Any news on the streaming capabilities? 720p30 doesn't look too great when streaming to YouTube.
You can already stream 720p60 to YouTube on the current PS4 so I would be surprised if it wasn't 1080 on this.
This is great. Remote Play could stand to look better than the 720p we currently have.
I imagine this will be patched to the base PS4, too?
This is great. Remote Play could stand to look better than the 720p we currently have.
I imagine this will be patched to the base PS4, too?
Really? When I was streaming Doom, it wasn't streaming at 60fps.
It's part of the 4.0 firmware.
Shrug, depends on the congestion in your area.I'm going cold turkey on wi-fi.
Is that the firmware that's coming out soon? Release date on that?
Next week
is it fair to assume that this also means PS4 Pro Twitch Streams will be 1080p @ 60fps?
My brother has a PS4. Can I remote play the game he has on disc on my own PS4?
Good thing my Vita is 1080p.... Oh wait....
My PC is though
Shrug, depends on the congestion in your area.
Barely anyone near me is on the 5ghz band so 5ghz AC is rock solid with excellent pings (the ping to the nearest speedtest host for me is 5-9ms despite being on wifi).
Wired supremacy is overblown nowadays (again, unless you're in a congested area).
That's called Share Play. It's been around for years now and all PS4 models support it.
Worked flawlessly every time ive tried iti cant do shareplay with my friends at all. has anyone actually tried this?
lol at addiction.
The hardware that's used for captures and remote play is the same hardware used for streaming direct from the console. So if one feature is capable of 1080p/60, they all are.What is all this Twitch streaming talk? This will only happen if they remote play to their PC and stream from there. That means increased latency and potential artifacts. I don't see many pro streams dealing with that vs a capture card + streaming PC setup that exists today with any console.
Share play = when a friend can play a game on your console. (That weird feature barely anybody used)
Remote Play = streaming from the PS4 to a Vita, Sony smartphone, or PC.
5ghz WiFi doesn't make twitch streaming faster.
When using Remote Play to my PC, does the speed of my internet connection make a difference? Or just the router itself? I see the official site mentions you need 20mbps upload speed, which I'm nowhere near.