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Batman v. Superman RT Thread: like standing ovations in rain

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One thing is for sure, while I'm still seeing this movie this weekend, I sure as heck wont be paying to see it in IMAX now.

I just don't understand how a living human can in any way screw up a Batman vs. Superman movie.

Not hard to figure out when Frank Miller gets the first special thanks credit at the end of the movie.

Sou Da

Lock Morrison and Miller in a room together and force them to only come out when they have a script they can both agree on.

Surely the result couldn't be any worse than BvS.

Boy I hope you mean George Miller. Frank can defintely whip up some dogshit.
Characterization appears to be one of the most divisive factors of that movie and now this sequel, seems like this carries the baton from MoS and doesn't strive to make any fundamental changed to what worked for that movie - just seems a little bit sloppier in execution due to the Justice League balancing act it needs to pull.
That... Doesn't sound very assuring. :(
Yes, but the point is, I believe WB's sin wasn't that they didn't fund five films for each character before doing this, it's that they trusted Snyder to do something he's never really done. And it sounds like Terrio didn't really have to fix everything. I shudder thinking how much of a mess the movie would've been if he hadn't taken over writing duties.

I expect in the next films of the DCCU for Snyder to have much less power and Affleck and a few other people to be able to go at him and tell him his ideas are a mess. Hell, I seriously think they should get Max Landis at least as a consultant so he can whack Snyder and tell him "that's not Superman, make him save people, or at least make him try!"
How is Landis' new Superman comic? Greg Miller invited him for an interview at his show and raves about it. Does he get Supes?

George Miller was supposed to make JL movie right? Maybe he can take over.


I don't know, I kind of get it. I feel pretty burnt out on comic book movies. The Marvel stuff was pretty cool at its inception, but the fill in the blanks to get to Tentpole X has kind of worn on me. If you're a fan of the source material, then that's awesome. But to me, who just wants to see fun, cool movies, the combined universe stuff has been both a blessing and a curse. Which is why it sucks that this movie is not only apparently bad, but that they're shoehorning a scheduled universe onto it. Suicide Squad should be good at least.

Marvel at least seems to take feedback to heart even if they don't always stick the landing. IM2 was too samey and concerned with set up so they got Shane Black to create a independent Tony Stark movie. Thor TDW is mediocre and they recognize that and have said they want Ragnarok to do for the character what Winter Soldier did for Cap. Avengers was too fluffy so AoU had more serious character moments and dramatic/philosophical beats. The end of the world story is overdone so they made Ant-Man a compact story about fathers and their daughters. I'm not saying they always fix their problems or ignoring the fact that they frequently create new issues for themselves but at least they're clearly trying.

BvS sounds like they doubled down on the MoS criticisms as well as creating brand new problems.
Silver lining here is that after this travesty we will never have to be subjected to another absurdly grimdark superhero movie again.

You say that, but you know it isn't true

Comic book movies should also be "serious" if they want to be and Nolan's Batverse will still be held up as the golden standard for that approach. Unfortunately, there will still be filmmakers who look up to it for all the wrong reasons.

The Kree

I've had time to sleep on it after seeing it last night and I just hate it more. This movie, if Man of Steel didn't do it already, will make you vehemently HATE Superman.

Movie spoilers:

At the beginning of the movie, following the horrific retelling of the events of Man of Steel from Bruce Wayne's perspective which is like 20 9/11s from the ground view, we're taken to Lois Lane in the desert, as shes captured by dudes with guns. Her photographer, who you think might be Jimmy Olsen, has his camera taken and is then shot violently in the head, no lie.

Lois is taken underground, Superman swoops in to save the day. How? By flying at the dude holding Lois at lightspeed and slamming him through about ten brick walls. There's absolute NO WAY that dude isn't paste.

In a later scene, Superman is standing in front of the senate and a man who lost his legs during Man of Steel's finale is sitting in the courtroom, Lex has strapped him with a bomb to detonate to make Superman look bad. Clark hears the click of the detonator, looks at the guy, and just lets the bomb go off. You see the fire just consume hundreds of people as Superman just stands there looking sad.

I can't believe people will take their kids to see this.

