Pai Pai Master
As a fan of Superman, I'm going to hate this movie ain't I?
Did you hate Man of Steel?
As a fan of Superman, I'm going to hate this movie ain't I?
This was always going to be a success, but poor critical reception can hurt the cinematic universe long term, assuming the word of mouth isn't hugely favorable. A movie like Suicide Squad depends much more on positive critical reception and a strong reputation for DC movies. So the critics' response is important even if it only has a small effect on BvS in terms of its legs.
Man if Disney decides to buy DC from WB, holy shit the meltdowns.
I love Man of Steel. I ordered the 3D Blu-Ray.Did you hate Man of Steel?
The thing about Snyder is not only are the reception to most his movies polarizing but most of his films haven't even been that successful besides 300 and all those movies came out of WB. Dude must be charming as all f*cks.
A real fan would be happy if Disney bought them. Disney clearly knows how to handle their super hero franchises. They only area where wb beats them is the animated stuff, but movies and TV, Disney has handled the marvel universe quite well.
No way I want Perlmutter near DC. If there was another CEO then yes.A real fan would be happy if Disney bought them. Disney clearly knows how to handle their super hero franchises. They only area where wb beats them is the animated stuff, but movies and TV, Disney has handled the marvel universe quite well.
I could more folks, I really could, but by now I think you get the point: BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE is a travesty wrapped in a disaster inside an obscenity. It is steaming, rotten, sunbaked, oozing shit. As a critic, I cant conceive that well see a worse major studio movie this year. As an observer of the film business, Im perversely fascinated to know what happens next now that one of the biggest studios on the planet has built multiple Summers worth of release slates around follow-ups to whats turned out to be a Hindenbergian catastrophe. And as a comic book fan I am suddenly feeling very, very old. And tired. I imagine it wont last, but for now tired would indeed be the operative fucking word.
My theory would be that they're worried about the super hero market crashing in the next like 5-10 years, with people getting tired of the same sorts of action movies, and they wanted to hop on the train as fast as possible to try and make the most money right now.
i would love for Disney to buy DC. Warner Bros put the wrong people in charge at DC... The company was fine with Paul Levitz as president. And the animated movies have taken a dive since Bruce Timm isn't always in charge.Yup, this is the big thing. A movie like ant man or guardians was partially successful because audiences had gotten a taste of marvel films that were good quality and gave these movies a chance.
A real fan would be happy if Disney bought them. Disney clearly knows how to handle their super hero franchises. They only area where wb beats them is the animated stuff, but movies and TV, Disney has handled the marvel universe quite well.
No way I want Perlmutter near DC. If there was another CEO then yes.
Does Snyder typically work with the same editor? I wonder if the movie would have been better if it was just edited better.
You know
I'm real depressed about how seemingly bad this movie is
But saying "I feel old and tired as a comic book fan" seems insane at this point.
We're in a golden age of comic book movies
Deadpool just kicked ass, Civil War looks awesome, and even looking at DC we have Suicide Squad which looks great. I am infinitely optimistic. At SOME point, they'll get Batman vs Superman, or Dark Knight Returns, or Justice League right.
It's just really unfortunate that they fucked it up right now, after making us wait for three years and building an entire cinematic universe around this film. We're just going to have to be very patient, it seems. First step is to take Snyder out of a position of power. they can still save next year's Justice League film... right?
I love Man of Steel. I ordered the 3D Blu-Ray.
Disney is a well oiled machine, and they care about quality, I'd think that an hypothetical Disney DC would not be pussyfied, just more focused. That is, if they don't merge it with Marvel, which would be catastrophic. TBH, DC comics game has been abysmal too, the management is terrible.Perlmutter isn't the freaking Disney ceo
And fuck no I hope Disney never touches DC
A few snyder movies and people are losing their minds haha
Does Snyder typically work with the same editor? I wonder if the movie would have been better if it was just edited better.
I've had time to sleep on it after seeing it last night and I just hate it more. This movie, if Man of Steel didn't do it already, will make you vehemently HATE Superman.
Movie spoilers:
At the beginning of the movie, following the horrific retelling of the events of Man of Steel from Bruce Wayne's perspective which is like 20 9/11s from the ground view, we're taken to Lois Lane in the desert, as shes captured by dudes with guns. Her photographer, who you think might be Jimmy Olsen, has his camera taken and is then shot violently in the head, no lie.
Lois is taken underground, Superman swoops in to save the day. How? By flying at the dude holding Lois at lightspeed and slamming him through about ten brick walls. There's absolute NO WAY that dude isn't paste.
In a later scene, Superman is standing in front of the senate and a man who lost his legs during Man of Steel's finale is sitting in the courtroom, Lex has strapped him with a bomb to detonate to make Superman look bad. Clark hears the click of the detonator, looks at the guy, and just lets the bomb go off. You see the fire just consume hundreds of people as Superman just stands there looking sad.
I can't believe people will take their kids to see this.
People love to hate on him.
The thing about Snyder is not only are the reception to most his movies polarizing but most of his films haven't even been that successful besides 300 and all those movies came out of WB. Dude must be charming as all f*cks.
I don't know, I kind of get it. I feel pretty burnt out on comic book movies. The Marvel stuff was pretty cool at its inception, but the fill in the blanks to get to Tentpole X has kind of worn on me. If you're a fan of the source material, then that's awesome. But to me, who just wants to see fun, cool movies, the combined universe stuff has been both a blessing and a curse. Which is why it sucks that this movie is not only apparently bad, but that they're shoehorning a scheduled universe onto it. Suicide Squad should be good at least.
