx Mike Ryan really didn't like the movie, although he really wanted to.
Devin Faraci straight up called it the worst modern comic book movie lol
Robie Cohen, he just wrote a [URL=""]huge defense of Zack Snyder the other day, really didn't like it 2/5 stars at Telegraph[/URL]
Eric Kohn gave it a C- at Indiewire, "Trailers tease the premise of "Batman v. Superman" with the catchy hashtag #WhoShouldWin, but the movie inadvertently suggests that the real topic is #WhoShouldCare."
Matt Singer's Screencrush(4/10) was quite damning, I'm sure he's readying to delete his social media accounts as we speak
Thought Man of Steel was a complete turd, not expecting much for this. I hope it's funny at least, to make up for the sorry writing and dialogue.
Overambitious and overlong, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" aims to tell a collection of stories instead of focusing on one. In doing so, it underserves its classic characters, undercuts its battle scenes, and disrespects the audience who has been waiting decades to see this epic showdown on the big screen.
I'm dead
humorless, not fun.
Well fuck, seems like critics really don't want variety.