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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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So many lost games on defense from people just constantly backing away from the payload. One game was exactly like yours. I was a Lucio having to skate around the payload to keep it from moving because literally nobody else would even come close. Every time I died the payload would move without fail and would never stop until I got back to it.

Way too many people don't understand that a payload does not stop until you touch it (or there's no one on it, but you have to literally kill them to get them out). If someone's moving the thing you TOUCH THE PAYLOAD as you attack the players. I don't understand people who never touch the payload and pelt the enemy with bullets as they watch said enemies bring the load to the final checkpoint.


this is about 70% accurate to something I was told earlier tonight


all the teams ive been put into today go to the attackers spawn just to get kills and i am the only one defending... i die they capture and i get all the shit over me ? get the fuck out of here

hoped the cod kids would left the game by now but nope :(


does anyone have any ideas how to deal with Tracer when playing as Junkrat, it the one character I can not get my head around 1 on 1, unless I get lucky and she walks into a trap ir my concussion mind she just blinks and rewinds all all over me
You already have three tanks with shield mechanics. Roadhoggs heal is dope and the hook is kinda like mccrees flashbang but better.

I'm not saying he should be like Reinhardt. His design is cool how it is. He may even need a bit of tuning so he's not an ult generator for opposing teams. Just saying if a team needs a tank to push the payload, Roadhogg isn't the tank to do that. Roadhogg is more about 1v1s and owning corners, not front and center protecting his team.
I'm not saying he should be like Reinhardt. His design is cool how it is. He may even need a bit of tuning so he's not an ult generator for opposing teams. Just saying if a team needs a tank to push the payload, Roadhogg isn't the tank to do that. Roadhogg is more about 1v1s and owning corners, not front and center protecting his team.

He's good on king of the hill though


Still without luck
does anyone have any ideas how to deal with Tracer when playing as Junkrat, it the one character I can not get my head around 1 on 1, unless I get lucky and she walks into a trap ir my concussion mind she just blinks and rewinds all all over me
Execute a nice toss of that trap. Otherwise you gotta get really good at hitting her with a grenade.


They need to fix the POTG to have tanking or healing metrics.

You can heal the game if your life and the POTG will go to Bastion or Junkrat or whatever DPS. Gives people less motivation for those roles.
Yeah, Play of the Game is heavily skewed towards "whoever killed the most people within a short time".

Had a Hanamura Point Capture game where we shut them out on Point A. Me as Mei and 2 Reinhardts were an impenetrable wall.

An awful Junkrat got lucky with a wheel and killed 3 of them to get Play of the Game. The Junkrat had 7 total eliminations and 9 deaths.


Are there any guides anywhere on how to play certain characters? I'm fine with 76 as he is obviously fairly easy to play but struggle with pretty much any of the others.


Junior Member
What is up with the matchmaking today. Almost all matches are complete one-sided and we are getting crushed be the other team. Not a single victory at all. Not really having much fun right now :(
Never happened to me before that much. Mostly even teams and sometimes unfair matches.
Roadhog is fine, it's just that Reinhardt is like the McCree of tanks, he basically outclasses them all.

The biggest thing I'd like to see Blizzard do with DLC is give players viable options in the support and (to a lesser extent) tank roles. Right now if you don't have at least one Reinhardt and one Mercy/Lucio as attackers it's extremely hard to win.
One thing that really bothers me is how annoying certain compositions can be to play against. Like Reinhardt/Bastion/X is much harder to counter relative to how brain-dead easy it is to execute. Plus it's not very fun to play as or against, but it's very effective for such a minimal investment of cooperation so tons of people use it. I'd much rather play a losing game against an unusual composition than play a winning game against a Reinhardt/Bastion/X.