This actually upsets me.

Is there no one from DC around at WB to make sure these characters are used properly? WTF?

They got one guy watching over things. His name is Zack Snyder.
That... Doesn't sound very assuring. :(

Well I haven't seen it so don't take my word for it. Just pointing out what some reviews appear to be saying about the structure of the film. IMO if Man of Steel didn't turn you off by how it characterized Superman, then I don't see how this would be much different.

Definitely looking forward to seeing it for myself though.
How is Landis' new Superman comic? Greg Miller invited him for an interview at his show and raves about it. Does he get Supes?

George Miller was supposed to make JL movie right? Maybe he can take over.
If George Miller takes over, that'd be a huge improvement, and maybe they still have time, since filming hasn't really begun and Terrio probably had time to fix anything disgustingly wrong with the JL Script.

Max Landis' American Alien is maybe one of the best Superman stories ever. He totally gets the character.


I could more folks, I really could, but by now I think you get the point: BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE is a travesty wrapped in a disaster inside an obscenity. It is steaming, rotten, sunbaked, oozing shit. As a critic, I can’t conceive that we’ll see a worse major studio movie this year. As an observer of the film business, I’m perversely fascinated to know what happens next now that one of the biggest studios on the planet has built multiple Summers worth of release slates around follow-ups to what’s turned out to be a Hindenbergian catastrophe. And as a comic book fan I am… suddenly feeling very, very old. And tired. I imagine it won’t last, but… for now… “tired” would indeed be the operative fucking word.


This is a massive, MASSIVE hyperbole, but it's a good point that WB meticulously planned the whole DCEU for a nearly entire decade and it might be on course to crash and burn before it even takes off. Not as bad as Spiderman Extended Universe, that was a thoroughly awful idea, but Snyder might doom the idea of Justice League movies for a long, long time.
If George Miller takes over, that'd be a huge improvement, and maybe they still have time, since filming hasn't really begun and Terrio probably had time to fix anything disgustingly wrong with the JL Script.

Max Landis' American Alien is maybe one of the best Superman stories ever. He totally gets the character.
Damn is the run over? Might order it on amazon or local comic book shop.


Even Jurassic World managed 70+

Terrio and Affleck couldn't save things, or is this just the price we have to pay to see an Arkam Batman and a DBZ Superman?

Still going to go see for myself tomorrow.

Sou Da

If George Miller takes over, that'd be a huge improvement, and maybe they still have time, since filming hasn't really begun and Terrio probably had time to fix anything disgustingly wrong with the JL Script.

Max Landis' American Alien is maybe one of the best Superman stories ever. He totally gets the character.

Jesus Christ, people.


X-men being a team comic book doesn't mean that a Batman/Superman movie could not work before setting up "a couple" of Batman films before that. Both him and Wonder Woman could've been shown without having to explain their origins and the movie still work. Marvel didn't do it like that, yes, but that doesn't mean it's the only way it can work.

Go back and watch the first couple of episodes from the Justice League cartoon. It introduces characters very well, especially Wonder Woman, who is described as a 'rookie' of sorts even though she's not really that (she just is new to the world of men), but at the same time they introduce Martian Manhunter, and also Hawkgirl and a new Green lantern who apparently were active before the first episode, even though they never really showed up in any of the previous series.

A movie that's two and a half hours long has much more time to show who these characters are, and why they're doing what they're doing. You don't need two movies to show who Batman or Wonder Woman are, you really don't.

You don't have to, it's not a rule, you are right. But it doesn't seem that what they are doing is working any better either. A lot of the complaints about WW in this movie
are that she's barely in it and the character is paper thin
*, so why have her if it doesn't bring the movie up or doesn't feel like a coherent part of the machine?

That's why I imagine people say they are rushing their way through it. You can have an ensemble movie right off the bat, or you can have a cameo that sets up something else, but from what I read it mostly feels like stuffing.

*This isn't really a spoiler I think (haven't seen the movie), just what I've seen from spoiler-free reviews, but just in case.


