Gordon Shumway
I thought I heard that people cheered when they saw him?Logic in this movie? You might as well be asking for Spider-man to show up.
3phemeral LOL
I thought I heard that people cheered when they saw him?Logic in this movie? You might as well be asking for Spider-man to show up.
During the Batman v Superman fight why didn't Supes just say," straight off?Bruce, they have my mother".
Because fuck people for having an opinion, right?I feel that if I say a good thing about this movie I'll burn to death, but it is my duty to say that is nowhere near as bad as the critics or most people here say. Actually if you say you hate this and love Marvel's output, well you're a hypocrite.
This considering that the only decent Marvel movies are Iron Man, Winter Soldier and Ant Man.
Just my 2 cents, please continue the hate parade.
I feel that if I say a good thing about this movie I'll burn to death, but it is my duty to say that is nowhere near as bad as the critics or most people here say. Actually if you say you hate this and love Marvel's output, well you're a hypocrite.
This considering that the only decent Marvel movies are Iron Man, Winter Soldier and Ant Man.
Just my 2 cents, please continue the hate parade.
I feel that if I say a good thing about this movie I'll burn to death, but it is my duty to say that is nowhere near as bad as the critics or most people here say. Actually if you say you hate this and love Marvel's output, well you're a hypocrite.
This considering that the only decent Marvel movies are Iron Man, Winter Soldier and Ant Man.
Just my 2 cents, please continue the hate parade.
I feel that if I say a good thing about this movie I'll burn to death, but it is my duty to say that is nowhere near as bad as the critics or most people here say. Actually if you say you hate this and love Marvel's output, well you're a hypocrite.
This considering that the only decent Marvel movies are Iron Man, Winter Soldier and Ant Man.
Just my 2 cents, please continue the hate parade.
I feel that if I say a good thing about this movie I'll burn to death, but it is my duty to say that is nowhere near as bad as the critics or most people here say. Actually if you say you hate this and love Marvel's output, well you're a hypocrite.
This considering that the only decent Marvel movies are Iron Man, Winter Soldier and Ant Man.
Just my 2 cents, please continue the hate parade.
I feel that if I say a good thing about this movie I'll burn to death, but it is my duty to say that is nowhere near as bad as the critics or most people here say. Actually if you say you hate this and love Marvel's output, well you're a hypocrite.
This considering that the only decent Marvel movies are Iron Man, Winter Soldier and Ant Man.
Just my 2 cents, please continue the hate parade.
I feel that if I say a good thing about this movie I'll burn to death, but it is my duty to say that is nowhere near as bad as the critics or most people here say. Actually if you say you hate this and love Marvel's output, well you're a hypocrite.
This considering that the only decent Marvel movies are Iron Man, Winter Soldier and Ant Man.
Just my 2 cents, please continue the hate parade.
I feel that if I say a good thing about this movie I'll burn to death, but it is my duty to say that is nowhere near as bad as the critics or most people here say. Actually if you say you hate this and love Marvel's output, well you're a hypocrite.
This considering that the only decent Marvel movies are Iron Man, Winter Soldier and Ant Man.
Just my 2 cents, please continue the hate parade.
It is an odd viewpoint.This talking point where the validity of one's opinion on a DC movie hinges on how they feel about the MCU seemingly is really weird and reductive.
Has anyone been heckled at all for saying they like it?This martyr act of "I liked the movie but if I say so I'll get ROASTED HERE" is kind of dumb? Just own up to liking the movie and like the damned movie.
This talking point where the validity of one's opinion on a DC movie hinges on how they feel about the MCU seemingly is really weird and reductive.
Has anyone been heckled at all for saying they like it?
No, but by pretending they have people can use their like of this movie as an excuse to shit on Marvel movies.Has anyone been heckled at all for saying they like it?
I'm actually a double agent for Marvel I just rep Bats and Supes to subvert expectations.How can I get some of this Marvel shill money? Cause I feel I am owed some back pay
How can I get some of this Marvel shill money? Cause I feel I am owed some back pay
Okay here's something else that I'm wondering about:
So Batman is chasing those soldiers, but then Superman shows up, and basically tells him to stop whatever he's doing and piss off.
