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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 2 – Sundays on AMC

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After rewatch...

My main positives after second watch

+ JDM is and will continue to be great as Negan!

+ I liked Steven Ogg, I prefer the Savior he plays compared to Dwight.

+ Most people probably either dislike or feel indifferent about him but I'm really liking Gabriel's development

+ Rick's "Oh fuck, I'm screwed" face throughout the second half... so good.

+ Was getting certain vibes from Carl... comic vibes

+ Abraham and Eugene's great scene [as well as Abraham retaining his title as character with best one-liners]

+ Some of the shots were really nice

My main negatives

- Just the entirety of Morgan/Carol. I appreciate Morgan killing that guy but there's just too much annoyance to get to that point. I don't think they've character assassinated Carol like some have said but I do think they should of layed low on her character after E14. Way too much screen-time this back half, almost feels like she's being forced into storylines.

- Cliffhanger. There's actually nothing wrong with cliffhangers on paper but its about when and how you use them and instead this just feels like a cheap marketing device for ratings and attention. I feel like showing the victim could have pleased both camps... for example, if the writers were to show the victim and have Negan say something like: "We'll make a stop at your little town in two weeks for your first payment, bye bye now" - that's a cliffhanger in itself. The difference between that and what we actually got is that it also has pay-off. The writers have built this "Negan" figure, the next big antagonist since The Governor for half a season and at the apex of everything, at arguably the most iconic scene in the franchise they're basically telling the audience: "save your emotions for next season"

- Even if he only showed up for a few seconds... I really do not like Spencer.
I'll put it this way. That 13 episode season on the farm...was only 4 issues in the comics. They only stayed on the farm for 4 issues
to be fair though (this is just what I heard) season 2 was an issue with the writers and amc, they were on strike or something. unless this had something to do with the older showrunner that other gaffers were telling me about earlier.

but anyways, if you're a reader in the comics, in your opinion what's the right amount of issues that should be translated to an episode/season of the show?


Do we even know if they filmed the dead scene of the character being killed?

We are all speculating from what they have showed, but maybe they haven't even decide or film that part yet.
to be fair though (this is just what I heard) season 2 was an issue with the writers and amc, they were on strike or something. unless this had something to do with the older showrunner that other gaffers were telling me about earlier.

but anyways, if you're a reader in the comics, in your opinion what's the right amount of issues that should be translated to an episode/season of the show?

I believe there have been 83 episodes of the show so far, and that represents 100 issues at this point. So, on average, more than one issue per episode.

They stretched what should have been 2 or 3 episodes into 13. Horrible.

No doubt it's because they had like no budget and couldn't really afford any location outside of the farm or major action scenes. But, even with that in mind, it's still shot and written terribly. There were some cool moments there but they were ruined by constant horrible filler.

When people call any of the new episodes filler I laugh a little bit because "filler" in modern TWD is beautiful art compared to seasons 2 and 3 filler, which was genuinely awful.

I still don't understand how the show lived through that.


Abraham. No way does Eugene not go down on the first strike. He doesn't have the fortitude.

And after Glenn, Abraham is the one who's been having the most hopeful story development, to the point of considering of feeling good about life and wanting to have a kid

Yep I think its definitely him tbh. Its a pity cause I like the actor in this and in Southland. The main cast has too much plot armor at this point. It really should be Glenn, Maggie Daryl or Michonne.


That was super upsetting to watch-even as a comic reader. I had a pit in my stomach the entire episode.

Same here. The entire episode I was nervous and could feel my heart beating super fast. The way it happened in the book was probably the most upsetting thing I've ever read in my life. I remember feeling really uncomfortable and even having a bad dream about it soon after.

So even if we only saw it through the eyes of the victim, it still hit me.

I wish it didn't end on a cliff hanger about who it was, but that's really no big deal to me. If they start the season and show the beating(I doubt it but would/could they?) that might just be too much for me.


Yes while you can say the 'F' word on AMC if you really wanted to, you still have to answer to sponsors. The last thing anything company wants is backlash, because they sponsor something.

