He's a much better character than fucking Ant-Man lol....and Ant-Man just had a good movie.
Yo, depends on what Ant-Man you're referring to. Hank Pym is one of the greatest and most complex superheroes in mainstream comics
Batman v Superman |OT| Thanos Wouldn't Be Seen in This
Here's my review that I just posted in the DCCU thread :
I went in there wanting to like this movie but I was incredibly let down. If think it doesn't matter if you liked Man of Steel or not, I just don't see many people liking this movie. The audience I was with was really impatient during the end of the film, everyone was talking and laughing...
Yo, depends on what Ant-Man you're referring to. Hank Pym is one of the greatest and most complex superheroes in mainstream comics
EW is owned by Time Inc., which used to be part of Time Warner. It's now a separately-traded company.
I'm down.There's only one man that can save the DC Multiverse.
Batman v Superman |OT| Thanos Wouldn't Be Seen in This
Batman v Superman |OT| Thanks But No Thanos
holy shitBatman v Superman |OT| Thanks But No Thanos
To be fair, it was Dennis O'Neil and the surrealism style of Neal Adams.Disagree. Denny absolutely changed comic book readers perception of the character, I couldn't argue that.
I can't reiterate this enough: TDKR broke through into the mainstream where people's only connection to the character was from the 60s series. It was, as a TPB, bought by people who had never picked up a comic book in their life. It's importance at the time can't be understated and, as I said, arguably led to Burton's Batman, which was a huge game changer.
Anyway, we're going around in circles.![]()
The problem is that Superman is not a good character. Doing a good film with the character is like trying to make a good Dragon Ball movie.
For Batman, that's all really.
Batman v Superman |OT| Thanks But No Thanos
Batman v Superman |OT| Thanks But No Thanos
Batman v Superman |OT| Thanks But No Thanos
When Ant-man came out I went to read up on some Ant-man. I read about Hank I was like WTF....
Batman v Superman |OT| Thanks But No Thanos
Batman v Superman |OT| Thanks But No Thanos
They all have the exact same flaws that they had in earlier movies, so I don't see how they try to remedy them unless they're the biggest failures in cinema at fixing mistakes (which isn't the case).
I don't have a dog in this fight so I don't really know why I'm posting, but I think it's worth pointing out that people actually liked the Marvel films that set up The Avengers.
So thats why it wasnt avaiable earlier lolDo all those conspirators NOT know that Warner owns RottenTomatoes? They were recently sold to Fandango, but it's the exact same team and RT's headquarters are literally inside the Warner studio complex.
BRILLIANTBatman v Superman |OT| Thanks But No Thanos
Ah yes who could forget The Incredible Hulk. Top tier stuff.
Ah yes who could forget The Incredible Hulk. Top tier stuff.
Critic Consensus: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice smothers a potentially powerful story -- and some of America's most iconic superheroes -- in a grim whirlwind of effects-driven action.
Ah yes who could forget The Incredible Hulk. Top tier stuff.
Batman v Superman |OT| Thanks But No Thanos
Batman v Superman |OT| Thanks But No Thanos
Consensus is in
Consensus is in
Damn. I feel your pain.
Still have not seen the movie, but now I'm going to go in and watch it to just tear it apart. It will be hard for me not to.
Batman v Superman |OT| Thanos Wouldn't Be Seen in This
Throwing super powers on screen with too little regard for what makes these characters tick. He's a regular Bryan Singer.
I thought it was an okay film. I'd rather watch that then something like Man of Steel.
Ah yes who could forget The Incredible Hulk. Top tier stuff.
Ice cold
I know a lot of Marvel leaning people are on the "buy Batman" fantasy train, but that seems like a horrible idea to me. Marvel already has the NYC/Hell's Kitchen street level crew. Bringing in the Batverse would either overshadow or absorb that. Where's the incentive to push Iron Fist if you have 15 Bat books to publish?
Shit, that one sentence is more damning than an entire review.
See, the story is good, I knew it, Terrio da gawd. Snyder can go fuck himself.