If you are streaming outside your home, it's your internet connection that matters. If you are streaming in-home with your PS4 and PC connected to the same router, only your router matters and the internet is not involved.
Gives me the opportunity to play on my XB270HU monitor, which has a far greater picture than the monitor I'll be connecting the PS4 too, but I've read about some visual downgrades due to the streaming, so lord knows if I'll actually use it.
OK this thing is actually out now. Has anyone been able to do any analysis on this yet? I can't be the only person here who is very interested in this.
Guys do you have an idea why I cannot connect "via nearby" from my remoteplay PC app? It is only working "via internet" or if I register it manually. No issues with my OG PS4.
"Connect directly with PS Vita/PS TV" is ticked.
Barely anyone near me is on the 5ghz band so 5ghz AC is rock solid with excellent pings (the ping to the nearest speedtest host for me is 5-9ms despite being on wifi).
Wired supremacy is overblown nowadays (again, unless you're in a congested area).