The PS4 doesn't automatically upload game saves to the cloud like Xbone, right?
That really doesn't tie in with other people who have done it, the difference with this video is that they've chosen to run it through their router/switch which may well have a bearing on the length of time it took.Games Trader was saying it takes about 9 hours to transfer 395GB from one PS4 to another. If this is true, it will take 35 hours to transfer my 1.5TB I have on my current PS4 HDD.
Does it really take that long to transfer or is Games Trader is wrong?
It does, if you have PS+.
That really doesn't tie in with other people who have done it, the difference with this video is that they've chosen to run it through their router/switch which may well have a bearing on the length of time it took.
The quicker ones seem to have done it via the other method of a single ethernet cable from one PS4 to the other and connecting online wirelessly.
I'm still surprised at their speeds but I am wondering what equipment they actually because it would be as slow as the slowest part that you have, which for them could be one of two cables or their router/switch. I'd be amazed if it was the router/switch for a professional team like theirs so I suppose a stray Cat 5 cable could ended up in their setup, somehow.And looks like a normal Cat6 cable can do the difference.
Yes, but the PS4 Pro will need to erase the 2TB HDD before it can use it, so you'll lose everything off the 2TB HDD.Wonder if I can:
1. Deactivate my PS4 as my primary
2. Remove it's 2TB HDD
3. Replace PS4 PRO 1TB HDD by the 2TB HDD from PS4
4. Activate the PS4 PRO as my primary.
Would it work?
I'm still surprised at their speeds but I am wondering what equipment they actually because it would be as slow as the slowest part that you have, which for them could be one of two cables or their router/switch. I'd be amazed if it was the router/switch for a professional team like theirs so I suppose a stray Cat 5 cable could ended up in their setup, somehow.
Ideally, people should be checking this stuff before starting their transfer but I wouldn't;t be surprised if a lot of people just think of an ethernet cable as an ethernet cable.
I may as well add this for people.
Ethernet RJ45 Speeds & Cables - Everything you Need to Know as Fast As Possible - A short YouTube video too.
Yes, but the PS4 Pro will need to erase the 2TB HDD before it can use it, so you'll lose everything off the 2TB HDD.
Games Trader was saying it takes about 9 hours to transfer 395GB from one PS4 to another. If this is true, it will take 35 hours to transfer my 1.5TB I have on my current PS4 HDD.
Does it really take that long to transfer or is Games Trader is wrong?
Sweet! Thats not badTook me 3+ hours for 617 GB, over a router. Not even a direct connection.
Awesome, thanks! Would love to know if PS4 Pro's Ethernet is capable of CAT 6a and CAT 7 speeds.
Wonder when someone will actually test this. Whoever does first will be our hero.
The PS4 doesn't automatically upload game saves to the cloud like Xbone, right?
It does, if you have PS+.
Wonder if I can:
1. Deactivate my PS4 as my primary
2. Remove it's 2TB HDD
3. Replace PS4 PRO 1TB HDD by the 2TB HDD from PS4
4. Activate the PS4 PRO as my primary.
Would it work?
Awesome, thanks! Would love to know if PS4 Pro's Ethernet is capable of CAT 6a and CAT 7 speeds.
Anybody answer the SataIII question yet? Do we get incredible speeds or not?
Is Ethernet faster than external hard drive? Does the Ethernet cable matter?
Sounds like external had is faster. Though I am backing up right now and it's taking five hours for 460gb.
I hope the restore doesn't take this long as well.
I've read that the restore is significantly quicker than the back up
Any chance it will download faster due to the AC wireless? Or is PSN the sole limiting factor?
I have a 5tb external hard drive that i currently use on windows 10. Can i backup my current ps4 hdd on this without losing all my data? or will the ps4 wipe this entire 5tb hard drive to make a backup?
so here's a question, if there is in fact a bottleneck that prevents taking advantage of higher speeds, why even bother including SATA III in the first place?
so here's a question, if there is in fact a bottleneck that prevents taking advantage of higher speeds, why even bother including SATA III in the first place?
It won't wipe the external drive. It just creates a folder and backs up everything there.
You are long past 10GB saves? Wow, you must play a lot of games.It does, but be careful as it has a cap of how much data it will allow. I'm long past the capped amount so I have to keep going in and deleting old saves out of their cloud storage.
You have to download and put the system firmware file on a USB drive and do the special bootup where you can reinitialize and install the OS.So lets say i buy a SSD, i take out the HDD from the Pro and put in the SSD, is that all? the PS4 then installs the os on it's own or is there more to it...?
Nobody knows yet but it's highly unlikely.
Gonna delete all my disc-based games before I move it over since they'll be super easy to install really quickly again.
And does anybody know if there's a noticable difference between the two FireCuda models ST1000LX015 and ST1000DX002? The latter one runs at 7200 rpm, while the ST1000LX015 runs at only 5400 rpm.
The current prices here in Germany:
HGST Travelstar 7K1000 1TB: 59 Euro
Seagate FireCuda 1TB (ST1000LX015, 5400rpm): 69 Euro
Seagate FireCuda 1TB (ST1000DX002, 7200 rpm): 78 Euro
Isn't the 7200rpm a 3.5" drive?
You are long past 10GB saves? Wow, you must play a lot of games.
Anyone want to place bets on whether we find out about the SSD speeds before Thursday?
The wait is killing me lol.
I'd definitely agree with the comment about the Cat 7 cables as you're essentially paying extra for the superior shielding and that fact that the cable is physically more durable than the other specs. I'd only really recommend Cat 7 to somebody laying out cabling as infrastructure in a building and you're just not going to benefit from Cat 7 when passing data between two pieces of hardware like you would be here.I highly doubt it - the PS4 can do a maximum of 1gbit (1000BASE-T) using a Marvell Alaska 88EC060-NNB2. There is literally no benefit for the PS4 to go 10gbit, given their drive to keep costs low with the Pro, I would be floored if they did anything with the wired speeds.
With regards to that chart, Cat 7 is not an official ratified standard, so people should stick with Cat6a to ensure backward compatibility with existing technologies.
EDIT: Further research indicates the only Network hardware change for the Pro vs OG PS4 is the upping of Wireless to 802.11ac standard. No change was made to wired. So 1gigabit is the limit.
Didn't mean to imply that, I do have above 100 games, including some heavy hitters (save size wise) like LBP3, but I am currently below 6GB. I meant it literally, you probably really just have a lot of it is not impossible to hit the 10GB cap with just PS4 games.
I think we would have heard about improved loading times in reviews if this thing actually supported full SATA3, even with the stock HDD.