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Batman v. Superman RT Thread: like standing ovations in rain

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I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?

I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).

I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?

Critics still revere TDK as the best comic book movie ever. The main issue I'm hearing is that the scenes do not connect to each other, characters have 0 motivation to do what they do, and scenes are shot to be iconic and meaningful but they have 0 context behind them and are generally hamfisted in there in try-hard fashion.
I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?

I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).

I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?

I thought the same thing when I saw the reviews at first. That and also the fact that Zack Snyder gets a lot more hate than he deserves, IMO. He's inconsistent but has interesting ideas.

Having now seen the movie, the dark tone of it, while it is a major issue (it goes WAY too far with some of the characters), is only one of many many problems. Of course, I hope you will enjoy the film but I'm not a MCU fan and I agree with a lot of the reviews.


Alot of my friends whose seen it said it's pretty much like MoS. Ridiculous amount of action and CGI but the story is a jumbled mess which starts a little too slow and confusing.
Sounds more like a 6/10 movie (if you like the action that is) than the percentage indicated in RT.
That sucks :`(.

From the reviews i read it seems that a lot of critics talk about tone and not having learned from MoS. Its like the movie did not portray the hero's in a way they like, so its at wrong somehow. Without having seen the movie, i would love to know how the critics would be if this wasn't Batman and Supes but some new Superheroes etc.

Oh well,will watch regardless.


So this all explains why the 'I am Legend' universe couldn't survive a Batman vs Superman film - it was so shit it caused the end of the world.
Alot of my friends whose seen it said it's pretty much like MoS. Ridiculous amount of action and CGI but the story is a jumbled mess which starts a little too slow and confusing.
Sounds more like a 6/10 movie (if you like the action that is) than the percentage indicated in RT.

The aggregate is 40%, but the average review score is 5.4. RT just checks if a review is positive or not to create the aggregate.


Yeah man, the problem is that it's just TOO REAL for these Marvel lovers.

*Rolls eyes*


Thank you, Captain Snark.

It seems to be mostly that the film is edited poorly, the story doesn't justify itself, and the tone becomes oppressive.

I don't think a Marvel comparison need be made to understand the complaints most of these reviews (even the positive ones) have in common.

4 years ago we had a critically acclaimed "dark" superhero trilogy. I'm pretty sure it's not because BvS is 'too dark' for their precious critical sensibilities.

As have been said before in this thread, critics did like Nolan's gritty and grounded batman films, so it more the execution than the idea of a 'dark' or 'deep' comic book movie.

Good points. I guess I think about Guardians and Ant Man and now Deadpool (loved Deadpool, btw) and I how the tone of the Marvel movies is getting sort of like Star Wars now where its big, loud, kid friendly, and not super deep and that made me think maybe tastes have changed a little? But Dark Knight wasn't that long ago, so I probably not.

I'm not trying to be one of those people who is desperate for this movie to be good, I just read the comparisons to the Marvel movies (most of which I think are OKAY with just a few being good/great) and it makes me wonder what the critic was hoping to see.
Alot of my friends whose seen it said it's pretty much like MoS. Ridiculous amount of action and CGI but the story is a jumbled mess which starts a little too slow and confusing.
Sounds more like a 6/10 movie (if you like the action that is) than the percentage indicated in RT.

Faraci, who loathes the movie, says the tomatometer would probably look a lot different if there was some kind of a "mixed" reaction between fresh and rotten, as he thinks that's how most people feel about it.


Exactly what I am hoping for.

Kid discovers a magic word that turns him into a god. Being a kid (and not a teenager), he decides to act like a superhero because he likes superheroes.

Unfortunetly, at the end, he finds a foe so powerful he is forced to break his neck-- NO. Damn! That movie is gonna suck, too.



I really hope SS does well so people can see there's no DC bias.

Suicide Squad seems to be about people dressed funny doing over-the-top action stuff while keeping a good mood, making it a very nice way to spend your time at the movies.

It will be seen as not deep enough for the deep DC standards and, instead, a shallow Marvel-like movie. So obviously the shallow critics will undeeply like it.


I didn't mean narrative/aesthetic-wise (I'd argue that very much came from Burton's own unique sensibilities), just in terms of the comics phenomenal success leading to studio confidence and the move getting the greenlight.
As an artist in comics, maybe I'm too biased, but I always feel that artists sell books. Neal helped sell Brave and Bold.
But I generally agree with you. It is was a combination of guys like Miller and Moore making comics break through that terrible stigma they had and Burton's sensibilities as well.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Good points. I guess I think about Guardians and Ant Man and now Deadpool (loved Deadpool, btw) and I how the tone of the Marvel movies is getting sort of like Star Wars now where its big, loud, kid friendly, and not super deep and that made me think maybe tastes have changed a little? But Dark Knight wasn't that long ago, so I probably not.