I don't know quite how to encapsulate this other issue I have but I feel the optimal playstyle in matches oftentimes ends up being boring or unengaging. For example, I can't count the number of games where I've thought, man, what are we doing wrong we can't break through, only to realize we just need a Reinhardt wall. So I'll switch and we'll push forward and win, but there's nothing particularly fun about just holding up a shield and walking forward blocking the bullet hell while everyone else does stuff. Sometimes I wish the payload had a shield on the front so I could play someone else instead without compromising our ability to win. But it's like, well, this is a prerequisite to actually completing the match objectives so I guess I have to do it.

Same thing happens with healing where your best bet is often to camp out safely until the optimal time to use your ultimate. The benefits of playing offensively is so outweighed by the risks that hiding yourself defensively usually feels like the winning move. Is it effective? Absolutely. Is it fun? Not at all. I've gotten the Play of the Game several times with "clutch" Mercy revives, but all I was doing was hiding behind a corner or box and then pressing Q. Necessary to win those matches sure, but completely uninteresting to actually execute.

I absolutely love all the tactics and strategies associated with side-skirmishes and 1v1s, but those usually are a much smaller piece of the overall gameplay relative to the objective orientated strategies.
They need to fix the POTG to have tanking or healing metrics.

You can heal the game if your life and the POTG will go to Bastion or Junkrat or whatever DPS. Gives people less motivation for those roles.

They should have the POTG be something that precipitated a big offensive or stopped a big push. Like a Reinhardt charging in Volskaya, using ultimate (but not really killing anything) and then the rest of the team swooping in and cleaning up. That's an actual play, not defense Bastion getting a few kills then getting sniped like a bitch.


Who do you want to learn?

Phara - seem to die very quickly not kill much st all :( also heard a lot of people liking d.va but I found her to be a bit squishy for a tank and with no real firepower? (I know this is a case of me not knowing how to play than the characters actually being as I describe)


the holder of the trombone
Phara - seem to die very quickly not kill much st all :( also heard a lot of people liking d.va but I found her to be a bit squishy for a tank and with no real firepower? (I know this is a case of me not knowing how to play than the characters actually being as I describe)

Pharah is pretty squishy. I find her best as providing air support with her jump and hover when the team is doing a push. D.va is about going through the rooms and back corners with the insane mobility her jets gives her, but her damage is not good other than up close, so it's more about getting in their face. Be careful though, because her front critical hitbox is massive. She's more hit and run than an actual tank. Be aware of your verticals too because that's one of her strengths. Being able to cover the 3d space very quickly. Excels at sneaking up on turrets and taking them out.


Holy shit my team during the last pub. I wish I could punch all their stupid faces. We are doing escort, and they all decide to attack the enemies only while I'm the only one moving the vehicle. I got it to the last point but we lost about 10 meters away from the goal during overtime. I was moving around with Lucio trying to heal them and move us to the escort point asap during respawns, but no luck.

Soooooooooo infuriating!!!!


Just played a match where my team was defending. My entire team selected Torbjorn. It was glorious-I was grinning the entire time and I decided to call it a night-go out on a high note.


I swear there's a bug with whole hog where my view, out of nowhere, instantly cuts to another random direction

Yeah this has happened a few times, you're shooting normally then you're suddenly looking directly up at the sky or the opposite direction.

I'm guessing you were the roadhog?

Your shot was not centered or you got unlucky, plus you didn't melee.

Next time, at least melee after shooting. You can do it simultaneously. The hook does 30. The shot itself can hit for 200 easily. The melee adds 30 to help for a margin of error or randomness from your shot.

If you were the mccree, you're playing like a pro :)


Yeah this has happened a few times, you're shooting normally then you're suddenly looking directly up at the sky or the opposite direction.
I thought it was just weird lag spikes, but I'm definitely more inclined to call it a bug now that I know it's not just me


I'm oficially addicted to this game.I only had like 5 hours sleep past 2 days and yet i sent whole night playing OW. Again. Currently i'm level 35.
McCree and Hanzo are my absolute favorites.Not because i'm great with them (I'm just fine) but these guys are just way too cool.
Also I've had absolutely awful luck with packs so far and have only gotten a handful of blue skins (all for characters I don't like to play), two of which were duplicates. I got one purple reward but it ended up just being coins, and it wasn't enough to actually buy a purple skin which feels weird.