Why do people think this way? Blaming a sponsor or accusing them of condoning an action in what a show does. Is it feeble mindedness? At the end of the day, all I see is a free or discounted show, budget helped covered by these sponsors, and I know if it was up to the sponsors, if people weren't so sensitive, they would not care as long as what they pay for gets people to watch their ad and buy their crap. People people starving and struggling all around in the real world, and they worry what some some fake guy on a flashing light and random sound box is making.
Because at that point there was sill sooo much more material available to them.

I meant more so from a lack of viewership. I doubt most watching were watching because they were waiting for specific comic moments or anything.

I feel like The Walking Dead was always going to be a hit no matter what. I'm not really sure why though.
Why do people think this way? Blaming a sponsor or accusing them of condoning an action in what a show does. Is it feeble mindedness? At the end of the day, all I see is a free or discounted show, budget helped covered by these sponsors, and I know if it was up to the sponsors, if people weren't so sensitive, they would not care as long as what they pay for gets people to watch their ad and buy their crap. People people starving and struggling all around in the real world, and they worry what some some fake guy on a flashing light and random sound box is making.

To be clear I'm not saying I feel this way. It is just the way the beast works, and it is bullshit. The Christian Right is famous for trying to get sponsors to boycott shows they deem to diminish their so called 'family values'. Also the Left has pulled the same thing. I guess it is because in the end, it is the only way they feel like they can get their voice heard.


"We haven't filmed it yet" smells like bullshit. You mean they were like "ok guys wrap it up, put away all the props and let's go home everybody. Meet here again with the exact same set and actors in two months!" ?

Maybe tv production is a lot more complicated than that but it seems fairly logical to me that they would've filmed everything in that specific location in advance for the next season. Gotta be a nightmare to hire so many extras for the saviors again, redo all the makeup, park those vans again, etc.


It should be Glenn. The character has run his course at this point and adds more value being dead. The death will make Maggie interesting again and polarize the group.

It also makes the dumpster Glenn debacle even more worthless which is hilarious.

They owe us, for that midseason fiasco. Its gotta be Glenn.


Re watching the episode and man Rick acting is so good. it breaks my heart seeing himg that scared.

to spoil for myself who died or not, that's the question.
You can't ruin it for yourself because the comics aren't necessarily the same. You should read them though.
That was a good season, though. I don't get the hate.

no, no it was not.

to be fair though (this is just what I heard) season 2 was an issue with the writers and amc, they were on strike or something. unless this had something to do with the older showrunner that other gaffers were telling me about earlier.

but anyways, if you're a reader in the comics, in your opinion what's the right amount of issues that should be translated to an episode/season of the show?

Season 2 had to do with

1) A hack show runner

2) A budget per episode that was less than budget per episode of Season 1(AMC even pitched to have half of the scenes inside because it's far cheaper to film inside than outside)


Apparently they haven't filmed it yet.

They said on Talking Dead they final scene took 15 hours to film – and the JDM’s (of course) first scene with the cast. So the fact that it hasn’t been filmed seems odd and add in it would have to be restaged later this summer.

Entire episodes where nothing happens. Completely inconsistent plots and characters. The creation of sub plots that are stupid and only created for the sake of getting zombie quotas in.

Example, The Well episode

1) "You can't shoot the zombie because it would infect the well, even though you can't even drink the water at this point and the zombie has been in there for god knows how long to the point where it's bloated and decomposing. Oh so lets send the small asian kid down"

That was the only "zombie" in the episode iirc and the only actual drama situation that wasn't two people talking in shot reverse shot.

2) Daryl going off and falling into the mosh pit where he has an open wound while unconscious, only to find a zombie biting on his leather boot, completely ignoring that zombies are really into blood and open wounds and stuff.

In that episode it was the only time a character was in danger or included zombies.

3) Daryl gets shot for no reason by Andria even though everyone who ran to him should have been blocking her ability to shoot, and she put everyones life in danger by shooting him so fucking close to them, oh and btw Daryl is actually fine and this event has no short or long term consequences.

