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Batman v. Superman RT Thread: like standing ovations in rain

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So Affleck's writer buds couldn't salvage the Goyer script it seemed lol.

Pretty sure all these movies are heavy into pre-production before the scripts are even finished. So the plot, props, costumes, and sets are pretty much locked in way early. It's a matter of assembling a script around that. Anyone they bring in to fix a script can only do so much.


Wonderwoman being praised gets a laugh out of me. For what exactly is she getting praised? Because she shows up?
Yeah she wasn't even Faora tier but that's solely because of the writing. Gal Gadot killed it with the limited screen time she had. Definitely looking forward to the WW movie now.
After having several hours to process the film, I have come to the conclusion that it wasn't very good. It certainly wasn't as horrible as some people here are suggesting. And I probably liked this more than Man of Steel. But there were a lot of things that bugged me about the film. For one, the pacing was all over the place. No sense of direction between scenes, just a bunch of random scenes being shown in an arbitrary fashion. Poorly choreographed action, especially near the end. Characters are mostly poorly written and poorly motivated. I did, however, enjoy the novelty of seeing the Trinity together in live action, and I really enjoyed the Batman stuff.

As a side note, my theater cheered when Wonder Woman showed up, and everyone clapped when the film was over. My friends were divided on the film. Some loved, some just liked it, and some disliked it. I don't think any of us outright hated it though.
Ebert had kinda weird taste. He may have liked this one.

Siskel would've destroyed it, though.

This is true.

Ebert might have liked it for bucking the superhero formula so much and ambition (but also maybe not).

Gene would have destroyed it for all the things it does wrong regardless.


I wish Roger Ebert was alive to write a review of this. His negative reviews were always great.

Well two of the most important critics that I trust over everyone else: Peter Travers and Richard Roeper (who was friends with Ebert) gave it good reviews. So he might have liked it too for all we know.

Chicago Sun-Times
Richard Roeper


About a half-hour into “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” I was starting to feel this could be one of the best superhero movies of the last 20 years. Alas, we go from spectacular to solid, from great to good.

When it sings, “Dawn of Justice” is a wonder. When it drags, it still looks good and offers hints of a better scene just around the corner.

Rolling Stone
Peter Travers


Better than Man of Steel but below the high bar set by Nolan's Dark Knight, Dawn of Justice is still a colossus, the stuff that DC Comics dreams are made of for that kid in all of us who yearns to see Batman and Superman suit up and go in for the kill.
Woke up after a full nigh's sleep... still feel drained -_-

I think the last time I felt like this after seeing a movie was Last Exit to Brooklyn.

LEtB wasn't a bad movie just oppressively depressing. Directly comparing BvS to it would be hyperbole but man, Snyder really needs to lighten up.


I heard someone say, either on Facebook or Twitter, that there was a "standing ovation" for Wonder Woman's costumed appearance.

Haha. Can you even imagine?

Without "receipts" there were NO standing ovations; only "standing ovations" (where a bunch of the audience claps for 3 seconds; aka "not a standing ovation".

Anecdotal: I've never seen an entire theater execute a standing ovation at the end of a film in a theater and I've seen perhaps 100-300 showings in a cinema, if not more. Lotsa claps. Not a single ovation.

Off the top of my head, we're talkin' opening night The Matrix, The Dark Knight, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Raid Redemption, The Winter Soldier and many other excellent movies. Please don't waste time nitpicking the choices GAF. No ovations.

Waits for nitpicks...
I just imagine Ebert's review would be like his one for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

Roger Ebert said:
"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" is a horrible experience of unbearable length, briefly punctuated by three or four amusing moments. One of these involves a dog-like robot humping the leg of the heroine. Such are the meager joys. If you want to save yourself the ticket price, go into the kitchen, cue up a male choir singing the music of hell, and get a kid to start banging pots and pans together. Then close your eyes and use your imagination.


Eisenberg deserves a Razzie for this, and he'll probably get it. He way overacted his part and so came off as comedic in almost all of his scenes. I'm sure it wasn't his call though, so again blame goes to Snyder.

It was his Zuckerberg impression but only amplified with more pointless rambling and twitching so you know he's crazy. Even the times when he was supposed to be menacing or 'serious' came off as laughable. The line delivery such as "The red capes are coming!" didn't feel natural at all and was out of place. Every single scene he was in, ruined not only that scene but also weakened the movie. I haven't even dug into how bad his character was from a writing perspective in that his motivations are shallow at best despite being the driving force of the movie.

The people who liked Eisenberg in this also probably liked Eddie Redmayne in Jupiter Ascending.