For all you people outraged at the superman behavior because of that dude trying to spurt hate :

Superman does look bad in the intro because 10 people die in africa before Lois is in danger then heshows up to save HER. It's a point in the movie later on, for both characters. Clark wants to be a better hero and Lois is haunted by all those people that got killed. It turns out it was a set up by Lex, they were not really responsible.

As for the bomb, Clark had no idea it was a bomb. He figured it out when he saw the panic on the senator's face, he turned his head and heard the detonator, the bomb instantly exploded. He wasn't being passive on purpose here.

Superman does the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of the world, at the end.


Aftershock LA
While I don't give much thought to what critics think, this whole thing is like Ian Malcolm's speech in Jurassic Park:

" If I may... Um, I'll tell you the problem with the DC Cinematic universe you're trying to create here, it didn't require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge for yourselves, so you don't take any responsibility for it.You stood on the shoulders of Marvel, to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you even knew what you had, you patented it, packaged it, and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox and now, bam, you're selling it, you wanna sell it."

I've always been a fan of DC comics. I didn't become a Marvel fan until much later, probably around the mid to late 90's, but I've always loved them both. I've enjoyed the vast majority of the Marvel films, with only a few I didn't care that much for (mainly Iron Man 2 and Thor 2). Marvel took a risk with these films by putting that Avengers tease at the end of Iron Man 1. When that went over so well, they had to actually deliver on it, and I think they did.

DC jumped aboard the party late, and instead of just rolling with the fact that they showed up late and stag, they tried to play catch up. They didn't have the patience to put in place a 5-10 year plan for their cinematic universe, and as a result, it comes off as sloppy and poorly thought out.

I wanted to love Man of Steel. I thought the trailers were beautiful and evocative. Instead, I felt it was a joyless mess, with a fairly strong first half, that fell apart once Superman, in all his mopey, gloomy glory, showed up. I had hopes that Batman v Superman would be better. It was roughly adapting a pretty kickass Batman story (The Dark Knight Returns), and I never much had a problem with Henry Cavill as Superman in MoS, I just thought the tone didn't fit.

I also think it should be noted that both DC and Marvel comics have both light hearted and serious stories and characters. I don't think one does more than the other, as I've read both Marvel and DC comics for a long time before I eventually got tired of them and started reading more Image and Dark Horse. I'll still read the occasional trade paperback of note here or there, however.

The Marvel movies and shows have a lot of different tones, which reflect the source material. Some comics are lighter than others. I think there's enough variety in tone across the board, while still taking place in a connected universe.

A Superman movie that is bright and hopeful, and a Batman movie that is dark and gloomy, is exactly what we needed. It's what makes the contrast and juxtaposition of those two characters when they meet so engaging. Having a moping, depressed, joyless Superman go up against a moping, depressed, joyless Batman is just boring. While I'm more interested in Suicide Squad and Civil War than I ever was in Batman v Superman, I'm very bummed that this movie isn't being received so well, mainly by the people that have seen it, and not just critics.

I've never been a fan of Zack Snyder, although I did enjoy 300 and Watchmen as pretty decent adaptations of their source material, with the standard translation to film changes. But after Sucker Punch and Man of Steel, I was scratching my head as to why Warner Bros would put him in charge of their cinematic universe. I'll judge Batman v Superman for myself when I see it at some point in the future, but Snyder's track record doesn't have me hopeful.


Even with 40 percent on rotten tomatoes I can't wait to see this.

I enjoyed Man of Steel and people are saying this is better than that, so I think i'm going to enjoy it. I like this different take on Superman. Leave the comedy to marvel and the 1980's superman.


I'm baffled by people that are cancelling their plans to see a movie based on reviews.

The same people who thought AoU was going to be great and bought tickets ended up hating it after seeing it. How is this any different?

If you were wanting to see it before yesterday, you shouldn't change your plans. See it for yourself. If anything, you may like it more because of the expectations being in check instead of expecting the movie of the year.
Welp, looks like I'll be going to see an awful movie this weekend "/

I'm sure it's been asked a million times but what has Zack Snyder done in the last ten years that made WB think he was capable of helming this franchise?


You say that, but you know it isn't true

Comic book movies should also be "serious" if they want to be and Nolan's Batverse will still be held up as the golden standard for that approach. Unfortunately, there will still be filmmakers who look up to it for all the wrong reasons.