4) Lori constantly losing sight of her kid

5) Lori getting in a car crash by hitting the only zombie on the road and diving off into a ditch... btw she completely left her child ALONE because she was actually going after Rick ALONE.

6) Shane shooting fat dude for no reason, they had like a huge lead on the horde and even had enough time to fumble around after he shot him, giving up the huge lead they had on the zombie group... why did he shoot him again?

7) First episode the horde literally comes out of nowhere... how did they not see that massive pack of zombies, where did they come from? How did Andrea's skirmish not completely attract a ton of other zombies? How the fuck did TDog survive that GIANT GASH, again completely ignoring that zeds have a really nasty habit of fucking loving blood and open cuts (They even show this in the episode where they drop that kid off who had his knee exploded by that fence... which got better in like a week or something.)

8) Lori literally playing two ball games at once and manipulating both Rick and Shane about each other. It might have worked if it was intended to show she's actually an evil person, but that wasn't the case, she literally had no idea that saying stuff like "My husband is going to get us killed" to the man you were just previously porking might just not be the smartest thing, and then going to her Husband saying "Shane ain't all right in the head, what you gonna do about that?" is going to cause some not so good things to happen. Talk about the worst character on the show, oh and Maggie just gets mad at random. They even have Glenn and Dale talk about "omg why are girls getting so mad lol girl issues amiright".

Not going over how much time was spent talking about stuff and thangs or characters doing nothing but talking about how they need to talk about another characters stuff and thangs.

Horrid season of TV in general.


but that's madd fucked up (if they do that) don't you think? like, if the story arc isn't meant to be that long but they drag it out through filler or whatever other bullshit, yeah?

Well the farm encompassed, what, all of season two and it was like 5 issues. From issue 100 (season finale) to the end is like 28 issues. There is a LOT that goes on in those 28 issues that can be stretched to holy hell.


"We haven't filmed it yet" smells like bullshit. You mean they were like "ok guys wrap it up, put away all the props and let's go home everybody. Meet here again with the exact same set and actors in two months!" ?

Maybe tv production is a lot more complicated than that but it seems fairly logical to me that they would've filmed everything in that specific location in advance for the next season. Gotta be a nightmare to hire so many extras for the saviors again, redo all the makeup, park those vans again, etc.

Yeah, same thing I was thinking. It doesn't make sense to not film it from a logistical standpoint. As I said before, it's possible they could have very well just filmed each person getting killed so they could later choose who they wanted later and it would make it so nobody actually knew who was going to diem


I watched it yesterday and thought it was great....until the end. Jesus, how in the world can they fuck up so badly. If you're watching a show that's been going on for 6 seasons you can kind of expect people are gonna tune in without having to resort to a super cheap 'cliffhanger'. What a load of shit.

Rick's acting and Negan's introduction were great though. Also, I am never going to believe any of the actor's comments about future episodes. According to Lincoln this episode was 'gut wrenching' or something like that. There was nothing gut wrenching about this episode because you did not see shit. /rant.

That blood effect when Negan went HAM was hilarious, it looked so stupid.


When people call any of the new episodes filler I laugh a little bit because "filler" in modern TWD is beautiful art compared to seasons 2 and 3 filler, which was genuinely awful.

I still don't understand how the show lived through that.

Its because at the time we still had high hopes for the show

But as it went on - and the show got worst and worst - the viewers kinda lost its patience. Still watching, but complaining at everything

I thought this last episode sucked. But i thought people would have liked it. Nah, people hated it.

Only the die hard fans (the ones that cant accept that the show suck - they even find it in their hearts to say good things about "Fear the Walking Dead) are not complaining.
I watched it yesterday and thought it was great....until the end. Jesus, how in the world can they fuck up so badly. If you're watching a show that's been going on for 6 seasons you can kind of expect people are gonna tune in without having to resort to a super cheap 'cliffhanger'. What a load of shit.

