Zombie James
A game that can be loved beyond its problems, and that can be hated despite its triumphs.

A game that can be loved beyond its problems, and that can be hated despite its triumphs.
So, more like a exaggerated feature then a lie?
I think his review best described it, once I got to the 20 hour mark it got better.
i'm wondering how much this has to do with each person's unique journey. as in, i started off on a shit toxic rain planet, & since then the planets have pretty much continued to get better'n'better, with the latest i've reached actually having trees, & some very cool wildlife running around. i'm thinking how different my overall impressions of the game'd be at this point if, say, this'd happened in reverse...
Thats the problem with a game thats entierly procedurally generated some players are just going to get garbage rng that can cause even the most varied and fun PG game to feel extremely repetitive.
Yeah, it's okay maybe. At least with most games that do that, they're "hitting a stride" mechanically and narratively.I think it's okay if a game "hits its stride" after a few hours, but for it to go from bad to less bad after some larger period of time: that's not great.
Yep, sounds great really.Subnautica is a far more interesting game, I agree. It has a better opening segment and guides the player in a way that gradually reveals the enormity of the world. Plus it has a much more threatening environment which makes venturing out to harvest a challenging task. There are a lot of layers to Subnautica that makes it inherently exciting.
Metacritic is at a 70 now 7 out 10 isn't a bad score at all.
Metacritic is at a 70 now 7 out 10 isn't a bad score at all.
"When I was kid playing space games I thought, 'Someday Im just going to be able to fly through space and explore' and that's what this is. It's that manifestation of what I wanted games to be when I was 10 years old."
Given the actual deviations of individual scores, it's not great.Metacritic is at a 70 now 7 out 10 isn't a bad score at all.
I was curious on a 100 point scale what the deviation is and by my shoddy math it's somewhere around 11.Usually an average of 7 allows a fairly small standard deviation across reviews.
This game swings wildly between 4-10/10. depending on the outlet.
It is though.
Asked in the OT, but might as well ask here. Anyone have success getting a return to Amazon under the complaint of defective/broken?
Given the actual deviations of individual scores, it's not great.
Current scores puts it in the bottom 43% on OpenCritic anyways.
It's not bad, fine. But it's not really a "good" score either.Didn't say it was great but in no way is a 7 out 10 a bad score.
It's not bad, fine. But it's not really a "good" score either.
By the current scoring metrics (whether we like or not), the game is either average or slightly below average.
Well, without the deviation, the point would be that you can't really trumpet a "7" as a "good" score by the current review scale distribution.Given the deviation on review scores, the average is meaningless. You need to understand why each reviewer gave the scores they gave to work out which applies more to you.
It's not bad, fine. But it's not really a "good" score either.
By the current scoring metrics (whether we like or not), the game is either average or slightly below average.
I don't know when a 7 out of 10 became a bad score.
I bet people would have been a LOT kinder if they didn't charge 60 bucks for it :/
They're getting way over their head, it seems.
I just explained it.I read the 10 point scale like I always have If 10 is the best 1 is the worst. That would make a 5 the middle point between great and terrible. How in the world can a 7 out of 10 be below average?
Crashed like six times in an hour for me. So pretty close to barely functioning in my eyes.7/10 is about a 2 or 3 out of 5 in this days rating system. We're looking at about a 50 percent'er here.
A game has to be barely functioning or something to get a 5 by most reviewers standards.
Correct.Basically any rating below 5/10 doesn't exist anymore. This game has multiple ratings in the 9's and 8's.
I would imagine this post will get tarred with being hyperbole or shitposting, but I am going to post it anyway........
The fact that I keep seeing "GOTY material" and "Triumphs that should be applauded" in reviews, just reinforces the concern about how much of a mess the AAA games industry is in.
Basically we have a one trick pony, the only thing this game does that is even remotely revolutionary, is the space-planet-space transition, everything else has been done, and done much better, in other games.
I suppose that you could argue that the proc-gen engine is revolutionary, but at my mind it doesn't work as it was outlined to work in pre-release media, the engine appears to be just random, there is no overall universally law running through it, it doesn't produce coherent synergies between the planets atmosphere and it associated flora and fauna.
The fact that someone can buy this product for $60 and hold it up as a bastion of games design, in it's current state, I just find truly baffling.
For what the game is, I think a 7/10 is an amazing score.
I would imagine this post will get tarred with being hyperbole or shitposting, but I am going to post it anyway........
The fact that I keep seeing "GOTY material" and "Triumphs that should be applauded" in reviews, just reinforces the concern about how much of a mess the AAA games industry is in.
Basically we have a one trick pony, the only thing this game does that is even remotely revolutionary, is the space-planet-space transition, everything else has been done, and done much better, in other games.
I suppose that you could argue that the proc-gen engine is revolutionary, but at my mind it doesn't work as it was outlined to work in pre-release media, the engine appears to be just random, there is no overall universally law running through it, it doesn't produce coherent synergies between the planets atmosphere and it associated flora and fauna.
The fact that someone can buy this product for $60 and hold it up as a bastion of games design, in it's current state, I just find truly baffling.
For what the game is, I think a 7/10 is an amazing score.
I think the engine and the tech are all pretty cool, maybe even revolutionary.I would imagine this post will get tarred with being hyperbole or shitposting, but I am going to post it anyway........
The fact that I keep seeing "GOTY material" and "Triumphs that should be applauded" in reviews, just reinforces the concern about how much of a mess the AAA games industry is in.
