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Where do you stand on No Man's Sky?


Gold Member
Not as insanely hyped as I once was (it has just been too long), but still excited and definitely there day 1 (unless there are indications that the PS4 version is no good).


tentatively excited

pretty sure it's not going to live up to what most of the people hyped about it think it is. though at this point he's done a pretty good job showing off what the game is. I just feel like a lot of people have this grand expectation that it's so much more, when it really isn't

I like the idea of exploring, the planets, space battles, etc. but at the same time I feel like after the first 10 planets they will all feel samey with small variations, not enough to keep my interest

i hope to be wrong


In the "What do you do in this game?" camp
Not quite this but it feels like developers have been too...careful in showing the game off I feel. It feels like they show just enough of the game to get people talking and fill in the blanks themselves, but not enough to really sink your teeth into. Right now I'm in the "wait and see" camp.


lol at the vitriol on page one.

"Maybe if I was 15" lolololol

This is Elite Dangerous with survival stuff like The Long Dark. Plenty of adults and people with lives play those games.

The narrative this game has garnered since reveal has been nuts.


Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Will probably pass. Already have Elite Dangerous Horizons that I'm struggling to get into.

Exploration for exploration isn't really my cup of tea.


Heh. I feel like the devs finally showing what you do tin this game is what made me lose my interest in it. The more I saw, the more the novelty wore off and it started to just look really boring.


lol at the vitriol on page one.

"Maybe if I was 15" lolololol

This is Elite Dangerous with survival stuff like The Long Dark. Plenty of adults and people with lives play those games.

The narrative this game has garnered since reveal has been nuts.


It is pretty sad, and weird.


Cool concept. I fear it's going to be another Spore.

Skeptical that it's going to be fun for more than 3-4 hours, but we'll see.


I'm both excited and pessimistic. It's hugely ambitious, and great if they can deliver on the promises of it, but how good it is will hinge largely on the amount of variability that the generation engine will provide and how unique each planet feels to play on.

I think it remains to be seen how well they deliver on that promise, and will take some reviews and impressions to figure out,

It's one of those games that I think might initially wow the shit out of you, but a month later you realize that all
of the differences between planets are superficial or skin deep. I fear that it will be "this planet has red rhinos with one big horn, this one has blue rhinos with three big horns" but all of the rhinos functionally act the same, or that a planet with an acid atmosphere and one with a burning hot temperature are only really different in how they look and the gear upgrades you
Need to survive, but functionally there's really no gameplay difference.
lol at the vitriol on page one.

"Maybe if I was 15" lolololol

This is Elite Dangerous with survival stuff like The Long Dark. Plenty of adults and people with lives play those games.

The narrative this game has garnered since reveal has been nuts.




My hype for this game is very high I usually don't get my hype too high and just enjoy my games when I get them

This game is special because it's the kind of game I have imagined since I was a kid so it's like a dream game for me .

But I don't have any unrealistic expectations for the game here is what I expect :

- Exploring planets
- Upgrading equipment
- Flying in Space
- Discovering stuffs

I expect that I might even get bored after while but that's Okay .

TL;DR still getting it day one on PC


I know the concept, but am not very aware of the game itself. I still don't know what it the point of the game. Yeah, you explore planets, and fly spaceship, but... Is that it?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Wait and see.

Probably incredible for the early hours, but I can't shake the feeling that ultimately the plenty differences won't be very significant at all leading to a lack of content variety.
I thought it sounded cool. Then I noticed yet again no coop or way to even meet up with a friend.

I don't understand why the best games suited to have a co-op experience always end up just being solo.

It's pretty much off my radar now sadly.


lol at the vitriol on page one.

"Maybe if I was 15" lolololol

This is Elite Dangerous with survival stuff like The Long Dark. Plenty of adults and people with lives play those games.

The narrative this game has garnered since reveal has been nuts.


Wouldn't be a NMS thread without thread shitting and cracking wise about what to do.


I'm going to wait and get it when it's around $20-25 which is pretty much where I got Minecraft. It looks like fun but not $60 worth.
Uh it's a game and I'm excited about it? Not sure how the 'things aren't looking good status' was born, it sounds like preorders are strong and interest is high.