Rick's acting and Negan's introduction were great though. Also, I am never going to believe any of the actor's comments about future episodes. According to Lincoln this episode was 'gut wrenching' or something like that. There was nothing gut wrenching about this episode because you did not see shit. /rant.

That blood effect when Negan went HAM was hilarious, it looked so stupid.

My guess... they filmed the scene and they didn't even know that AMC was gonna split it and be a cliff hanger, at least not until very recently.
I'm just trying to think how they are going to start the first episode of Season 7.

Since they said they haven't even filmed the death of the character yet, how would it begin? Like others have mentioned, to have the continuity with that scene months later would be such a problematic headache and most likely impossible.

So it would have to be filmed as a gimmick. like a black/dark background with Negan's POV bashing their head in. Where you only see the dirt ground, a spotlight on the character and him just going at it. When he is done, he takes a polaroid. Takes 2. One for him and the second for Rick. *

OR did they literally lie to everyone and filmed the death but are denying it so they can 'avoid' people from asking all the actors. rofl.

I have a gut feeling it Might begin with the gimmick scene and then they all leave them there, next to the dead body. They end up still going to the Hilltop for Maggie.

*I just realized if the saviors only kill one for each group they work with.... there are a lot of groups out there. I'm referencing the amount of pictures we seen of heads bashed in when Rick + Co did the sleeping midnight assassination. Hot Damn.
I'm just trying to think how they are going to start the first episode of Season 7.

Since they said they haven't even filmed the death of the character yet, how would it begin? Like others have mentioned, to have the continuity with that scene months later would be such a problematic headache and most likely impossible.

So it would have to be filmed as a gimmick. like a black/dark background with Negan's POV bashing their head in. Where you only see the dirt ground, a spotlight on the character and him just going at it. When he is done, he takes a polaroid. Takes 2. One for him and the second for Rick. *

OR did they literally lie to everyone and filmed the death but are denying it so they can 'avoid' people from asking all the actors. rofl.

I have a gut feeling it Might begin with the gimmick scene and then they all leave them there, next to the dead body. They end up still going to the Hilltop for Maggie.

*I just realized if the saviors only kill one for each group they work with.... there are a lot of groups out there. I'm referencing the amount of pictures we seen of heads bashed in when Rick + Co did the sleeping midnight assassination. Hot Damn.

That didn't stop them from retconning the mid season ending this year.

My guess, if they actually didn't shoot the scene (I think they did)

1) They reshoot it with Negan being way bigger like in the comics

2) They actually shoot it for real with Negan being way bigger like in the comics.


I've defended the show all along as a character drama focused on exploring our humanity. The lack of action or progress never bothered me. I haven't have any major complaints through the series until the last two episodes. There are two things that really bother me:

1) Glen not staying with Maggie
2) The cliffhanger

I can't get past those. I'm done with the show now. I can't trust the writing anymore. I'm left wondering if the nuanced exploration of humanity I saw was ever really there or was simply a added narrative I created on my own in my head.
Abraham. No way does Eugene not go down on the first strike. He doesn't have the fortitude.

And after Glenn, Abraham is the one who's been having the most hopeful story development, to the point of considering of feeling good about life and wanting to have a kid

Not Abraham. When negan was deciding who to beat, Abraham basically gave him a "bring it on" look and negan Sat him back down. After the first bat strike negan was kind of surprised that the victim stayed up. He wouldn't have been surprised with Abraham.

I feel like they won't follow the comic just so that people can't be sure what's coming. That being said I think Eugene would surprise him by staying up, but it was Glenn and Daryl on the left side and that's the way he turned. Eugene wasn't directly next to the group.

However they can simply ignore all this and film it whatever way they want =/


When he is done, he takes a polaroid. Takes 2. One for him and the second for Rick. *
Is this something that happens in the comics? Seems like an oddly specific thing to mention.

I was finally relieved that we're past all the stuff that has been endlessly spoiled in this thread so far, was hoping we could keep it that way.