I did make sure to say "absurdly", plus grimdark is usually used as a derisive term. I don't think anyone would seriously refer to The Dark Knight as "grimdark"; it's a serious film. I am all for superhero films (and tv series, Daredevil season 2 was excellent) handling serious subject matter.


I had MUCH MORE FUN watching this, than AoU btw.

AoU was so bland it hurt my soul. This is at least trying something new. Not perfectly sure, but it was interesting and I was wondering what was gonna happen, while in Ultron I lost all interest within 20 minutes.
I get the impression that a lot of these critics are just fed up with superhero movies. I will judge for myself tomorrow.

I really liked Man of Steel btw. Only gripe was the Papa Kent thing.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Not hard to figure out when Frank Miller gets the first special thanks credit at the end of the movie.

Is that the same Frank Miller who pretty much saved Batman from forever being associated with the camp 60s show and wrote what many consider to be two of the defining comics - not only about that particular character - but of the medium itself? That Frank Miller? ;)



I had MUCH MORE FUN watching this, than AoU btw.

AoU was so bland it hurt my soul. This is at least trying something new. Not perfectly sure, but it was interesting and I was wondering what was gonna happen, while in Ultron I lost all interest within 20 minutes.

I could certainly see this. AoU was really boring. I'd rather watch a trainwreck than that.
I think the movie was really bad and my opinion of it keeps dropping the more time I spend thinking about it, but I still encourage people to go see it and form their own opinion.
I honestly don't understand why this hasn't happened. Like, can someone give me a reason? The Feige role is MEANT for Timm and Dini.

What more of a resume do they need?

Because Dini is a TV guy with no actual experience when it comes to producing major motion pictures. Asking him to take on an entire universe of the biggest budget movies in cinema history as his first job sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. And Timm is an artist.


Is that the same Frank Miller who pretty much saved Batman from forever being associated with the camp 60s show and wrote what many consider to be two of the defining comics - not only about that particular character - but of the medium itself? That Frank Miller? ;)

Honestly, at this point I think the bad Frank Miller has done for the character outweighs the good at this point.

Wait... I just read a review that said... this can't be true...

As much as I dont like it, Batman
has killed someone in every live action movie except Batman and Robin. So this isn't much of a change


Is that the same Frank Miller who pretty much saved Batman from forever being associated with the camp 60s show and wrote what many consider two of the defining comics about the character? ;)

I'm guessing you're young or just not that familiar with the comics.

Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams successfully ditched the camp a decade earlier than DKR. Miller's work on that mini-series, Batman: Year One, DD, and Wolverine is some of the best ever in terms of mainstream heroes (not to mention Sin City, Washington, etc.).

But when it comes to movies?

The dude's output has pretty consistently been shit. I think that's what he was getting at there. Totally fair.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Honestly, at this point I think the bad Frank Miller has done for the character outweighs the good at this point.

I think you're probably exaggerating the weight his later work holds compared to the influence his earlier stuff still has.

I'm guessing you're young or just not that familiar with the comics.

You would be incorrect on both fronts (a little bit rude/presumptuous too, if I may say). I was referring to mainstream perception of the character, which Miller absolutely changed. Denny and Neal didn't have that wide an appeal outside of comics.
I honestly don't understand why this hasn't happened. Like, can someone give me a reason? The Feige role is MEANT for Timm and Dini.

What more of a resume do they need?
With the way WB treats their animation department like second fiddle are you surprised?
Man if Disney decides to buy DC from WB, holy shit the meltdowns.
I think the law will prevent Disney from buying DC cuz if that were to happen Disney would have a monopoly on the comic and superhero market.


I had MUCH MORE FUN watching this, than AoU btw.

AoU was so bland it hurt my soul. This is at least trying something new. Not perfectly sure, but it was interesting and I was wondering what was gonna happen, while in Ultron I lost all interest within 20 minutes.

This is what I'm hoping for. Regardless of how bad the characters are portrayed, or how inconceivable the plot is, I'll still take a horrible interesting movie over a bland mediocre movie anyday.
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