Shouldn't Supes be at least a little curious as to what's going on? Instead, he shows up just to bully Batman. I know he has a problem with Batman's vigilante ways, but he doesn't say that. He also doesn't ask why Batman was chasing after those guys and blowing shit up. Dude's alter ego is a fucking journalist for crying out loud.
Has anyone been heckled at all for saying they like it?
How can I get some of this Marvel shill money? Cause I feel I am owed some back pay
As long as we're talking comparisons, I think I liked this better than Dark Knight Rises.
Me and my kids followed the movie without issue, despite the editing complaints. The dream sequences and Flash vision were taken in stride. We spoke on its significance afterward. The only thing they asked by way of explanation was exactly how Supes would be coming back to life since he was both gored in the heart and his body was buried in a box underground and denied healing sunlight. That's a tough one. I settled on Supes being so irradiated with the Sun's rays that he regenerates on a cellular level--sort of what the Hulk does in the comics. Heh. They didn't buy it, and who can blame them.
Pretty good convo with them. We all agreed that the Justice League should show a shift in tone.
Yeah that fight got pretty crazy. When the bat solo movie comes they better bring with it the Arkham game style combat scenes.
Okay here's something else that I'm wondering about:
So Batman is chasing those soldiers, but then Superman shows up, and basically tells him to stop whatever he's doing and piss off.
Shouldn't Supes be at least a little curious as to what's going on? Instead, he shows up just to bully Batman. I know he has a problem with Batman's vigilante ways, but he doesn't say that. He also doesn't ask why Batman was chasing after those guys and blowing shit up. Dude's alter ego is a fucking journalist for crying out loud.
Other problem I have with scene related to that;What a shitty detective.Batman shot a tracker on the truck, yet he almost destroyed the whole back of the truck along with the tracker lol. Should've shot somewhere else if you're going to do that.
Whydid he not simply wait until the truck made it to it's destination and then steal the Kryptonite then? ... you know, like he ended up doing!!!
If we're going Marvel, but non-MCU, I'd put this above X-Men 1, 3 and First Class, but below 2 and DOFP. WAY above 3 and First Class. X1 is close.
Probably below Deadpool, but I haven't decided. Deadpool was more fun, but fun isn't necessarily very important in judging a film.
Probably above every Spiderman movie if I'm really being critical. 2 is the closest, but it hasn't held up super well.
It shits on every F4 film from tremendous heights.
Whydid he not simply wait until the truck made it to it's destination and then steal the Kryptonite then? ... you know, like he ended up doing!!!
The Dark knight trilogy and Blade are all better than this incoherent mess of a script. Goyer wrote those. Terrio has written two films one of which is a ball of shit and the other is a decent drama which takes a lot of liberties with the actual story. Argo isn't shit but I didn't think it was anything spectacular. BvS is demonstrably incoherent. The most basic grasp of story telling and narrative are thrown out the window, at least in the first half.
Havent you repeated this same post like 50 billion times in this thread?
This movie was pretty terrible but had a good few scenes.
First half was all over the place with seemingly unnecessary scenes. Wonder Woman totally shoehorned in.
It's what happens when they need to introduce multiple heroes in one movie. They needed to film Batfleck first and Wonderwoman's movie before doing BvS.
Whydid he not simply wait until the truck made it to it's destination and then steal the Kryptonite then? ... you know, like he ended up doing!!!
You say this, but I didn't see Thor or Captain America before Avengers, and I had no idea who Black Widow, Hawkeye or Loki were at all.
Yet not once did the film feel confusing or bloated at all as a result.
BvS just sounds badly directed.
Whydid he not simply wait until the truck made it to it's destination and then steal the Kryptonite then? ... you know, like he ended up doing!!!
Sounds accurate.And I think that is the issue. Snyder tried to fit too much into this movie, ave the studio made him term it back to 2.5hrs.
Instead of cutting all he could to tighten the story, he tried to keep as much as possible ("for the fans") and the whole movie suffered because of it.
I can only hope the R rated dirdirector's cut coming this summer, flashes everything out ava tells the whole story in a way that makes sense.
Other problem I have with scene related to that;What a shitty detective.Batman shot a tracker on the truck, yet he almost destroyed the whole back of the truck along with the tracker lol. Should've shot somewhere else if you're going to do that.
The One and Done;199388364 said:Hmmm. Yeah done with these threads.
He's the one and done, silly..Why?