The Death of Superman was good?
Never thought I'd find myself having to fix a slayven post
Wasn't as bad as the rest of his appearances
Wait until the WW movie
The Death of Superman was good?
Never thought I'd find myself having to fix a slayven post
What were you expecting? "A joyless match-up between iconic comic titans which doubles as a funeral procession marking doomsday for Warner's extended DC movie universe"?
He did 4 seasons of Korra. Dude likes $$$ and don't mind spewing tripe lines
Holy shit, how did I never notice this?I'm sure the guy that voices the yellow M&M is losing sleep over this.
People are now hoping the Wonder Woman movie will redeem all of this.
Ok, so, to explain myself a little more. I was at the movies when I first saw the BvS trailer. When Batman did the "do you bleed?" line, the theater all had this awkward laugh, like, you know when you laugh because you just don't know how else to feel?
Then I knew that the movie would suck.
He did 4 seasons of Korra. Dude likes $$$ and don't mind spewing tripe lines
"This kid has better material to work with than I do."If anything this is a pretty cool photo.
"Do you bleed" was hype as fuck until it was revealed Batman says it to Supe's back sans his powersuit like a goddamn lame.
I don't want Batman in Marvel, I want more Punisher.
If anything this is a pretty cool photo.
People are now hoping the Wonder Woman movie will redeem all of this.
When I saw Doomsday in the trailer, I knew something terrible was in the midst.
He makes up for it.
If anything this is a pretty cool photo.
If anything this is a pretty cool photo.
What were you expecting? "A joyless match-up between iconic comic titans which doubles as a funeral procession marking doomsday for Warner's extended DC movie universe"?
If anything this is a pretty cool photo.
The weird feeling I am having is that the only one of these movies that I am really curious about is Shazam.
Maybe it's because, like, you can't make a depressing movie about Shazam... I think...
RT consensus sentences can get pretty scathing
Look on Gods of Egypt, ye filmgoers, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of this colossal wreck, boundless and bare. The lone and level sands stretch far away. (Apologies to Shelley.)
"OUR PARENTS ARE DEEEAAADDD!"If anything this is a pretty cool photo.
I want a Batman dofp movie now where affleck trains his younger self to be even stronger
With Bale as ra's al ghul
Legit geeking out over that one. Wow. Bruce da gawd
RT consensus sentences can get pretty scathing
"We get very friendly with Selena, you'll see."If anything this is a pretty cool photo.
They will never ever top the Gods of Egypt one.
Critics Consensus: Look on Gods of Egypt, ye filmgoers, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of this colossal wreck, boundless and bare. The lone and level sands stretch far away. (Apologies to Shelley.)
I want a Batman dofp movie now where affleck trains his younger self to be even stronger
With Bale as ra's al ghul
Adam west as Alfred
Keaton as Gordon
The kid is also playing Bruce in the tv show Gotham.
So, I don't know much about the character, if the Shazam movie happens, it's just going to be a Superhero version of this?
I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?
I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).
I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?
So, I don't know much about the character, if the Shazam movie happens, it's just going to be a Superhero version of this?
I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?
I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?
I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?
I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).
I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?
I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?
I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).
I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?
I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?
I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).
I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?
I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?
I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).
I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?