.. Also, I am never going to believe any of the actor's comments about future episodes. According to Lincoln this episode was 'gut wrenching' or something like that. There was nothing gut wrenching about this episode because you did not see shit. /rant.

That blood effect when Negan went HAM was hilarious, it looked so stupid.

Maybe they meant gut wrenching because of the cliffhanger... Or the overall introduction of Negan with the plot armor crew being hopeless / in a corner with no way out. It's pretty gut wrenching when the realization hits that you'll be a slave from now on and there is nothing you can do.
That + the fact that they know someone is going to bite it, pretty stressful situation for the characters.

Don't think they meant literal gut wrenching due to Lucille gore being filmed. Something doesn't have to be bloody to be gut wrenching.

My guess... they filmed the scene and they didn't even know that AMC was gonna split it and be a cliff hanger, at least not until very recently.
I doubt it. Wasn't the only reported Lucille beating scene filmed with just JDM and a camera for the POV shot? The cast claims to be in the dark about #WhoKissedLucille (Riggs mentioned that it's not in the script).

Here's what I think: they probably wanted to check audience reactions first and pick the character with the least outcry (Fan: "if Daryll dies I stop watching !!11!1eleven" -> AMCsuits: "DON'T KILL DARYLL MUH AD MONEY").


Carol's departure only resulted in Rick and Morgan going after her. The real problem here is Daryl, who continued to be selfish by running off for vengeance and allowing him, Rosita, Glenn, and Michonne to be caught. That's some of their core, top-tier fighters. So I'm not sure Carol running off counts as a trope since everyone on the show acts like morons from time to time.

It's not a trope since some other characters were separated by Daryl's decision to go after Dwight? He made that decision out of rage, not gender specific stereotypical weaknesses (i.e. "I need to leave because I just can't take life anymore.. oh and by the way, I need saving to in order to eventually reestablish myself in the group I've grown to love over the course of the zombie apocalypse").

It's about the principle, and how much significance isn't relevant to the issue. Sure, the characters are boneheaded and often idiots in S6, but that doesn't excuse Carol being reduced to a woman pleading for her life after abandoning everything she knows and loves in place of regression of character development and a direct return to who she was in S1/2. They capitalized on her previous weaknesses (typical stereotypes she's already developed passed) and used them to progress the plot in the worst way imaginable (main character, Rick, and Morgan "go out to save her").

She's supposed to be a strong woman who can handle herself, and what we got in the finale was atrociously sexist (weak woman who needs saving from strong men). It's total bullshit, given who she was and who she became. And to add insult to injury, let's just shoot her a bunch while she's on the ground completely defenseless essentially begging to be killed.

Who is this character? Because it sure isn't the Carol who's been with us for six years.


... but it was Glenn and Daryl on the left side and that's the way he turned. Eugene wasn't directly next to the group.

However they can simply ignore all this and film it whatever way they want =/

That's what I thought too but look at the ending of Ep8 which was hit by retconcille


Is this something that happens in the comics? Seems like an oddly specific thing to mention.

I was finally relieved that we're past all the stuff that has been endlessly spoiled in this thread so far, was hoping we could keep it that way.

Pretty sure it doesn't happen in the comics.


*I just realized if the saviors only kill one for each group they work with.... there are a lot of groups out there. I'm referencing the amount of pictures we seen of heads bashed in when Rick + Co did the sleeping midnight assassination. Hot Damn.
Good observation. So roughly 20 groups out there.
More reason to question, why they never went back to Hilltop, to:

a) Let them know the work was done.
b) Ensure there was no retaliation from the Saviors and no further sighting of them (confirming they were gone.. which of course, was not the case)
c) Discusss further trades plans
d) Continue that talk with Jesus, regarding other groups.

Rick kept piling stupid mistakes.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
There is no way that AMC are gonna shell out the money to recreate that scene with all the extras and vehicles etc when they could have just shot it that night. My guess is that they shot multiple different characters getting killed so no-one could leak it. I still don't see how they can shoot the next season without people finding out who didn't die though.
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