I don't know, I kind of get it. I feel pretty burnt out on comic book movies. The Marvel stuff was pretty cool at its inception, but the fill in the blanks to get to Tentpole X has kind of worn on me. If you're a fan of the source material, then that's awesome. But to me, who just wants to see fun, cool movies, the combined universe stuff has been both a blessing and a curse. Which is why it sucks that this movie is not only apparently bad, but that they're shoehorning a scheduled universe onto it. Suicide Squad should be good at least.
People love to hate on him.
X-men being a team comic book doesn't mean that a Batman/Superman movie could not work before setting up "a couple" of Batman films before that. Both him and Wonder Woman could've been shown without having to explain their origins and the movie still work. Marvel didn't do it like that, yes, but that doesn't mean it's the only way it can work.Not the production of the movie itself, the position of the movie as a team-up as second movie. Marvel took time to build up and to Avengers and it worked out pretty good (even if you don't like it, it was received very positively and earned lotta money).
X-Men is a team comic book in the first place and Justice League is a series that took it's time to give characters their own little stories. One of the biggest benefits of Justice League were all the non-A-Listers that got time to shine.
I'm there already--at least with Marvel. After Avengers, Winter Soldier, Iron Man 3, Guardians (great as that was) and Avengers 2 I was really starting to feel the superhero fatigue. They're mostly the same movie with the same plot and they just try to outdo the setpieces from the ones before it. Oddly enough, the ones that I haven't gotten sick of yet are the Fox movies. X-Men I still can't get enough of and Deadpool blew me away. DC hasn't offended me in the same way (but it has in entirely different ways), so I wouldn't say I'm fatigued with them yet, but I'm worried that I'll start to feel it by the time JL is out.
So guess it could be just the Marvel formula that I'm over. I'm still more excited to see this 40%RT BvS than I am to see the probably 80+% Civil War.
The MCU has a dozen films out now and they still haven't shown Thanos's hands. He's become a running joke at this point. :lolI don't know, I kind of get it. I feel pretty burnt out on comic book movies. The Marvel stuff was pretty cool at its inception, but the fill in the blanks to get to Tentpole X has kind of worn on me. If you're a fan of the source material, then that's awesome. But to me, who just wants to see fun, cool movies, the combined universe stuff has been both a blessing and a curse. Which is why it sucks that this movie is not only apparently bad, but that they're shoehorning a scheduled universe onto it. Suicide Squad should be good at least.
No way I want Perlmutter near DC. If there was another CEO then yes.
X-men being a team comic book doesn't mean that a Batman/Superman movie could not work before setting up "a couple" of Batman films before that. Both him and Wonder Woman could've been shown without having to explain their origins and the movie still work. Marvel didn't do it like that, yes, but that doesn't mean it's the only way it can work.
Go back and watch the first couple of episodes from the Justice League cartoon. It introduces characters very well, especially Wonder Woman, who is described as a 'rookie' of sorts even though she's not really that (she just is new to the world of men), but at the same time they introduce Martian Manhunter, and also Hawkgirl and a new Green lantern who apparently were active before the first episode, even though they never really showed up in any of the previous series.
A movie that's two and a half hours long has much more time to show who these characters are, and why they're doing what they're doing. You don't need two movies to show who Batman or Wonder Woman are, you really don't.
Buying DC means buying DC comics lol, and even if that happened, Marvel and DC should remain separate.Perlmutter isn't running Marvel Studios anymore. Feige has full control.
You don't need two movies to show who Batman or Wonder Woman are, you really don't.
Yeah the formula is starting to get to me. I think it's why I loved Deadpool so much. He wasn't trying to save the world/universe from certain doom.
Doing a team-up ensemble movie is a lot easier when most of your actors and characters are established going into the movie though. I personally think it helps prevent characters from getting overlooked since you don't need to focus on building up one or two characters while others might drift into the background. This is one thing I really felt like The Avengers got right.
Yeah. Or Keep Snyder.. Scott Snyder.Just get Bruce Timm and Paul Dini to be DCs Kevin Feige.
Your right, but it makes things easier, ESPECIALLY if the writers you hire are not up to the task of doing it in one.
I'd rather have something different.
Yes, but the point is, I believe WB's sin wasn't that they didn't fund five films for each character before doing this, it's that they trusted Snyder to do something he's never really done. And it sounds like Terrio couldn't really fix everything. I shudder thinking how much of a mess the movie would've been if he hadn't taken over writing duties.Your right, but it makes things easier, ESPECIALLY if the writers you hire are not up to the task of doing it in one.
Just get Bruce Timm and Paul Dini to be DCs Kevin Feige.
I've had time to sleep on it after seeing it last night and I just hate it more. This movie, if Man of Steel didn't do it already, will make you vehemently HATE Superman.
Movie spoilers:
At the beginning of the movie, following the horrific retelling of the events of Man of Steel from Bruce Wayne's perspective which is like 20 9/11s from the ground view, we're taken to Lois Lane in the desert, as shes captured by dudes with guns. Her photographer, who you think might be Jimmy Olsen, has his camera taken and is then shot violently in the head, no lie.
Lois is taken underground, Superman swoops in to save the day. How? By flying at the dude holding Lois at lightspeed and slamming him through about ten brick walls. There's absolute NO WAY that dude isn't paste.
In a later scene, Superman is standing in front of the senate and a man who lost his legs during Man of Steel's finale is sitting in the courtroom, Lex has strapped him with a bomb to detonate to make Superman look bad. Clark hears the click of the detonator, looks at the guy, and just lets the bomb go off. You see the fire just consume hundreds of people as Superman just stands there looking sad.
I can't believe people will take their kids to see this.
Silver lining here is that after this travesty we will never have to be subjected to another absurdly grimdark superhero movie again.
Not sure what people expected. It's a Zack Snyder film.