Has the Burnley video by Channel 4 been posted yet?
Many times, but it is indeed a shitshow.
Has the Burnley video by Channel 4 been posted yet?
I feel like the politicians did not really listen, if they do a deal that allows free movement...they may as well not bothered holding a referendum....we will literally be back to square one...immigration will still be the issue every one raises at GE...
as hard as this sounds, free movement has got to be a red line, or it was a waste of everyones time
This is interesting. What it would take to deliver a second referendum.
I feel like the politicians did not really listen, if they do a deal that allows free movement...they may as well not bothered holding a referendum....
I feel like the politicians did not really listen, if they do a deal that allows free movement...they may as well not bothered holding a referendum....we will literally be back to square one...immigration will still be the issue every one raises at GE...
as hard as this sounds, free movement has got to be a red line, or it was a waste of everyones time
Yeah right people in UK will not buy German cars but real british cars like the bentley, the mini or the rolls royce.... Oh wait..
UK will loose a huge chunk of its financial services business and rhe capital that cpmes with it.
There is nonway the EU will allow London to remain the main place to trade Euros, state bonds etc. in the future and will simply not issue EU Passports to banks that have seats only in London.
So yeah UK wants something from EU for sure.
indeed, but whatever I wrote people would of said no chance
Has the Burnley video by Channel 4 been posted yet?
I feel like the politicians did not really listen, if they do a deal that allows free movement...they may as well not bothered holding a referendum....we will literally be back to square one...immigration will still be the issue every one raises at GE...
as hard as this sounds, free movement has got to be a red line, or it was a waste of everyones time
They're basically burning the country to the ground to get back at Westminster. Cutting your nose off to spite your face is a fitting expression for those people.
Many times, but it is indeed a shitshow.
This is interesting. What it would take to deliver a second referendum.
I feel like the politicians did not really listen, if they do a deal that allows free movement...they may as well not bothered holding a referendum....we will literally be back to square one...immigration will still be the issue every one raises at GE...
as hard as this sounds, free movement has got to be a red line, or it was a waste of everyones time
I feel like the politicians did not really listen, if they do a deal that allows free movement...they may as well not bothered holding a referendum....we will literally be back to square one...immigration will still be the issue every one raises at GE...
as hard as this sounds, free movement has got to be a red line, or it was a waste of everyones time
So UK demands no freedom of movement, how do you expect that will affect the rest of the terms of any agreement? You'd be giving EU less, what do you think they'll do in return?
spoiler alert: your trade deals will be even worse if you don't put freedom of movement on the table.
Thankfully the National Front were a bit outnumbered at that demo.
Just responding to the trolls who think Merkel is going to give UK a very hard shaft, cant see it myself, UK is not in a position like Greece where we are asking for money or help.
not by me, just to clear
All this can be negotiated, UK imports more than it exports, it's in EU's best interests to remain tapped into the UK market by not fucking with UK's financial services sector too much, I doubt either side will want to get too nasty.
UK just dared to vote for leave and Brexit won, I think people understand now that it's possible, the door has been opened whether we like this or not.
Not being a part of the EU a country most likely can establish quotas in terms of how many people they can allow into the country legally.
Depending on public sentiment/pressure current governments can be pressured into considering the possibility, they might not want to bet all their political capital on sticking with the EU when they've just witness Cameron's folly.
It was mentioned several times before but if they actually do that now, it is good.
That has, however, nothing to do with the other guy cheering for the UK to hold the EU hostage, thus causing economic damage which in turn means people losing jobs etc etc.
1. They aren't burning the country to the ground. Stop being so laughably melodramatic.
2. I can see why the politicians, London 'elite' and coffee shop middle classes would see it this way.
Maybe the rest of the country thinks 'Fuck those people'. They've neglected and sneered at the concerns of everyone else for ages.
Is there a link to the whole thing or just the one making the rounds on Twitter?
Now this is funny.Maybe the xenophobic Leavers couldn't handle Nadiya winning the Bake Off I mean come on she made SODA CHEESECAKES I WANT THAT she deserved the win.
Has the Burnley video by Channel 4 been posted yet?
All this can be negotiated, UK imports more than it exports, it's in EU's best interests to remain tapped into the UK market by not fucking with UK's financial services sector too much, I doubt either side will want to get too nasty.
Fuck this bullshit.![]()
And if we were to force a deal without free movement there won't be very severe implications elsewhere?
Christ, the mentality of Brexiters whenever they're asked to explain 'now what?'. The graphs say it all.
1. They aren't burning the country to the ground. Stop being so laughably melodramatic.
2. I can see why the politicians, London 'elite' and coffee shop middle classes would see it this way.
Maybe the rest of the country thinks 'Fuck those people'. They've neglected and sneered at the concerns of everyone else for ages.
All this can be negotiated, UK imports more than it exports, it's in EU's best interests to remain tapped into the UK market by not fucking with UK's financial services sector too much, I doubt either side will want to get too nasty.
Not sure I can take any more interviews with the elderly who apparently voted out of nostalgia for "the good old days".
At the end of the day, in negotiations, what's more important is who has better hands to negotiate with. UK is in a much worse position.
That's is not to say they will get royally screwed, but I'm not sure you'll get what you think you can get.
It's fascinating how little the EU actually has to do with 95% of what they are worried about.
They hate the Tories, yet they've made them more powerful than ever. Jesus christ.
So many people had no clue what they were voting for. Xenophobia won out.
This thread is much like the House of Commons, completely out of touch with the rest of the UK.
This thread is much like the House of Commons, completely out of touch with the rest of the UK.
This thread is much like the House of Commons, completely out of touch with the rest of the UK.
But one of the reasons the city is so big because it was the gateway to the ECP and EuroBonds market.
If that's no longer the case that business may be going to Frankfurt or Dublin. That's a sizable drop in non-EU services trade as well.
it is not my mentality, I am saying they need to find a way to get a good deal for all parties that blocks free movement...
We all know, the evidence shows the leave campaign won because of the promise of no more immigration, to now undo that, they might as well know what we stuffed up, we can not see any way to progress without allowing free movement, so we are simply going to overturn the referendum...
ok, they will get shat on at the GE, but what we are heading for if they dont block free movement is something no one wants
Just like you're in touch with reality, yeah?This thread is much like the House of Commons, completely out of touch with the rest of the UK.