Snapchats Offensive Bob Marley Filter Gives You Instant Blackface
Happy 420 everyone.
For some reason, Snapchat decided it was a good idea to create a Bob Marley filterone that makes the user look like a bizarre, warped version of the late singer, dreadlocks and all. All the typical things that might stop a massive social network from doing thisthe fact that it looks like like automated blackface, the reductiveness of creating a Bob Marley filter on 4/20, the half-hearted attempts at incorporating Marleys music, the fact that it literally slaps blackface and dreadlocks on everyone who tries itapparently didnt occur to Snapchat.
Update: A Snapchat spokesman emailed us the following statement:
The lens we launched today was created in partnership with the Bob Marley Estate, and gives people a new way to share their appreciation for Bob Marley and his music. Millions of Snapchatters have enjoyed Bob Marleys music, and we respect his life and achievements.

Happy 420 everyone.