Saw the movie not to long ago and went in with low expectations due to some casting choices and I have to say that to me it was alright. I think this movie would have really benefited from giving Batman and Superman stand alone movies before this. Honestly I would of like more Superman in this and was also pleasantly surprised at how much I liked this Batman.
For real, I love that movie. Shane Black did a pretty stellar job with making a stand-alone Iron Man that wasn't about bringing in so many different cameos from other MCU titles.
No fun is definitely not right, as there's some to be had. Just not enough. There are a few good to great moments scattered among the wreckage. I liked the "I thought she was with you..." exchange when WW shows up, in particular.
And he's choosing to do Dunkirk with a member of a boy band. As a genre film fan it's more than a tad disappointing that he is cashing in some of his chips on that.
I just like what I like. Way of The Samurai 2 for example. LOVED it. Got a 3 or 4 out of 10 from GI back in the day and baffled me.
Fighting Force. LOVED it. But not like it's well loved.
Snake Eyes with Nic Cage. Brilliant movie.
And he's choosing to do Dunkirk with a member of a boy band. As a genre film fan it's more than a tad disappointing that he is cashing in some of his chips on that.
I just like what I like. Way of The Samurai 2 for example. LOVED it. Got a 3 or 4 out of 10 from GI back in the day and baffled me.
Fighting Force. LOVED it. But not like it's well loved.
Snake Eyes with Nic Cage. Brilliant movie.
BvS has higher highs. Thor 2 is less stupid and more coherent. Ultimately though I think I prefer BvS. At least I'll probably remember it a year from now unlike Thor 2.
I hate scoring shit. It feels so pointless when we compare completely different films with different intents with just numbers, just to try and "rank" what we like.
I enjoy Marvel films because they're a fun ride, most of them are light hearted simplistic, and it's nice to see heroes I enjoyed in comics come to life for 2 hours or so. The connected universe is also fun. Thor 2 though, was about as mediocre and unambitious as you can get for a film in a franchise which is already relatively unambitious once they found the footing for the formula.
Batman v Superman is probably the boldest and more ambitious large scale blockbuster comic movie ever made. It's also deeply flawed, but the movie made me feel something. Which is more than I can say for stuff like Age of Ultron or Spectre.
BvS has higher highs. Thor 2 is less stupid and more coherent. Ultimately though I think I prefer BvS. At least I'll probably remember it a year from now unlike Thor 2.
BvS has higher highs. Thor 2 is less stupid and more coherent. Ultimately though I think I prefer BvS. At least I'll probably remember it a year from now unlike Thor 2.
While I was okay with Thor 2 I actually blanked as I read this as I don't really remember much about that movie either. I don't even remember the villains name..?
In any case it's been interesting to see everyone's reaction to the movie as I had some brief involvement on the movie. It's also nice to know that the movies problematic bits were clear in the bits I did see way back in October so I wasn't going crazy.
I mean, I hear you, but Snyder has made me not like Superman at all. I actually thought he showed way more emotion in MoS..a movie that I find ok for a couple of reasons, him not being one of them. I think like many others I'm just looking forward to a solo Batman film that Snyder has no hands in. The only parts of this movie that kept me interested was Batman..minus his little montage lol.
Only thing memorable about Thor 2 is the collector..oh, and that Cap joke..I guess.
While I was okay with Thor 2 I actually blanked as I read this as I don't really remember much about that movie either. I don't even remember the villains name..?
In any case it's been interesting to see everyone's reaction to the movie as I had some brief involvement on the movie. It's also nice to know that the movies problematic bits were clear in the bits I did see way back in October so I wasn't going crazy.
It was Malekith but he was barely a character in that movie. His presence was so minimized I can't even get upset over what a bad version of the character it is
All of the good parts in Thor 2 feature Loki, and he's not in it that much. Forgettable is really the perfect descriptor for the movie. I didn't really hate it until I went back and watched it again.
Batman v Superman is probably the boldest and more ambitious large scale blockbuster comic movie ever made. It's also deeply flawed, but the movie made me feel something. Which is more than I can say for stuff like Age of Ultron or Spectre.
This movie was weird as fuck. Was anybody else just left...dumbfounded? What a weird film. Nobody in the theater popped for Diana either. That was a damn shame. TDKR punch was a nice touch, though.
Ok. Just went back from theater seeing it, and my overall opinion. Its average, but only because its imo horrible like the first hour and a half, but excuse me , but when the action begin
with batman facing superman, and the honnestly amazing Batman battle vs the 20 guys
, it deserve a score for me a 6 out of ten.
Lets face it, the story suck ass, all the first hour and a half is nothing you wanna see. I seriously tough about leaving the theater. But for action scenes, it was excellent. Seriously the ending saved the movie for me. And for those who havent seeing it, i highly recommand if seeing an excellent action scene is worth the price of waiting this hour and a half to see where the fun begin.
I cant wait to see back this action scene. I need to see it one more time.
This movie was weird as fuck. Was anybody else just left...dumbfounded? What a weird film. Nobody in the theater popped for Diana either. That was a damn shame. TDKR punch was a nice touch, though.
I dunno I quite enjoyed the movie, definitely better then it's RT score. I'd put it in a 7 range. I think people's expectations were way to high after the last batman trilogy and marvel's recent output. I went into it open minded and enjoyed it for what it was, a movie to ultimately help build their later franchises that are upcoming.