Also I've had absolutely awful luck with packs so far and have only gotten a handful of blue skins (all for characters I don't like to play), two of which were duplicates. I got one purple reward but it ended up just being coins, and it wasn't enough to actually buy a purple skin which feels weird.

I've saved all my coins for legendary skins bought 2 so far, got 4 from boxes.


does anyone have any ideas how to deal with Tracer when playing as Junkrat, it the one character I can not get my head around 1 on 1, unless I get lucky and she walks into a trap ir my concussion mind she just blinks and rewinds all all over me

Traps/mines like you said and when fighting tracer aim your nades really close to yourself so they won't bounce too far away.
One thing that really bothers me is how annoying certain compositions can be to play against. Like Reinhardt/Bastion/X is much harder to counter relative to how brain-dead easy it is to execute. Plus it's not very fun to play as or against, but it's very effective for such a minimal investment of cooperation so tons of people use it. I'd much rather play a losing game against an unusual composition than play a winning game against a Reinhardt/Bastion/X.

I don't know quite how to encapsulate this other issue I have but I feel the optimal playstyle in matches oftentimes ends up being boring or unengaging. For example, I can't count the number of games where I've thought, man, what are we doing wrong we can't break through, only to realize we just need a Reinhardt wall. So I'll switch and we'll push forward and win, but there's nothing particularly fun about just holding up a shield and walking forward blocking the bullet hell while everyone else does stuff. Sometimes I wish the payload had a shield on the front so I could play someone else instead without compromising our ability to win. But it's like, well, this is a prerequisite to actually completing the match objectives so I guess I have to do it.

Same thing happens with healing where your best bet is often to camp out safely until the optimal time to use your ultimate. The benefits of playing offensively is so outweighed by the risks that hiding yourself defensively usually feels like the winning move. Is it effective? Absolutely. Is it fun? Not at all. I've gotten the Play of the Game several times with "clutch" Mercy revives, but all I was doing was hiding behind a corner or box and then pressing Q. Necessary to win those matches sure, but completely uninteresting to actually execute.

I absolutely love all the tactics and strategies associated with side-skirmishes and 1v1s, but those usually are a much smaller piece of the overall gameplay relative to the objective orientated strategies.

This is definitely a valid concern, especially when we look at the competitive leagues.

One of the things that killed competitive TF2 early on was that the most effective strategies on Attack/Defend and Payload maps tended to revolve around "boring" class like Heavy. The only reason it bounced back and became reasonably popular was because leagues began running nothing but 5CP and KotH maps, which force the use of fast classes.

It'd be awesome if Blizzard added 5CP maps to Overwatch. I don't really think that primarily playing on Payload and A/D makes for particularly interesting viewing, and I doubt that the highly defensive play they encourage is what comp players are looking for.


This is definitely a valid concern, especially when we look at the competitive leagues.

One of the things that killed competitive TF2 early on was that the most effective strategies on Attack/Defend and Payload maps tended to revolve around "boring" class like Heavy. The only reason it bounced back and became reasonably popular was because leagues began running nothing but 5CP and KotH maps, which force the use of fast classes.

It'd be awesome if Blizzard added 5CP maps to Overwatch. I don't really think that primarily playing on Payload and A/D makes for particularly interesting viewing, and I doubt that the highly defensive play they encourage is what comp players are looking for.
I really dislike this because I really dislike Scout in TF2 and 5CP TF2 maps -- crazy fast and hard to hit. Although I also dislike 5CP TF2 maps because of the endless back and forth. With a time limit they might be okay.

It's probably no coincidence Tracer is my most disliked class in Overwatch. McCree flashbang is I guess the best option, and even that might get nerfed.
I really dislike this because I really dislike Scout in TF2 and 5CP TF2 maps -- crazy fast and hard to hit. Although I also dislike 5CP TF2 maps because of the endless back and forth. With a time limit they might be okay.