I'm also pretty sure it was only officially delayed once
The game will finally release in August (hopefully). Has been delayed multiple times, no show at E3 this year and a lawsuit settled recently. Their website was last updated in May with the IGN preview. Things aren't looking good for them.

I feel like the game will be mediocre at best.I hope I'm wrong because the game lloks great and the potential is huge.

I really don't understand how you can deduce from any of this that "things aren't looking good for them." What a ridiculous and so off-base thing to say. The delay could have an unfortunate impact on game sales since it was originally supposed to be coming out during a dry period in the games market, but they have Sony's support and they've had ample support from the media and live television to market their game. I'd say things are looking pretty great for them.

As for "where I stand" I'm cautiously optimistic about the game. I think it has a solid chance to be great. Will wait for reviews of course.


I still wanna know if it is amazing or if it sucks.

And I'm under the impression that rushed reviews won't make it justice. Gonna wait for community feedback.
Cautiously optimisic to be honest. I think the game may be good, but I've also seen enough. I'll buy it day one after the reviews come out to make sure I'm happy with spending $60 on it.
Curious, but not nearly enough to warrant a purchase. I don't think it's going to be my type of game because I generally prefer more linear experiences.

Also, the footage hasn't done a lot for me.


Gold Member
As another big, spawling, aimless open-environment game... I've got zero interest. I prefer games with a tighter focus/linearity to them.

Stop saying it's aimless. It's not. You have a very clear aim, which is getting to the center of the galaxy (to where the galactic map will show the closest path). It's basically about getting better and better warp drives for your ship(s) so you can jump further and further, but exactly how you go about doing that is up to you. You can be a fighter, a trader, a miner, a discoverer, etc. If you can't handle that freedom, if you need your hand held every step of the way with waypoints showing you exactly where to go at all times, then yeah, this game isn't for you.
I think it's going to have a really shitty gameplay loop.

to clarify gameplay loop: it looks like your standard survival game skinnerbox + the combat that they showed looked really shallow and the flying controls look really shallow.
The fact that there is zero permanence makes anything you do even more meaningless

Not a fan of procedural generation in general either

People looking forward to this game should try empyrion : galactic survival

that game is everything this game isn't (build bases, design and build ships and vehicles from scratch, build your own mobile space carrier base, deformable terrain that is actually permanent, take over enemy bases and make them yours, coop)
I think people need hear Sean to say:

"You haven't seen shit yet".

That is what I want from this game. I want a Demon's Souls like experience.
Don't much care for it personally.

I'm happy for those who are excited and looking forward to it, but it's not doing much for me despite the fact that I'm a huge sci-fi nerd. The "endless" universe doesn't excite me in the slightest since each planet is procedurally generated and they'll have the same objectives over and over again only with a few different flavors (different weather, creatures, minerals, etc).

I'm big on narrative and "get to the center of the universe" does nothing for me, so I'll pass.


Depending on the day I'm either cautiously optimistic or I think it'll bomb hard and get worse reviews than expected.

The reveal excited me but each showing after killed my hype.


It looks cool, but I honestly cannot see myself sitting on this game for hours. Just not my type of thing. Pretty much like someone said, it reminds me of Minecraft with better graphics.
I think it is going to have a similar life as both Driveclub and The Order. If you want it to be good bad enough, you will find it enjoyable. But most will find it underwhelming.

So I'm guessing about 32 threads on the game post release.


Sounds like a potentially amazing concept, but I'm not totally sold on the idea that just wandering around aimlessly and finding random things will keep my attention very long, and I haven't heard much else about the gameplay. So for now I'm not preordering and I'm going to wait on reviews.

It also seems like a bad choice to me to design it without co-op multiplayer in mind (e.g. you and your friend find each other, party up, and go aimlessly exploring together). Playing something like that with other people would, I think, hold my attention better, in the same way that I find multiplayer Minecraft with friends has infinitely more staying power than singleplayer.

Maybe I just still don't understand what the game is, but that's why I'm waiting for more info. I really want to like it.


If it is out (and not a disaster) i will buy it instantly and not only that i will also buy a 1080gtx and a vive ^^
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