Well two of the most important critics that I trust over everyone else: Peter Travers and Richard Roeper (who was friends with Ebert) gave it good reviews. So he might have liked it too for all we know.

I was just going to post the Roeper review. I imagine it would be more akin to his review.

He's one of the rare critics to like Knowing, and by liked I mean he loved it. It's a fantastic review.


And his blog on it is also great if not brilliant:


The dude explains his case like no other.


Official Weekend Estimate is $170.1M

I feel like they picked a number that makes the film's start a new WB record though. We might see the actuals dip a bit


Ebert had kinda weird taste. He may have liked this one.

Siskel would've destroyed it, though.

This. I would be willing to put money on your hypothetical guess. BVS is not a shit movie it's a divisive one. The show: "Siskel & Ebert & the Movies", would of probably reflected this.


I could easily see Ebert liking it. He absolutely would have noted its structure problems and pacing, and probably some of the flat acting, but he loved when something new is put into establishment to kick it around a little or it would work with big ideas even if the ideas don't fully form. Even if it failed, it would "Fail up" for him in that regard. That's why he gave good reviews to The Happening and Knowing (I agree with him a lot on the latter).

Edit: I personally loathed BvS, but I like multitude of perspectives and analysis and criticism. I would have loved to read another harsh review from Ebert, few really did it as well.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
You're all insane. Eisenberg is awesome in the film.

He played an awesome Riddler, but a terrible Luthor. So, by the very fact that his character in the movie was supposed to be Lex Luthor, he was not awesome in the film. He was miscast and misdirected, pure and simple.

I actually feel that Eisenberg probably could have played a convincing and imposing Lex if he was told to, I really do, but what we got was instead a mistake, unfortunately.


Oh my god this movie is freaking borefest. At least MoS had that continous action sequences at the end. Not here though..no uh.
Gotta switch back to our Miss Lane every time some exciting shit happens to other characters!!!


RedLetterMedia just posted their BvS review on YouTube. This should be good.


Rewatching MOS, I like the first hour and I am now at the first Zod/super fight. Someone probably died when he flew into the 7/11. Clark seems to keep needlessly hitting the kryptonians into things. There's an argument to be made he was flying sk fast he couldn't control his flight. Compared to the army he has way more regard for collateral damage.


I could easily see Ebert liking it. He absolutely would have noted its structure problems and pacing, and probably some of the flat acting, but he loved when something new is put into establishment to kick it around a little or it would work with big ideas even if the ideas don't fully form. Even if it failed, it would "Fail up" for him in that regard. That's why he gave good reviews to The Happening and Knowing (I agree with him a lot on the latter).

Edit: I personally loathed BvS, but I like multitude of perspectives and analysis and criticism. I would have loved to read another harsh review from Ebert, few really did it as well.
What is new about this movie?


Rewatching MOS, I like the first hour and I am now at the first Zod/super fight. Someone probably died when he flew into the 7/11. Clark seems to keep needlessly hitting the kryptonians into things. There's an argument to be made he was flying sk fast he couldn't control his flight. Compared to the army he has way more regard for collateral damage.

The excuse usually goes that he wasn't Superman yet and that he was just a guy who flipped out when trying to save his mom. I think it was dumb as shit. He still left his mom there alone with a bunch of crazy ass Zod acolytes while he took Zod on a whirlwind tour to Smallville. And he stupidly brought Zod to the center of Smallville during this tantrum and got everyone there involved with this super bullshit when he could have tried to at least keep it contained to the cornfields. And like you said, he destroyed a lot of shit on the way there.

I mean, it led to the awesome Smallville fight so it's whatever. But the nagging feeling that what led up to it was done kinda bad lingers on.
What is new about this movie?

Batman kills, and there's a debate about Superman being god or not. Pretty much the same shit as other movies where superheroes are viewed as vigilantes/criminals worthy of scorn or heroes to be revered. Should there be control? Should they be eliminated? etc

There's really nothing new per say.
I watched about half the Half in the Bag review and I had to turn it off, they are doing too good a job dismantling this movie. I want my thoughts to be my own coming out and this is the first review that's really penetrating me deeply.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
This movie sure is getting people to talk about it way more than marvel movies. Damn.

Disappointment and sadness can have that effect, and misery loves company.

I watched all of the HitB review, and I pretty much agree 100% with them. The only thing I kinda disagree on was Gal's part, I didnt' think she was bad, I just felt her role was super tiny and terribly shoehorned in so it felt out of place to me, but it wasn't any fault of her's.
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