Basically we have a one trick pony, the only thing this game does that is even remotely revolutionary, is the space-planet-space transition, everything else has been done, and done much better, in other games.
I suppose that you could argue that the proc-gen engine is revolutionary, but at my mind it doesn't work as it was outlined to work in pre-release media, the engine appears to be just random, there is no overall universally law running through it, it doesn't produce coherent synergies between the planets atmosphere and it associated flora and fauna.
The fact that someone can buy this product for $60 and hold it up as a bastion of games design, in it's current state, I just find truly baffling.
For what the game is, I think a 7/10 is an amazing score.
Didn't say it was great but in no way is a 7 out 10 a bad score.
Asked in the OT, but might as well ask here. Anyone have success getting a return to Amazon under the complaint of defective/broken?
Given the actual deviations of individual scores, it's not great.
Current scores puts it in the bottom 43% on OpenCritic anyways.
They lied regarding the planetary physics though. They do not move, they do not rotate.
Actually sun is totally faked too.
I don't want to endlessly debate this, but it's all dependent on what you think a 70 means in the current distribution of review scores.Only 9 out of 35 metacritic reviews give it below 70. It's a good score.
I don't want to endlessly debate this, but it's all dependent on what you think a 70 means in the current distribution of review scores.
It's obvious what Metacritic thinks the distribution is since the game is currently labeled with the "Mixed or Average" color and 19 out of 35 reviews are labeled as "mixed or average."
As someone who’s put hundreds of hours into the Elite series, No Man’s Sky was always going to sink its hooks into me. It isn’t perfect by any means, and the PS4 version I played has to be the most crash-prone game I’ve encountered on the system. These technical issues, and the problems with inventory, haven’t been remotely enough to stop me from loving this beautiful, wonderful space fantasy. The game speaks to me in a way that few other games ever have, and I know I’m going to get many more hours out of it.
No Man’s Sky manages to be a hugely impressive accomplishment for the team at Hello Games, but the hubris and hype meant it could never live up to the expectations heaped upon it. Despite the various caveats and areas that Hello will look to improve upon over the coming months, you can so easily lose hours at a time landing on a new and interesting planet for the first time, giving the local flora and fauna idiotic names, before falling down a hole and getting lost in a sprawling cave system, only to do the exact same thing on the next planet over. There’s nothing quite like it.
Basically any rating below 5/10 doesn't exist anymore. This game has multiple ratings in the 9's and 8's.
That's crazy to me. When I think of a 9 or 8 I think of things like FFVI or Super Mario World. Certainly not a game that has major issues on PC and has severely over promised.
I'm anticipating another huge patch soon with more content (completely unsubstantiated - I just imagine there's one coming), I think they're stretched to the limit, unsurprisingly. It's insane how this indie game has been blown up into this monster. The game seems unfinished.Yeah I don't get it either. I think the reviews are far too lenient. The game has crashed 5 or 6 times for me. The gameplay is bare-bones and they are charging full price. I'd personally say 4/10 or 5/10. It isn't even the fact I don't like the game. There are plenty of games I don't but at least there is actual gameplay in those. It's like they just added stuff last minute.
It's not crazy to me.Basically any rating below 5/10 doesn't exist anymore. This game has multiple ratings in the 9's and 8's.
That's crazy to me. When I think of a 9 or 8 I think of things like FFVI or Super Mario World. Certainly not a game that has major issues on PC and has severely over promised.
Just hit 20 hours last night, nothing particular happened at 20 hours of course but this game has further solidified itself as my GOTY this year. Haven't spent this much of my free time playing a game since, well, can't even remember. 20 hours and I've had the game for 3 nights. For me this is some kind of record.
Still ticking off the checkboxes at my first 3 planets and space station, a few boxes left and a planned big upgrade on my ship, then I'm off to discover new solar systems. Wooo!
I'm not sure if I'm just not being clear, but the point here isn't about the labels outlets use. Yes, an outlet may call a particular score "good" and if you want to use that metric, go ahead.When gamespot gives the game 70 and calls it good, then as someone who grew up with gs and other big publications, a 70 is good. If JS, who is generaly more critical about big hyped up games, givs the game 50 - than 70 is good.
This is a big factor as well.It's not crazy to me.
You have to realise for big publishers, they won't release a game which is 1-5(Broken ports aside). If they see it being that bad, they just won't release it.
Then there's the issue of reviewers not having the time to review the piles of trash which are on Steam Greenlight, the main place where there is the legitimately terrible 1-5 games.
I'll be honest, I'm shocked that someone like Gareth with his background in writing liked this game.Kill Screen 87/100
Where did you see it being held up as a bastion in games design? I think even the people that love it, mostly love it despite itself.I would imagine this post will get tarred with being hyperbole or shitposting, but I am going to post it anyway........
The fact that I keep seeing "GOTY material" and "Triumphs that should be applauded" in reviews, just reinforces the concern about how much of a mess the AAA games industry is in.
Basically we have a one trick pony, the only thing this game does that is even remotely revolutionary, is the space-planet-space transition, everything else has been done, and done much better, in other games.
I suppose that you could argue that the proc-gen engine is revolutionary, but at my mind it doesn't work as it was outlined to work in pre-release media, the engine appears to be just random, there is no overall universally law running through it, it doesn't produce coherent synergies between the planets atmosphere and it associated flora and fauna.
The fact that someone can buy this product for $60 and hold it up as a bastion of games design, in it's current state, I just find truly baffling.
For what the game is, I think a 7/10 is an amazing score.
Where did you see it being held up as a bastion in games design? I think even the people that love it, mostly love it despite itself.