Batman goes back in time to make himself a better Batman?
I can buy it.
It's a Grant Morrison story waiting to happen
Batman goes back in time to make himself a better Batman?
I can buy it.
I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?
I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).
I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?
I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?
I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).
I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?
Alot of my friends whose seen it said it's pretty much like MoS. Ridiculous amount of action and CGI but the story is a jumbled mess which starts a little too slow and confusing.
Sounds more like a 6/10 movie (if you like the action that is) than the percentage indicated in RT.
Oh shit. What ive we doom ourself?So this all explains why the 'I am Legend' universe couldn't survive a Batman vs Superman film - it was so shit it caused the end of the world.
Yeah man, the problem is that it's just TOO REAL for these Marvel lovers.
*Rolls eyes*
It seems to be mostly that the film is edited poorly, the story doesn't justify itself, and the tone becomes oppressive.
I don't think a Marvel comparison need be made to understand the complaints most of these reviews (even the positive ones) have in common.
4 years ago we had a critically acclaimed "dark" superhero trilogy. I'm pretty sure it's not because BvS is 'too dark' for their precious critical sensibilities.
As have been said before in this thread, critics did like Nolan's gritty and grounded batman films, so it more the execution than the idea of a 'dark' or 'deep' comic book movie.
Alot of my friends whose seen it said it's pretty much like MoS. Ridiculous amount of action and CGI but the story is a jumbled mess which starts a little too slow and confusing.
Sounds more like a 6/10 movie (if you like the action that is) than the percentage indicated in RT.
Exactly what I am hoping for.
Kid discovers a magic word that turns him into a god. Being a kid (and not a teenager), he decides to act like a superhero because he likes superheroes.
Unfortunetly, at the end, he finds a foe so powerful he is forced to break his neck-- NO. Damn! That movie is gonna suck, too.
but what does GAF think of the movie.
people who have actually seen it
good or bad?
it can't be that bad, can it?
I really hope SS does well so people can see there's no DC bias.
As an artist in comics, maybe I'm too biased, but I always feel that artists sell books. Neal helped sell Brave and Bold.I didn't mean narrative/aesthetic-wise (I'd argue that very much came from Burton's own unique sensibilities), just in terms of the comics phenomenal success leading to studio confidence and the move getting the greenlight.
Good points. I guess I think about Guardians and Ant Man and now Deadpool (loved Deadpool, btw) and I how the tone of the Marvel movies is getting sort of like Star Wars now where its big, loud, kid friendly, and not super deep and that made me think maybe tastes have changed a little? But Dark Knight wasn't that long ago, so I probably not.
I'm not trying to be one of those people who is desperate for this movie to be good, I just read the comparisons to the Marvel movies (most of which I think are OKAY with just a few being good/great) and it makes me wonder what the critic was hoping to see.
I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?
I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).
I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?
Unfortunately the movie is just terrible and not 'dark'I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?
I love Geoff John's Shazam so much. It's like a script for a Shazam movie directed by 80's Spielberg.
Shit, I'm pretty sure that already was a Morrison story.It's a Grant Morrison story waiting to happen
Somehow this is all Dan Didio's fault.
I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread, but the critic clips in the OP make me wonder if the main gripe everyone seems to have is that its not a "dumb fun" movie like the Marvel ones can be?
I mean people LOVE those Marvel movies and I'm sitting there thinking Winter Soldier and the Xmen movies are the ones I've dug most, with the rest of them being pretty forgettable and borderline boring at times (Ultron).
I have no problem going to a dark superhero movie where they want you to think about things on a deeper level. Maybe that's not what this is at all, but I wonder if it is, would critics even appreciate it? Or would they just gripe about how nobody had any funny one-liners like Downey does in the Marvel movies?
Somehow this is all Dan Didio's fault.
Do you want Johns to keep his job?Geoff Johns'. He should have stood up to Snyder.
Wow, this is amazing. I almost miss the 90s.
but what does GAF think of the movie.
people who have actually seen it
good or bad?
it can't be that bad, can it?
All the talk about critics not giving "dark superhero movies" a chance is a bunch of hogwash. Even Snyder's own Watchmen, which is an actual R-rated superhero film and certainly far darker than this, is rated much better.
So... about that Cyborg movie...
As an artist in comics, maybe I'm too biased, but I always feel that artists sell books. Neal helped sell Brave and Bold.
But I generally agree with you. It is was a combination of guys like Miller and Moore making comics break through that terrible stigma they had and Burton's sensibilities as well.
Right, because that's still happening...So... about that Cyborg movie...
The Dark Knight comparisons are off-base. That movie came out before the MCU became huge. If it was released today I'm sure it would criticized much more for taking itself too seriously or something ridiculous.
People are now hoping the Wonder Woman movie will redeem all of this.
lol..I'll be here all day.
I'm willing to bet that this is a big aspect of these reviews. The MCU poisoned the well in regards to superhero movies. If you don't fit into their lighthearted, non-offensive style of films, you're doing it wrong, apparently.
The Dark Knight comparisons are off-base. That movie came out before the MCU became huge. If it was released today I'm sure it would criticized much more for taking itself too seriously or something ridiculous.