I'm not trying to be one of those people who is desperate for this movie to be good, I just read the comparisons to the Marvel movies (most of which I think are OKAY with just a few being good/great) and it makes me wonder what the critic was hoping to see.

A well put together movie?


I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?

I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).

I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?

You've cracked it, BvS is too big for little minds. They even put that line in the movie anticipating the reception, proving yet again how deep their genius really goes.

Real Hero

I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?
Unfortunately the movie is just terrible and not 'dark'


I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?

I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).

I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?

maybe you should wait and see the movie for yourself
but what does GAF think of the movie.

people who have actually seen it

good or bad?

it can't be that bad, can it?

It's bad. It's convoluted and overstuffed and chock full of obvious studio meddling. The edit is a mess. The soundtrack borders on laughable at times. The characters have bad or unclear motivations. Things happen for no reason. There is not nearly enough of the action you're hoping for, and 90% of the action that is there was given away in the trailers.

The problems don't hinge on its darkness or seriousness. I don't have any huge problems with that aspect. It's just a poorly executed film, regardless of the subject matter.

It's nearly as bad as The Phantom Menace in terms of potential vs. delivery.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
As an artist in comics, maybe I'm too biased, but I always feel that artists sell books. Neal helped sell Brave and Bold.
But I generally agree with you. It is was a combination of guys like Miller and Moore making comics break through that terrible stigma they had and Burton's sensibilities as well.

Don't forget Spiegelman!

I think what sells tends to be affected by trends and, of course, personal taste. Kind of like the movies. There are times when it's predominantly the artist with the pull, times when it's predominantly the writer etc. Like, the 'British Invasion(s)' were completely writer-centric, but the pre-Image era was all about the art.

So, you draw comics? Can I see? :)


The Dark Knight comparisons are off-base. That movie came out before the MCU became huge. If it was released today I'm sure it would criticized much more for taking itself too seriously or something ridiculous.

The Dark Knight Rises came out a few months after The Avengers and critics still loved it.

Your post makes no sense.


People are now hoping the Wonder Woman movie will redeem all of this.

Hell yeah. That and suicide squad. I don't think Snyder is on those right? Besides, we are in a time where Deadpool, Ironman and Guardians are hitting it big; We might just see Suicide and WW become bigger than Bat/Sup. It sounds crazy as hell but it could happen.


the nolan films were dark and gritty true, but they were also often conventional crime films and borrowed a lot from established and popular narrative forms, then added superheroes. film critics could relate it to enjoying micheal mann films, for example. the synder-verse takes a grandiose opera-esque approach to it, focusing on a mythology, symbolism, religious metaphor above all. it's not real like the nolan films characters and politics, but it's with a tone that's entirely at odds with the silly children's toys fighting and cracking jokes approach of marvel. it's not something people are used to in these comic book films and there's a sense of 'it's bad because its taking the wrong approach' to the reviews that can seem small-minded.

ultimately however to convince people to be more open to an approach that's different to the standard you have to actually deliver a fucking good film. if this film was good we'd see the other angle where people would obnoxiously talk about how it's made the marvel approach seem shallow and overplayed and irrelevant.


I'm willing to bet that this is a big aspect of these reviews. The MCU poisoned the well in regards to superhero movies. If you don't fit into their lighthearted, non-offensive style of films, you're doing it wrong, apparently.

The Dark Knight comparisons are off-base. That movie came out before the MCU became huge. If it was released today I'm sure it would criticized much more for taking itself too seriously or something ridiculous.

you can't be serious


Unconfirmed Member
Found this:

  • "WB execs are shitting their pants. If [Batman V Superman] makes less than a billion, [Zack] Snyder is out and Justice League will be delayed 8 months."

  • "Chris Nolan is being courted as a producer and George Miller, David Yates, Louis Letterier, and Vincenzo Natali are all being courted to take over Justice League."

  • "Wonder Woman is undergoing major rewrites to be more of a standalone film. Aquaman, Cyborg, and Green Lantern Corps. are all on the chopping block."

  • "Investors are planning a major takeover if [Batman V Superman] flops and have plans to install a board that will order the universe to be rebooted."

anyone heard of this site?
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