Which thread do I put my thoughts in?
Got out 30 min ago
this thread
always this thread
Which thread do I put my thoughts in?
Got out 30 min ago
Slow..Is there a wrong way to do speed?
Snort it, smoke it, shoot it...Snyder!Is there a wrong way to do speed?
Is there a wrong way to do speed?
I really liked Ant-Man. Need to watch it again.Asgard scenes in Thor 1 were not bad which is the most I can say for that film. Thor 2 is a turd sandwich.
Actually the more I think about AoU the more I dislike it. Ant-Man was the best Marvel film of 2015. Even the cheesy jokes were better in Ant-Man.
Ayyy lmaoSpeed 2.
Speed 2.
Picking on Thor movies because the movie you thought was going to be good sucked.
What stage is that closer to - denial or bargaining?
I just got back. I think my feelings can best be summed up by giving the film the title Batman v Superman: I Don't Understand Anyone's Motivations.
I just... really, I don't understand why anyone did anything that they were doing for the entirety of the film. It wasn't that the film didn't attempt to explain at times, it's just nothing made sense in the context of what was happening in the world. I could see people in my viewing looking at each other really confused, especially during the dream sequences.
Like several people noted it really felt like Zack filmed three different movies, put the scenes into some kind of randomizer and then sent it to print. Any director's cut of this movie will need to be heavily re-edited with at least 45 minutes of footage cut out and then put back together with new footage that actually connects the events in a way that tells a single coherent story. The final battle especially felt like it belonged in a future JL movie instead.
The audience in my viewing looked really drained at the end, one person tried to clap half-heartedly but stopped midway though. It was just a really strangely oppressive film to watch. I can definitely understand why some people like it, there's definitely stuff there to like, but you really have to have an incredible tolerance for bad storytelling to enjoy it and I really don't
Affleck did a great job, he should be really proud of his Batman, nightmare issues aside. Gal Gadot really impressed as well. Eisneberg's Lex was problematic and miscastbut really the least of the films problems in my opinion. Cavill had nothing to work with so I don't even know how to grade his performance. The supporting cast was fairly enjoyable too with some nice cameos. I'll give it a 6/10 with extra points just because I really enjoyed Bats and WW.(is he the real Lex or his son?)
Picking on Thor movies because the movie you thought was going to be good sucked.
What stage is that closer to - denial or bargaining?
So that second dream sequence. Um...... What was the purpose of it?????? IIRC it was actually like 2 dreams back to back when they knocked Batman out.
I just got back. I think my feelings can best be summed up by giving the film the title Batman v Superman: I Don't Understand Anyone's Motivations.
I just... really, I don't understand why anyone did anything that they were doing for the entirety of the film. It wasn't that the film didn't attempt to explain at times, it's just nothing made sense in the context of what was happening in the world. I could see people in my viewing looking at each other really confused, especially during the dream sequences.
Like several people noted it really felt like Zack filmed three different movies, put the scenes into some kind of randomizer and then sent it to print. Any director's cut of this movie will need to be heavily re-edited with at least 45 minutes of footage cut out and then put back together with new footage that actually connects the events in a way that tells a single coherent story. The final battle especially felt like it belonged in a future JL movie instead.
Either that or it's because the character is popular
BvS needs to find its place on the GAF tier system. Need to start at the bottom and move up. Thor just so happens to be at the bottom.
SeriouslyI don't see why Thor would be at the bottom when F4ntastic, ASM2, and Green Lantern all exist.
I don't see why Thor would be at the bottom when F4ntastic, ASM2, and Green Lantern all exist.
Liquid didn't like it.
I'm shook.
We've already determined The Spirit is, was, and ever will be the worst.
On reflection, this is up there with my least enjoyable theatrical experiences ever. My seat was fine, and the audience was fine, which are what usually sour the experience. This time around it really was the movie. I basically squirmed through most of it, literally face palming at times. The WTF? inducing editing. The repeated, heavy handed dream sequences (I swear the desert nightmare went on forever). Lex's twitchy monologues. The overly complicated yet also contradictory plot. The repeated, totally predictable and unnecessary fake outs at the end. Even more wait, what? editing decisions. The constant gloominess. Doomsday, my god.
Gonna have to watch a good movie tomorrow to purge this one. It wasn't even bad enough to be enjoyable, which is what I was kind of pulling for.
Oh you mean Snyder's take on Black Panther?This is Meteor Man tier.
Those films do not get a spot in the tier system. Everyone tries to forget they exist.
I kinda kind that Catwoman have already been forgotten lol.
I wonder if Jesse Eisenberg is aware that he just won the Razzie for worst supporting actor.
Is The Spirit really worse than Catwoman, Elektra, Batman and Robin, Steel, and others? Cause if so, I actually want to watch it now.We've already determined The Spirit is, was, and ever will be the worst.
Is The Spirit really worse than Catwoman, Elektra, Batman and Robin, Steel, and others? Cause if so, I actually want to watch it now.
Gross. No more mention of The Spirit please.Imagine a superhero movie by a creatively bankrupt drunk old man man who learned everything he knows about filmmaking by watching Robert Rodriguez make Sin City for two weeks.
"I don't get the hate for BvS, it's better than the Thors 1&2"
Lmfao. Like the thor movies were the barometer of what makes a good move. Goddamn
Is The Spirit really worse than Catwoman, Elektra, Batman and Robin, Steel, and others? Cause if so, I actually want to watch it now.
I hate scoring shit. It feels so pointless when we compare completely different films with different intents with just numbers, just to try and "rank" what we like.
I enjoy Marvel films because they're a fun ride, most of them are light hearted simplistic, and it's nice to see heroes I enjoyed in comics come to life for 2 hours or so. The connected universe is also fun. Thor 2 though, was about as mediocre and unambitious as you can get for a film in a franchise which is already relatively unambitious once they found the footing for the formula.
Batman v Superman is probably the boldest and more ambitious large scale blockbuster comic movie ever made. It's also deeply flawed, but the movie made me feel something. Which is more than I can say for stuff like Age of Ultron or Spectre.
"I don't get the hate for BvS, it's better than the Thors 1&2"
Lmfao. Like the thor movies were the barometer of what makes a good move. Goddamn
I can agree with this mostly. Although Iron Man 1 is incredible for many reasons. The rest of the movies almost always feel like there is no weight to the fight. Kind of like the prequels in feeling scripted and over choreographed. MoS and BvS both feel closer to the knock-down, drag-out fight from They Live, than to the rest of the CBM landscape.
The trick to enjoying a Robert Rodriguez film is to not watch the whole thing.Imagine a superhero movie by a creatively bankrupt drunk old man man who learned everything he knows about filmmaking by watching Robert Rodriguez make Sin City for two weeks.
I hate scoring shit. It feels so pointless when we compare completely different films with different intents with just numbers, just to try and "rank" what we like.
I enjoy Marvel films because they're a fun ride, most of them are light hearted simplistic, and it's nice to see heroes I enjoyed in comics come to life for 2 hours or so. The connected universe is also fun. Thor 2 though, was about as mediocre and unambitious as you can get for a film in a franchise which is already relatively unambitious once they found the footing for the formula.
Batman v Superman is probably the boldest and more ambitious large scale blockbuster comic movie ever made. It's also deeply flawed, but the movie made me feel something. Which is more than I can say for stuff like Age of Ultron or Spectre.
The trick to enjoying a Robert Rodriguez film is to not watch the whole thing.