It's probably no coincidence Tracer is my most disliked class in Overwatch. McCree flashbang is I guess the best option, and even that might get nerfed.

5CP is trash in TF2 pubs because each team has twelve (bad) players and no class limits. It's by far the best gamemode for Sixes, however. Matches pretty rarely go past 15 minutes.
This is definitely a valid concern, especially when we look at the competitive leagues.

One of the things that killed competitive TF2 early on was that the most effective strategies on Attack/Defend and Payload maps tended to revolve around "boring" class like Heavy. The only reason it bounced back and became reasonably popular was because leagues began running nothing but 5CP and KotH maps, which force the use of fast classes.

It'd be awesome if Blizzard added 5CP maps to Overwatch. I don't really think that primarily playing on Payload and A/D makes for particularly interesting viewing, and I doubt that the highly defensive play they encourage is what comp players are looking for.

The king of the hill maps in this game favour fast heroes and that is why you see cheese comps like 2 lucio, 2 winston, 2 mccree in comp games. There is much more diversity in the payload games.


I have to say, my experience consistently fails to match the one everyone is reporting where Reinhardt is vital to success as the attacking team.

I don't find this to be true at all. If anything, I dislike having Reinhardt on my team on the attack because he stultifies my team's play into an extremely vulnerable pattern of grouping up behind Reinhardt, where they can easily be bombed or flanked. With a better tank people play more aggressively. It's easy to push the payload if everybody is just dead.

Anybody can push the payload. It has a big heal on it to help you out. You don't need to hide behind a shield -- just hide behind the payload! Don't tie yourself to one little landknecht.
The king of the hill maps in this game favour fast heroes and that is why you see cheese comps like 2 lucio, 2 winston, 2 mccree in comp games. There is much more diversity in the payload games.

I enjoy watching those cheese comps in KotH more than I enjoy watching Payload matches. Would enjoy them even more without BS stuns everywhere, but whatever.

I have to say, my experience consistently fails to match the one everyone is reporting where Reinhardt is vital to success as the attacking team.

I don't find this to be true at all. If anything, I dislike having Reinhardt on my team on the attack because he stultifies my team's play into an extremely vulnerable pattern of grouping up behind Reinhardt, where they can easily be bombed or flanked. With a better tank people play more aggressively. It's easy to push the payload if everybody is just dead.

Anybody can push the payload. It has a big heal on it to help you out. You don't need to hide behind a shield -- just hide behind the payload! Don't tie yourself to one little landknecht.

Somebody always has to be on the Payload regardless, and there's nothing about shields that force your entire team to group up behind them.


The king of the hill maps in this game favour fast heroes and that is why you see cheese comps like 2 lucio, 2 winston, 2 mccree in comp games. There is much more diversity in the payload games.

If (when?) they implement ranked playlists, I would like to see a single hero restriction for each team (mirrors are fine but no 2x of a hero).

What do I spend my hard-earned gold on?

I prefer Ra. But Djinn gives you fancy balls.
If (when?) they implement ranked playlists, I would like to see a single hero restriction for each team (mirrors are fine but no 2x of a hero).

I prefer Ra. But Djinn gives you fancy balls.

Lol, that's exactly what I'm thinking atm. I like Ra more overall but the first person view of Djinnyatta looks better :p


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Anybody can push the payload. It has a big heal on it to help you out. You don't need to hide behind a shield -- just hide behind the payload! Don't tie yourself to one little landknecht.

I think what Reinhardt really does it make it obvious everyone is supposed to be close together. People have this weird tendency to ignore the "group on me" callout but are perfectly happy to gather behind a Reinhardt. "Instant Teamwork, just add Rein".

For hybrid maps this is really invaluable because to get through an entrenched defense you need a coordinated assault. People refuse to coordinate in most cases but the calculus changes when they think they can/should just follow behind a Rein. It's not so much the shield as what it encourages: a unified front.
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